Will SOE address the Banshee in the October balance update?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ztiller, Oct 24, 2014.

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  1. Axehilt

    Eh, being a trend doesn't make something automatically wrong. Lancer has been the best ESAV and in need of a change ever since I started playing retail (and including the time where everyone else was screaming "Striker OP!" and I'd just flare and kill the Striker users easily.) As players (myself included) have become aware of how broken long-ranged perfectly-accurate AV weapons are, some of them have received very small reductions (AV engy turret) and all of them basically still deserve some reduction so that all AV infantry/MAX weapons and all AI vehicle weapons have a short effective range. Since we should hopefully all agree that fights at the edge of render range are bad gameplay.
  2. Ztiller

    Couldn't the exact same be said about the current PPA then?

    Lie more? The old Striker was bugged and ignored Flares.
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  3. Chael

    Are you blind? Look at the chat box as soon as he starts firing at that group before he even switches to his rockets he's already killed atleast 10,
  4. TriumphantJelly

    If the pilot aims correctly, it kills infantry befor they can realise what's happening. Literally, unless they're expecting it wholly.
    The splash is nice.
    It has range.
    It's not penalised in any way.
    Yet it's fine.

    OR buff Flak, LPPA and the Mustang-AH.
  5. gartho33

    The current PPA is too effective at range... I (personally) think that the only thing that should be tweaked is the CoF of that weapon... everywhere else it is spot on. But the fact that it can reliably kill a single target at near infantry render range is the place that puts it in the "OP" state...

    the only problem with the banshee right now is its "Gank" ability. A damage tweak OR a CoF tweak is what is needed... NOT both... perhaps even a damage type change would be in order....
  6. LightningPro

    No no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. The_Blazing

    Yes, and indeed the problem with the PPA was not infantry lethality but the fact that with no drop and not-so-slow projectiles it is an efficient farming machine at any range. They should have increased the reload time (this goes for almost any AI weapon) and made the orbs significantly less powerful once they travelled a certain distance (because giving them normal drop is not very vanu).
  8. The_Blazing

    Of course the LPPA and the AH need a buff, to be as effective as the Banshee.

    Infantry is squishy, of course there are going to be weapons that can insta-kill it in a game as big as this one. Deal with it. What should be changed instead is how frequently these weapons can be used. Reload time for AI weapons should be longer (I'd say 3.5-4 secs for AI noseguns instead of the current 3), and they should be designed in such a way as to limit their spammability in hover mode.

    Also, aircraft should be as noisy in hover mode as they are in jet mode, only becoming quiet if landed.
  9. ronjahn

    I don't fly often, so I'm not sure, but if the Banshee is even remotely competitive versus air, I would say nerf that effectiveness into the ground.

    If the Banshee is destined to be the deadly, WTF just killed me, weapon that it is currently set up as, it should be an extreme risk to use against both ground vehicles and air vehicles. There needs to be a trade off.

    If they want to keep AI potential where it is, buff the AH and ESF PPA to the same effectiveness(and also reduce AH and PPA effectiveness against vehicles at the same time)

    IMO though, banshee should be toned down, only a little bit because it still needs to be effective against infantry, and PPA and AH should be balanced towards the newly toned down Banshee. I don't think anyone wants to see all three weapons turned to ****.
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  10. p10k56

    Then give TR a clone of Light PPA.
    Thousand times better than banshee against infantry but worser against Air.

    But I am afraid even after this thread like "Nurf Banshee nao!!" will appear again:rolleyes:
  11. Vaphell

    because you are a huge-*** machine with roaring engines? You can enable zero-downside farmvision and have all targets highlighted with no effort, are you kidding me?

    the question would be why is there no detection of force multipliers as opposed to peons being subjected to dart/spotter/radar detection, despite force mutlipliers being much greater threat than peons? That doesn't make a shred of sense.
  12. Ztiller

    Except that the LPPA is actually worse against infantry than the Banshee.
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  13. p10k56

  14. Flag

    ... Better at AI?
    I think you missed a memo.
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  15. Ztiller

    The Banshee have a 40% higher KPU than the LPPA
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  16. p10k56

    Heavily certed Banshee is maybe slightly better in some situatuon but surely not uncerted one.
    LPPA could be used from long distance. Try this with uncerted M14.
    LPPA is useful and could be easily used in same fashion as banshee for Zoom and Boom tactic.
    Nobody forces VS pilot to hover over place and become target.
    But this entire thread is about nerf TR now. And still my opinion is same in AI LPPA is best nose gun.
  17. LodeTria

    Remove the bloody AV damage from all of the AI guns. Why do they still have that and the ground based ones don't?
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  18. Ronin Oni

    Same can be said of PPA, but it's definitely getting changed.

    In any case, I think I should hurry up and Aurax the Banshee before it becomes a Super Soaker.
  19. Ronin Oni


    Ok, yeah, LPPA is good at hover spamming rounds from long range, but in the "Pros" column, that's IT.

    Banshee is 10x better at getting a kill or 3 and getting the hell out before they can retaliate. Rinse and repeat endlessly. "Zoom and Boom" works like **** on LPPA thanks to RoF and velocity. You can KINDA do it, still slower, and AB off while half your rounds are in teh air on the way to the target... but half the time I do that it doesn't do more then maybe land me some assists.

    Banshee is SOOOOOOOO much better it's not even funny.

    I abuse all 3 ESF noseguns a fair bit, so believe me, I know.
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  20. Zotamedu

    VS Hornets have a 30 % higher KPU than NC Hornets.
    Banchee have a 17 % higher KPH than the LPPA.
    TR Coyote have a 25 % higher KPU then NC Coyote.

    Where is the cut-off line between statistical variance and a need for rebalance?
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