[Guide] Worst weapons for each faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jur270, May 15, 2013.

  1. Cougarbrit

    Medic is a Spy!
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  2. phreec

    New Conglomerate

    All burst weapons in our arsenal - I'd say the only worthwhile burst weapons in the whole game are the TX1 Repeater and SABR-13 for TR.
    All NS primary infantry weapons - They're all inferior to our starter and other empire specific weapons. The NS-15M LMG being the only exception to EM1 if you're after a fast* firing LMG. (*Still miles behind TR and VS starter CQC LMG's)

    Gauss Rifle S - Worse than default at both range and CQC. Only good for grenade launcher
    Reaper DMR - Worse than default at both range and CQC

    Gauss Compact S - Worse than default at both range and CQC. Only good for grenade launcher
    AC-X11 - Worse than default at both range and CQC

    Jackhammer - Costs the same as all the other, superior shotguns but is only for one class.
    Warden (Battle Rifle) - We've got a fully automatic 'battle rifle' as our starter LMG so why bother.

    I don't play enough Infiltrator to have an opinion since I only own the default Bolt-action. But I'd say the semi-auto's aren't worth it.

    Mattock - Supposed to be the more accurate shotgun fit for slugs but it's still horribly inaccurate.
  3. CrimsonDaemon

    Well, out of most of the weapons I use as medic, I have to say one of the bad ones now is the nerfed TRV and the T1S (for some reason me and this gun just dont click). Now I mostly use the T1B and the TAR.
  4. LonelyTerran

    The Carv has 2.25 horizontal recoil(only recoil that really matters) to the Gauss Saw's 1.75, while the Saw has more vertical recoil which can be compensated for completely by dragging down the mouse.
    How does the Saw have more recoil exactly?
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  5. Epic High Five

    You're nuts.

    Burst weapons actually have a niche now, and if the S variants didn't also have a good burst mode they'd be wonderful weapons. NS guns are all crap though, the LMG is only good for the .75x ADS movement speed but even then it takes SO LONG to kill anything with that pea shooter.

    Gauss Rifle S performs similarly to the Gauss Rifle (much more so than the Compact S does to the Mercenary) and is very flexible, it's actually my medic's main gun unless I'm feeling like some fun, when I choose the DMR. DMR is a baby SAW that absolutely demolishes. It's basically a Gauss Rifle with the damage more front loaded - it fills a niche, but the GR really outshines it for general use seeing as it's also free.

    X11 is a mid-range gun that's very good at what it does, I wish it wasn't pitched as a long range gun. It doesn't have the muzzle velocity for that. Compact S is indeed an awful gun with a great attachment (UBGL), but I actually do extremely well with the gun itself so long as I stick to the 3 round burst mode.

    Jackhammer is probably the best shotgun OVERALL in the game, due to how much farther its effective range goes than any other shotgun. It's only really a smart investment if you play a lot of HA, which thankfully 80% of the game does.

    Warden sucks, Infiltrator's best gun (smg) is shared by all classes.

    Mattocks are actually the best MAX guns we have, it just sucks that they pretty much require 1300 certs for exmags and slugs to be any good. I LOVE mine because they're effective even further than the Jackhammer is while still being insanely lethal up close. If I crouch and don't move, I can get kills with my slug mattocks reliably out to about 60m. It takes every slug in both magazines, but I can do it. THEN THE RELOAD BEGINS. Mattocks are also notable for being the single MAX weapon we have that may not be actively hindered by losing charge/gaining the shield.

    I would say our worst guns are the Warden, Compact S (gun part), Carnage BR (GR-22 is better in literally every way), the EM1, SAW S (not a bad gun, but purposeless), and the Bruiser.

    For vehicles, I despise the Vanguard HE, Air Hammer, and modified Enforcer.
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  6. Primarkka

    But that is completely wrong.
    2.25 horizontal recoil is pretty much not "vertical recoil only".
  7. Nocturn0l

    I carv and i get carved! Infact it's the weapon i died most to!

    As i said, if you miss with the carv at <20m it's you not the weapon, i admit it sucks at range but CQC is more important to any objective

    It does have worse COF Bloom and more vertical recoil, which you can but also have to compensate for, it's not a benefit that i must compensate more!
  8. Cougarbrit

    Pardon? I'm assuming that's NC weapons only right?
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  9. Pikachu

    Warden, battle rifle
    C85, MBT AI weapon
    All scout rifles
  10. Pikachu

    Scattercannons, mattocks and hacksaws all have the same accuracy for slugs. I tried mattocks in VR and thought of buying them but then I compared them to the hacksaws I already own and decided it was no point.
  11. Marinealver

    Well for VS MAX the Vortex can go there. I think it was supposed to be sort of a jack of all trades with charged shots for anti vehicle and rapid taps for anti infantry but not the best at both. However it has become the worst at both. A quasar would be a better anti vehicle weapon and a comet a better anti-infantry weapon.

    great table like how you pointed out that most of the weapons are just clones of each other. I also laugh that the vanu has a bolt action laser rifle.o_O
  12. Ture

    CARV is fine it is practically Orion with 2x larger mag, check my video:
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  13. HLM

    Things were so much easier when we had just one empire-specific assault rifle, two common pool, one empire-specific heavy assault weapon etc...
    Don't like your faction's weapon or think the other factions are OP? Just loot the weapons from dead enemies! Also works with vehicles!
  14. Epic High Five

    It's not a particularly compelling niche, but if you move around a lot while firing they're the best at it. The Gauss Burst has the highest velocity of damn near any gun in the game and TR have been waxing poetic about the SABR-13 since the update. Those are both burst weapons, and quite a few guns pick up a lot of accuracy if you set them to a burst mode.

    No idea about VS guns.

    I tried them out too with my hacksaws and with mattocks in VR, and I swear the mattocks have a smaller COF and are thus more accurate. They're pretty much Jackhammers attached to each arm and that gun is stupid accurate (for a shotgun). It's anybody's guess what they've been doing to slugs though, maybe it's placebo effect but I've been mowing people down at 0-60m tonight with my slug mattocks. Slower than dual blueshifts by a wide margin because you have to settle between shots, but man is it fun.
  15. pnkdth

    You will never convince the TR baddies on these boards. Most of them wants to go back to the days when the CARV was OP while trying to argue that the only reason it was OP was due to flinch. In other words, it is the same kind of rhetoric they use when trying to convince us that the Striker, aka Annihilator 2.0, isn't awesome because people can take cover behind rocks.

    Same thing goes with the T-7 mini-chaingun. The argument there is "please remove the only weakness so I can play on easy."

    * * *

    I see the same stuff from VS/NC players. So I'm not saying this is a TR only thing.
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  16. Kronic

    Ever since GU08 the Carv has been much better. I switch between it, the MSW-R, TMG and the chaingun quite a bit now... just wish we had more loadout slots.
  17. Adamar09

    It has the same velocity as the starter gun (and holy crap NC get that nice), but apparently HVA for the burst guns is bugged? Either way, it's not a huge step on other weapons. The problem with burst is if you need to burst you're generally better off going semi-auto, and if you need to go full auto you're getting FSM every 3 shots. You're being forced into using a firing mode which can be simulated by clicking the mouse.

    The SABR is an exception with FSM at <1, which means it has basically the best recoil in the game.
  18. Nobalification

    Worst weapons (only TR) : T2 Striker, T7 MCG, Blackjack, Repeater (2 or 3 mags to kill infantry . . .), Carv 9, Carv 9S, Vulcan.
  19. Van Dax

    vanu CME AR
  20. Epic High Five

    It might be, and yeah the Gauss Rifle is pretty boss. Even the Gauss Rifle S is better than most ARs in the game. I personally don't intend to use the burst variants, as the S variants have a very similar burst mode PLUS noob tube fun. No reason in my book, I was just pointing out that they have a niche now as opposed to being objectively useless before :)