ZOE is balanced, TR/NC finally scared of VS MAXes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by InMedeasRage, May 26, 2013.

  1. Hitback

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  2. Shockwave44

    You can but you still can't move. If anything I would make sure it was off so I wouldn't take more damage.

    Why would a concussion grenade prevent you from turning it on or off anyway? Just like why would it prevent you from locking down or using your shield?
  3. Shockwave44

    They detonate on impact.
  4. Shockwave44

    That's one way. Do I have to do everything for you?

    They didn't need to send that many MAXes but that was their choice.
  5. Shizukage

    ZOE may seem OP, but all you need as a TR is the Heavy Assault Chaingun, it MELTS ZOE. Though arguably the speedbonus + ADAD spam might be a bit ridiculous considering the servers aren't always up to par when big fights are going on and it turns strafing into teleporting.
  6. Shockwave44

    Proper line of sight? He was in view of about 2 second at each turn. You must be sooooo great, right? Besides, the place was locked down, someone else was going to kill him since he was already spotted.

    Because he heard me coming.


    Pretty cut and dry but I didn't post it to convenience you. It's just straight up solid proof you can out run a ZOE MAX.

    Interesting, you just described the NC scatmax over the last 7 months.
  7. NightFalls998

  8. Messaiga

    Fixed. All Max's are pretty scary if you run into them, regardless of faction. ZOE is not OP, rather I think Lockdown and Aegis Shield are slightly UP. Although I still think ZOE should have some limit like a time it stays active for and a cooldown considering it activates instantly and at the moment that extra amount of damage you get hit with is very slight and is hardly noticeable since people will miss a lot. Only time Max's are not scary is when you see them but they don't see you, or if you're a Peek-a-boo Rocket Heavy. IMO ZOE should have focused more on the damage boost then the movement speed but this is what we have to deal with right now: A purple crab that glows pink, has an effective range of about 40 meters, does large amounts of damage to all non-vehicle targets with low amounts of recoil and a large clip size, fast reload speed. If you use Blueshifts you have a small COF and no damage drop, add in ZOE and you have a weapon that equals the DPS of most close range carbines but with a larger clip size and fast reload. Aegis Shield gives me a glowing shoot me sign that allows splash damage through, with no ability to fight back or even pose a real threat. Lockdown gives somebody the ability to be immobile Rocket/C4 bait in return for a large increase in ROF, Projectile Speed, and Reload Speed. Aegis Shield takes about 0.5 seconds to raise, Lockdown takes a second to lockdown, ZOE activates at the click of an F-Key. Not saying ZOE is OP, but it definitely looks very superior to the other factions' special ability.
  9. Shockwave44

    What the hell do you consider "reasonable"?

    Oh and stop attacking it by yourself.

    The VS is about maneuverability and adaptability so you better start adapting. However, since it is still slower than infantry, you're just making excuses.

    Hmmm, kinda like how our magrider is awful out in the open and up close while the vanguard can just plow through any tank with their shield up. Or how our lasher has such a small niche, it is still awful at what it does that you need 40 of them to be useful. However, the TR's MCG can rip apart infantry at medium distance now.

    So now we have the ZOE and you have niche abilities. You can pretty much guess that I don't care. Like I said, you want what we have, that's why you want it nerfed. Not because it's OP. It doesn't matter because all you have to do is kill them, which is pretty easy, just stop lonewolfing it.
  10. FendleyFire

    I just wondered when you called me a misinformed troll for stating that concussion grenades have absolutely NO RELEVANCE to ZOE MAX balance in the slightest because they are a counter for all infantry and affect everyone equally. Then you told me to use the test server for some reason?
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  11. Shockwave44

    Yeah, concussion grenades works on ZOE MAXes. End of story.
  12. Belacossa

    If ZOE, Aegis and lock down were common pool which option would you pick most of the time? I think these forums would break if the Hackmax got hold of a ZOE module.
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  13. FendleyFire

    I might as well be sending internet messages to a brick wall. GG.
  14. agrueeatedu

    It would be perfectly balanced without the speed boost. Right now its impossible to kill a ZOE MAX because you can't hit the damned things.
  15. Machine Spirit

    and this is why this game is doomed, people only want to nerf the other faction, so only their own will remain.
  16. Endlos

    The two main problems I have with ZOE:

    1) This game's netcode is horrible. It's bad enough that cheaters can auto-win fights by spamming ADADADAD as infantry, now they can do it as MAXes? Seriously? Who greenlit letting MAXes strafe like infantry when that lagwarp cheating is still possible?

    2) TR AI MAXes now officially get mulched by both other factions' AI MAXes. Shotgun MAX has always done an imbalanced amount of damage, and now with ZOE's increased speed and damage, VS AI MAXes also walk all over TR AI MAXes. The only way TR stands a chance of doing any real MAX damage with AI arms is with lockdown, which is easily countered.

    I primarily play MAX when I'm not driving a battle-rasser around, and I now have to run and hide from ZOE MAXes like I already had to do with NC MAXes, cursing the SOE gods at being the only faction with AI arms that don't decimate enemy MAX units.

    EDIT -- To better fit in with the thread title, I'm fine with infantry being afraid of a MAX. That should kind of be the point. Proper MAX use and defense should win infantry combat most of the time. My issue is that my TR MAX is now scared of VS MAXes, and he was already scared of NC MAXes.
  17. ({x})Kyoji

    you are clearly missing the point. The point is that without ZOE the VS max is terribly underpowered compared to the NC and TR max. You are telling me a little speed is better than a hacksaw? Tell you want give VS maxes hacksaws and you can take the ZOE. You are just mad because we got a cooler toy to play with and you now have to worry about VS maxes like you do about TR and NC maxes.
  18. Messaiga

    How are VS Max's UP without ZOE? Tell me, how is this? VS Max's have always been a threat. A well played Max of ANY faction can do very well. Also, you guys got comets, which are one of the best AV Max Weapons behind only one thing: The Fracture. Also, IMO Hacksaws SUCK. Grinders are the best NC Max Scattercannon Variant in my opinion. Besides, the problem is that the other 2 abilities are far too situational. Splash damage gets through the Aegis Shield (Which ruins the purpose of it) and Lockdown is super easy to either flank, shoot rockets at, or C4. Also, that mobility, it allows you to clip through the Aegis Shield and shoot us from behind or do the same against a Lockdown Max, top it off with an instant activation and deactivation compared to the other 2 which both have animations for it in which you cannot fire and the abilities do not actually "activate" until the animation is finished. I am pretty much fine with ZOE doing what it does right now but give it some sort of animation and activation period so that people cannot just turn it on and off instantly depending on if they are taking heavy fire or not.
  19. Dragonblood

    what a ********.....underpowered in what way?
  20. Pat Cleburne

    ZOE is OP as ****.