[Guide] Worst weapons for each faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jur270, May 15, 2013.

  1. Jur270

    Weapons that if you use them, you're doomed
  2. Jur270

    sorry *for actually is (of)
  3. ih8Darian

    Everything is the worst weapon for vanu :D
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  4. Farlion

    Lynx post nerf.
    Prowler HE.
    (Slightly controversial) TRAC-5S as LA.
    CARV (Makes it all the more funny VS/NC still claim it's op)
    Burst weapon versions (i.e TRAC-5 Burst)

    And the mother of all bad weapons: The chaingun.
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  5. BigMacDeez

    This guy has never played TR, apparently...
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  6. Cougarbrit

    TRAC-5 Burst.

    I generally spend all my certs on actual certs and most of my SC on cosmetics or vehicle bundles so I don't have enough experience to properly judge the other infantry weapons enough, though I'm tempted to throw the CARV in there too, I like it and can perform well with it but by god does it frustrate me at times.

    Also I think the Bulldog is a bit **** on ground vehicles, Fury seems to be better than it in every respect other than splash radius, and only barely so then.
  7. Alarox

    HE Vanguard is by far, the worst anti-infantry vehicle in the game.

    EM1 is by far, the worst LMG in the game. Sucks at close-range, has a high TTK, is not accurate at medium-long.
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  8. Alarox

    You think the Carv is bad? The lowest TTK of all LMGs is bad (tied with 2 other)? An LMG that is superior to every NC CQC LMG as a starter is bad?
  9. Osskscosco

  10. Farlion

    You really don't know anything or ever used the CARV, have you?
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  11. SgtBreastroker

    The beamer.
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  12. Oreo202

    If your opponent is somewhat competent and knows that flak > nanoweave, the lasher.
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  13. Alarox

    Amazing response. You completely ignored everything in my previous post and have the inability to use logic in your arguments. Try again, but this time respond to the reasoning in this post:

    1.) Can you deny that it has the lowest TTK of all LMGs? Because that is a fact.

    7 shots to kill and 750 RPM. 7 / 750 * 60 = 0.56s, every other LMG besides the 750 RPM ones are at least .60s TTK.

    2.) Can you deny that it is superior to every NC CQC LMG? If so, explain why.

    Because the Carv has less recoil than all NC CQC LMGs, and has a higher RoF, and has a larger magazine size except for the EM1 (but the EM1 is a horrible, horrible weapon).



    So yes, I would say that I DO "know anything". Do you know anything?
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  14. Xind

    Post nerf TRV. It just doesn't feel accurate anymore. Can't do nearly aswell with it as I can with the TAR. :(
    Or the Emperor. It's not as good as the starting pistol and worse than the revolvers...why use this?

    Honestly, I think it's easier to list the good weapons TR has access to because there's really only one in each weapon type. :( And it usually more of a best of a bad situation than, "Oh my god, how do I choose between these two great options" like with NC LMGs/Carbines/Rifles or VS Carbines.
  15. Adamar09

    Solstice and Equinox Burst. These guns are still pointless - the wrong stats got buffed.
    CME. Aside from advanced foregrip (which it needs anyhow because its base recoil is higher) there is literally no reason to take this gun over the NS-11A.
    I'm tempted to say the Pulsar LSW, given that the SVA-88 exists, but it's not "bad", just outclassed.
  16. Kastrenzo


    Heavy Assault - NC6S, Crappy EM6 Clone, And GD22S, Used to be good, Obsolete now with NS15M
    Light Assault/Engineer - Gauss Compact S, Completely useless, only redeeming feature is the noob tube.
    Medic - Carnage BR, Spammy AR that has no place since the GR22 already exists
    Infiltrator - Don't know what it's called, the Bolt Action rifle that can only get a 4x or lower scope, NC Equivalent to TSAR42
    MAX - Hacksaws. Noob weapon, been nerfed into oblivion, eats ammo too fast anyway

    Heavy Assault - CARV-S, doesnt shine in anything in particular, stupid recoil pattern, T9 CARV also has ridiculous recoil after GU08
    Light Assault/Engineer - Lynx, ridiculous recoil pattern, Jaguar is only option now
    Medic - TAR, Spammy peashooter that can't kill anything unless you get headshots.
    Infiltrator - M-77B pointless Sniper rifle, SR-7 is much better and only has slower rechamber speed. which in itself is already fast
    MAX -MRC3 Mercy, was the best of all TR AI Weapons until it had it's damage cut to 143 for no reason at all.

    Heavy Assault - Polaris, Hipfiring weapon with a slow rate of fire, horrible combonation, I also don't like the Pulsar LSW much, honestley most of the VS LMGs are snorting coke lines after GU08
    Light Assault/Engineer - Solstice SF *See my note on NC Gauss Compact S, 700SC for a gun you only use noob tube on*
    Medic - Solstice, Noob tube assault rifle, recoils too much
    Infiltrator - XM98, Same as M77B, Pointless Sniper rifle. V10 and Parrallax work fine and fill opposite spectrums of bolt action snipers, no need to add a third weapon just to milk people of their money and confuse them
    MAX - No comment, haven't used enough to draw opinon
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  17. Cougarbrit

    Lowest TTK means nothing considering how inaccurate and horrible to use the CARV can be. Burst fire is a must in the vast majority of encounters, and hipfire is a nono, negating the whole reasoning of the low TTK that is the ROF. Anytime you're in CQC and are forced into going full auto, expect to miss about 70% of your shots. Go into burst mode in CQC and you'll probably just lose anyway.

    The vertical recoil isn't what does it, though the first shot multiplier is pretty **** and messes with burst fire, which is the only way to use the CARV at range, it's the horizontal recoil that really screws it. Which then basically forces people into getting foregrips, which lengthens the already long equip time (a problem shared by the NC SAW, so I'm sure you can relate) which results in many a TR HA getting caught with their pants somewhere hidden across the room.
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  18. Flashtirade

    Generally speaking:
    The CARV or CARV-S (ADS engatements, hipfire is more forgiving because RPM and 100 rounds).
    A single TR AI MAX arm (mitigated somewhat if paired with a Fracture).
    The Pounder (single or double).
    The Beamer.
    The Lasher (in any versus situation not against MAXes).
    A single VS AI MAX arm.
    The EM1.
    The Jackhammer (unless playing at a specific range).
    Any SR or BR.
    Any HE cannon.
    Any Burst variant carbine or AR (the SABR is not a variant).
    Any A2A missiles (unless also running rotary).
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  19. Kastrenzo

    Also, note on medics, I never mentioned T1B Cycler, Gauss Rifle Burst, or Solstice burst, because honestley -no one- uses them, everyone knows they are garbage. so why bother mentioning.
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  20. Farlion

    You didn't answer my question, and your statement just confirms what I've been saying.
    You can quote those fancy stats all you like, but if you'd actually use the CARV ingame, you'd know why every single TR player on the forum rightly calls it a piece of crap.
    The recoil and damage make it completely inferior when compared to the Gauss SAW, for instance.
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