Will Esports flop like UES did?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Obscura, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Nocturnal7x

    The esports will flop harder than the UES. Few people who play this game will support it as an esport, very few. That is really bad for a game. Imagine if all the top players in LoL said at the start "no". Would not have become a thing...
  2. Sinist

    If it does no harm to the game then why do you care?

    If you don't want to participate then don't.

    I am looking forward to it. Competition is fun, win or lose. It will be a nice change of pace from the regular smackdown of VS and NC everyday :)
  3. Hael

    It DOES do harm, because a natural side-effect of splintering the community, other than server population issues, is the issue of balance. "league" players are a fickle, whiny bunch, that will claim everyone else's opinion is invalid and then demand sweeping changes to fit their playstyle, resulting in a "game balance" that is absolutely objectively awful for 95% of the player base, because a select few people with great skill and no experience developing an actual game demand it.
  4. Protential

    I logged in specfically to reply to this so I hope you read this.

    In this game you will be with a large squad of friends in these competitive games, perhaps with a different name if you are that worried about some trash talk. But you should not be talking to the enemy at all.

    In CS we had a thing, NEVER type on open chat in a scrim. Ever. Only talk to the team. If they are owning you and trash talking, only talk to each other. If they are getting stomped and trash talking, stay silent. This would be way better with 50 people on your team. And people can't/won't really out you as an individual because there is more emphasis on the group or outfits involved.
  5. Hael

    Protential while you make valid points, you must realize the day of CS-level player courtesy is long since dead, right?
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  6. Protential

    Listen, if only a "select few" players have great skill, or have the ability to LEARN GREAT SKILL (Consistent Luck) then you will still easily overwhelm them with 2 or 3 decent players. I do not see what you are worried about, the damage is done to air crafts. Its now playable for the most part. Still some BS going on, but we can live with that. Making the game competitive is not going to directly change much. The only "Rule" change I could see is something to make vehicles use more players to operate, or cost more resources. Thus making them more of a risk, that can dominate if used right, and be destroyed if countered correctly.

    Also if they make a "Infantry only" area like a city or something so many people are crying for, this would obviously be the default small skirmish e-games setting. The rest of the maps would basically be the 'Pug' servers, just like they are now, where you farm certs and learn to play. Would be a giant recruiting pool for successful outfits looking for serious players. Larger scale or more 'Important' long lasting battles would be held on normal maps which would be awesome, especially if they did something like lock the cont. Let all the players of competing outfits on, then unlock it. Let the norm population fill the rest, and let the game play out. Cont. Lock wins.

    This leaves open the idea of strategy, getting the zerg players who join just because that's where the action is to listen to you, and be effective. And there should be admins on slap hacks n team killers.
  7. Protential

    Well, What I am saying is there was none. People hated you if you were winning because you were hacking or a loser, and hated you if you were losing because you were pathetic. 90% of Scrims was people talking smack, unless they were scared to get reported because they knew its being recorded.

    If you got 80 people on your team, your not worried about the guy calling you a loser, if he even notices you. Anyone talking will pretty much be making them self a trophy for your team.
  8. soeguud

    There is no way in hell eSports would work at all in Planetside 2. For one, Weapons aren't even remotely balanced. The increasing cert costs of weapons ramp up with weapon damage and handling. Also, everyone complains about VS. Furthermore, as an open world MMO type thing how would you manage it? Could SOE be bothered? Would they make a balls up of it like they did the UES? Scoreboards are apparently broken as well.

    If you tried to shoehorn Ps2 into an arena format which appears to be a requisite for most eSports shooters, it'd be terrifically horrible. The only thing going for this game is the scale of the fights that you can participate in.

    Successful eSports games tend to be highly accessible. As it stands, in order to run Planetside 2 reasonably well you'd need a high-end computer else face your framerate drop faster than your pants in front of an attractive lady in a moderate sized battle. LoL, for example, can run on a 7 year old laptop with a busted GPU and a CPU on the verge of death.

    Lastly, screw eSports, us first worlders are fat enough as it is. Let's go outside and enjoy sports that don't require a computer screen. Like Jenga.
  9. Katana

    yes lol. It'll flop and waste resources being developed.
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  10. IshanDeston

    Don't worry, i am even going to reply.

    I've been playing CS when it first came out. The very first CS. I have some experiance with "what to do" and "what not to do". That isn't the problem. I've been in many rancid communities, but my tollerance for them has decreased in the last decade to the point where i am just not interested to put up with people like that anymore.

    I've outgrown immature players and playerbases. At my age i don't want to be around teenagers and early twens anymore, that feel like they have to compensate for their lack in life with winning at pointless videogames. As if the score on some scoreboard mattered to anyone but themselves.

    I was once a very good FPS player. Now i would say i am average, which apperently in Planetside 2 is still good enough to be called a cheater on occassions. I am not worried about my performance or people calling me out. I simply have no patience for people like Buzzcut Psycho, going on and on in a very immature way about how much people on his team suck.

    I very much don't need more "Stop having fun guys" in my games. Actually its those players that make me leave these days. I don't need that stress in my life. I have enough stress at work, with my family and every other aspect of my life. I don't need it when i try to relax and escape it by blowing some **** up and getting some killstreaks going.

    And the last i need is people incentivised to being idiots on their microphones because they don't get their way. I don't WANT to listen to people insulting each other. I don't want to read it in the chat, i don't want to hear about it.

    Its not about "how to handle if it happens to you"... its about not wanting that mentality in your game. Strangely enough, that mentality used to be confined to CS when it first came out. Everyone and their dogs made fun of how rancid the community was and did their damn best to keep that limited to CS.

    Over the past decade, thanks to more games having such a poisonous atmosphere, it seems like people seem to believe that is acceptable behavior. And for me it is not.

    Maybe i am to old. Maybe the over 1,5 decades of internet gaming have fed me up with my share of it.. maybe i am just stuck somewhere in my head dreaming of the glorified old times of gaming that never existed because i remember it differently. But that doesn't change the fact that I do not want the rancid atmosphere around me.

    I am not worried about being the target of those people. Actually more often than not i use to be better than those people, but that doesn't mean that i want them to turn up here and poison the well. Speaking up against it, is one way of doing it.

    A community is only as bad as it allows itself to be.

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  11. Sinist

    As opposed to a bunch of whiny kids with no skill who want imbalance because it suits them the most?

    This whole argument of "Esports could hurt the game" is total BLAH BLAH BLAH.

    Has the popularity of other games in "esports" hurt the game? Is Starcraft ruined? Is league of legends all screwed up for the majority of players? Is World of Warcraft PvP so stupid now that noone plays it?


    I would even like to see the Leaderboards in game actually work and be integrated with the MLG stuff.
  12. Tacoz

    It will not do well in ESports, this is due to to some key factors:

    )To be completely and utterly honest, controlling the guns is like breathing, it's ridiculously easy and you never need to think about it.
    )Deathmatch-styled gameplay takes intense 1vX moments out of the picture; if you lose a situation with impossible odds you respawn, if you succeed then your enemy respawns, making for boring spectating.
    )Mostly limited movement makes for a linear game; you run around and shoot stuff, one class can use a jetpack and nobody else gets special stuff, as opposed to longjumping/bunnyhopping (ACTUAL bunnyhopping, not just spamming space to avoid bullets) from Quake/CS.
    )Vehicle combat is a pain to watch seeing as the Driver is the Gunner and vice versa, just W S W S until you stop to shoot. ( jets are obviously an exception to this)
    )The capping structure, as it is, doesn't particularly make for "good" viewing, it's basically cap A-notice they capped B-cap B-notice they capped A-repeat until the enemy gives up or gets sufficiently cut off from the site.
    )Planetside in general is not a competitive game, it is a tactical shooter that heavily emphasises teamwork and cooperation skills, gunplay is nothing short of a breeze and your movement is limited, coupled with Q spam for easy spotting and you've got one anti-esport game.
    )Maps are all way too large for any practical numbers anyway.

    Probably not half the reasons it //WILL// flop but it is certainly a good chunk of them.

    Please note that I love and thoroughly enjoy Planetside as a series, but am also a very active CS/Quake player, Quake not so much nowadays but nevertheless, the contrasting styles between a game like PS2 and small-scale games like Quake and CS are painfully obvious, Planetside is great but it just isn't made for ESports.

    My $0.02 I guess.
  13. Cl1mh4224rd

    I'd like to think this is just me being a raging cynic, but I fear that these excellent words of wisdom will be lost on so many people here...

    Still, I'm going to put that in my signature, if you don't mind. :)
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  14. smokemaker

    Not one part of me cares about this e-sport thing.
  15. PharmD

  16. Hael

    The thing is Starcraft is BALANCED. Not esports balanced. Not casual balanced. Just flat out balanced through years of careful craftsmanship. Blizzard always makes sure their mechanics are equal, even if it takes years of tweaking. Tribes:Ascend is a good example of something that is "esports balanced" where machine guns have a flat out higher DPS than all burst explosion weapons, making them a prerequisite in the competitive scene, to the point where it has a noticeable effect on regular gameplay.

    I just don't have enough faith in SOE to do the former, and not the latter.
  17. Pella

  18. Cl1mh4224rd

    But wouldn't that imply that the game was being played competitively even when things weren't balanced? Most people see that as a problem, yet competitive StarCraft is quite popular.
  19. Sinist

    I will give cliff notes version of the article.

    "I suck at Planetside 2 so I would rather they just have Call of Duty on MLG because at least I played that game long enough where I don't suck as bad. I cant tell you why I cant get into Planetside 2 because the reason is I suck. Games like CS 1.6 and Quake require so much more skill. Prefiring and small maps are where the true pedigree of skill lies. My brain cant handle large maps with vehicles and aircraft. I am such a CoD noob that FPS games are about small teams and small maps just camping doorways and halls this exciting large scale warfare would melt my socks off"

    And yes he actually said CS and CoD had a higher pedigree of skill in their community. ROFLMAO.

    Mr Hydrolis from ESEA, why don't you meet me in PS2 so you can show me your pedigree of skill. Link me your PSU stats.

    Yeah, just a elitist Counter Strike and CoD fanboy who thinks his "played out scene" is better then everyone else's. Just because. He would rather be stuck playing FPS games that dont ever evolve or raise the skill cap.

    I have better things to do with my time then camp corners all day on the map the size of my bedroom.
  20. Hael

    It was being played competitively, and it was a problem. It took 10 years for blizzard to finally "get it perfect" and there was a lot of tweaking during that time to finally nail it. The difference it, it was minor tweaks on a regular basis across many many patches. The reason people played through the imbalances was how the meta evolved to deal with it. If one unit was overpowered, you'd quickly see popular "builds" involving its counter-unit, which would force players using that unit to balance their OP unit with protection. A FPS doesn't have that level of dynamic control, however, so an OP gun doesn't have a proper counter except using the same gun back (assuming both players are equally skilled).