ZOE changes on testserver

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by sindz, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. MaCritz

    Well I'm perfectly fine with this nerf, as long as I get a full refund (that will be 2250 certs, thank you very much).. I will be able to max out my charge and give some love to my lightning.. To be honest, I can't wait for this nerf to come..

    Currently, I rarely use my ZOE anyways.. I already regretted certing into it even before the nerf... Sorry, NC and TR whiners, no VS tears for you to consume here...
  2. Xasapis

    I have top tier certed them both (well, Charge missing the last tier, which I'll do once I'll reach the cert cap again)(cert cap is 10.000 in case you don't know it).
  3. Nogrim313

    if this is the cost of having the OP prowler get at least one long long deserved nerf fine, in all honesty do that many people really even use them? i've pulled one maybe three times since the resource cost went up

    im confused how the old damage taken modifier was too much when zoe had no timer but is fine when its on an 8 sec duration instead of an always on?

    the timer change would be okay but nerfing its effect and then adding more penalties is not going to help

    SOE seriously needs to stop doing multiple nerfs to something at once you can't hope to get to balance when you are always changing two dependant variables at the same time

    change one till it fits then the other ffs. your trying to level a picture frame by moving both nails at the same time, it will never balance out and your going to be perpetually buffing/nerfing to find a sweet spot that will never appear when you are doing it this way

    you want a timer, cool start with leaving everything but the timer as is. figure out where the duration feels right then nail that duration to a wall and leave it there. then look at the damage taken increase and wiggle that around till the sweet spot is found. then play with the speed.

    this might take a bit longer on test to get there but it is better than the UP/OP see-saw weve been on since release
  4. liamsmithuk

    Although the mass over abuse of ZOE justified a nerf and the VS cannot argue with that. The problem with SOE is that they do not just nerf things a little bit, we will see how well this worked out when it goes live, ideally it needs ***** off VS enough to stop the over abuse of ZOE but at the same time not make it any less useful than TR/NC max abilities

    However, this does in theory only make ZOE as situational as the NC max shield, charge is underused and has proved more useful to me than Aegis shield as of late, the shield absorbs damage and let's the squishy infantry push in behind you through the UBGL and other suppression spam or add a tiny bit of protection while reloading, it's very situational. Charge provides another role, you can charge close to your enemy where NC max weapons dominate. I also notice that TR rarely use their lockdown ability, it's also very situational, if they lock down anywhere but the stairwell of a building with the rest of their outfit watching their backs then they are just waiting to be c4'd, I notice TR max's usually use charge as of late.

    My point is, all of you VS that are crying because they have made ZOE situational, compare it to NC/TR max abilities and you see it's really not bad, you have 8 seconds of amazing defence or offence. It'll prove just as useful during max crashes, but you no longer have an instant I win button.

    But like I said, SOE have a habit of over nerfing and we will have to see how it performs in real game play on the live server
  5. Xasapis

    Nah, 8 seconds ability is as useless as Lockdown is right now. Charge was very competitive before the change for AI purposes and it'll be double so after the changes hit live.

    The good news of course is that we'll have more actual MAXes running around, instead of the low tier versions that take 30% more damage and didn't even have the damage potential to compensate for the armor debuff. It might seem as a nerf, but considering how un-MAX ZOE was as an ability, it will definitely make VS MAXes stronger in all situations where an actual MAX is needed.
    • Up x 1
  6. Nobalification

    Lockdown ability is still useless thing in the game. One good thing on Lockdown is the fire rate, which is deleted to the bursters. Now what about anchor mod for prowler? One balance patch can have - NC MAX delete shotguns and add gauss saw to them, Add more hp for shield but delete reload behind the shield. TR MAX must have high ROF vulcans not chain guns like paper gun (balance of cahin guns can be like dmg 50 or 30 but 2000 or 2500 ROF and 500 ammo -real minigun which is used in Resident Evil Nemesis can fire 90 rounds per second, PER SECOND not like 3 rps) VS MAX delete ZOE its really op thing but add them primary Planetside 1 ability (Jumppack) Add them too something like lasher. What about Vehicles? (Tanks): NC Vanguard : Shield is op when one Vanguard charge to the middle of enemy tanks or something and destroy some tanks because shield. Add them this shield but not like all around covered shield but only frontal shield which can be applied like shield on MAX (in the tank the Vanguard with applied frontal shield, you can fire) TR Prowler : I like anchor but add them more defensible usage. What about when you deployed you get 70% reduction armor to Front, Back, Rear and top. VS Magrider : (Is useless tank but only one thing on it is Saron which makes Magrider usable to many situations) What about Magrider can get ability to upgrade actual main weapon. Magrider can now (thanks this ability) shoot air (something like skyguard but with main cannons).
  7. Daikar

    Yeah I never understood why there wasn't a timer on it from the start. But I really hope this change goes to live so we can have less scrubs running around with ZOE active at all times. With this change you need to be smart when you use ZOE.
  8. Twitch760

    Coming from an NC player thank god for this but I still like my idea better of making it shut off after sustaining X amount of damage and then going on a cool down. Increasing ranks make it take more damage and shorten the cool down.
  9. Andy79

    there better be a refund if this goes live,

    how about a ZOE gun for all faction medics, some TF style overloading instead of touching up the lightly wounded or raising the dead (there is hardly an inbetween, might want to add overhealth...)
  10. Xebov

    Can someone tell me what got changed? I logged into PTS today and i didnt see any change to ZOE.
  11. supernauttt

    VS max still one of the most deadly maxes in game, lucky VS....
    • Up x 1
  12. Consumer

    You guys aren't serious, right? Am I just the butt of some joke here? Really?

    NOTHING'S CHANGED. Some guy bumped this thread up back when they were proposing severe ZOE nerfs and instead added a 5 or 10% damage resistance debuff. I can't believe this. How has nobody noticed the date on the bulk of this thread?
    • Up x 4
  13. treeHamster

    If they wanna throw in an 8 second timer, they better deck that armor debuff back to 20% (or lower).

    I mean look at the Vanguard, it's not 8 seconds of "more resistance" it's 8 seconds of invincibility without changing the movement speed of the tank at all.

    All this change does is give you a really sh*tty version of Charge.
  14. Alarox

    Count to 8 seconds.

    Now think about how many infantry you can kill in 8 seconds. Think about how many tank shots you can strafe dodge while spamming comets in 8 seconds. Think about how many other MAXes you can kill in 8 seconds.

  15. Scudmungus

    Is it being assumed that '8 seconds of duration' is:

    1: Ability is activated.
    2: 8 seconds pass.
    3: Ability is deactivated.

    Is there anything to challenge the notion that it may be:

    1: Ability is activated.
    2: X time (For this example, lets go with '3 seconds') passes.
    3: Ability is deactivated.

    ...leaving 5 seconds in in reserve, allowing for the ability to be toggled back on.

    Essentially - will/might it function like, say, an Infiltrator's Cloak or a Medic's AOE heal - toggle on/off, max duration, recharge possible - rather than the 'Charge' ability which is 'All of it, right now, use it or lose it.'

  16. Peebuddy

    Maybe now Vs wont be able to hold a biolab so effortlessly. I know on Connery they would just bounce between Rashnu and Allatum, I know a couple times when the Nc couldn't progress because the Vs kept camping in the biolab and vanu labs. Terrible places to try and take against Vs, horrendous idea of infantry combat.
  17. BoomBoom4You

    Seems reasonable to me.
  18. Chipay

    you realize these patch notes are merely a suggestion right? ZOE hasn't been changed at all.

    That said to all other people:
  19. Paulus

    I love how people are assuming this is all based solely on user complaints and that SOE don't have an absolute truckload of stats to back up the changes they make.

    Its like I say every time something is proclaimed to be "OP". If it is, give the Devs a month or so to collect date and if the figures show it is out of whack with the equivalent on the other empires it will be adjusted. It happened with the Swagrider, it happened with the HE prowler, it happened with the HackMax and it will happen with the ZOE too.

    I think I'll let Matt Higby have the last word in my post;

    " If you need something over powered to enjoy the game, I can't help you."
  20. supernauttt

    yea me 2 i think 8 seconds is plenty of time to clear a whole room of infantry just the same as before, but atleast when we see it coming we can atleast plan a counter attack rather than just having to choice but to fight and die