The War of the Light Begins Early for Members!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. LIVETASER New Player

    You can always create your own game and add everything you want it. BTW Thanks devs for this Rage craze!
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  2. kidd94kidd New Player

    oh i cant wait to see how many people complain about a nerf
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  3. LIVETASER New Player

    buying dlc is not legendary. Go to a country golf club house with members and tell then you want every benefit the members that PAY have because you pay to play golf there every week and get yourself, schooled on rules, if you make a fuss, you get banned from there. DC has the same marketing strategy just as every club that requires membership. You get perks for membership not for buying things that members get for free.
    Better yet, go cry to Sony about how you should get the same perk those on PLUS get since you buy a few things on the marketplace. LOL!
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  4. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Just went legendary here waiting for the servers to go back online. :cool:
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  5. LIVETASER New Player

    The Devs made that choice.
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  6. Alexander 2814 Active Player

    Best analogy yet!
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  7. Alil2good666 New Player

    Time to rage quit like I've never rage quit before.
  8. Kiza Uzumaki New Player

  9. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    They want to start new tiers of gear with a "small" DLC pack. They screwed up with Origin Crisis and should've had SoT in front of it.... So the next DLC will be a small content DLC and likely start T6 as well.
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  10. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    I'm so leaving work early today to build out my new "guy".. Already have an idea of where I'm going with this character!
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  11. Jamie New Player

    So what? You have plenty of content that you can play with out ever spending a dime. The game is F2P. The DLC's are merely expansion packs that are not included in the F2P version. F2P gets plenty and with as much whinning as you guys do I think that the forums should only be open to Premiums and Legendary, the people that keep this game in operation. You get an amazing amount of content for what you pay for so quit being ungrateful or go elsewhere. I would say that SOE would miss you money except you don't shell out any for them to miss.
  12. Dark Suzumebachi Well-Known Player

    A neff? You know that's coming, lol. I wonder how many fail Tanks there are gonna be considering it take forever to find a tank for Nex/Wave.

    LFG: "Need non Rage Tank for new raid."

    1 month later

    Same as celestial was for healing, now it's accepted.
  13. Kiza Uzumaki New Player

    real ****
  14. Fightingbudha New Player

    Woo hoo my download started on the ps4. Another 8gb download mepps is taking over my hard drive
  15. ZramTA New Player

    Mepps i have a question. Is it always going to be like this for ps4 large updates but ps3 small ? I dont understand why we have to download a bigger update on ps4 when its the same files as ps3 ?
  16. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    Mepps ive question m8 , can u put exo in new zone ? Like new gotam and metropolis ...
  17. Kiza Uzumaki New Player

    i agree with u up till the part where " You have to pay much more to than just legendary to be in with the best of the best on this game." this implies that u should get all the perks free but atleast u dont mind payin lol
  18. TeenWuulf Well-Known Player

    Pretty sure Mepps said that with the PS4 updates, you have to overwrite the existing data entirely instead of just patching it like with the PS3 (I might be mis-remembering the source).
  19. CoolWhora New Player

    I love you Mepps:) kisses:)) mu aa
  20. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    I'm so excited I'm gonna piss!
    are servers up yet?