Will Esports flop like UES did?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Obscura, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Talizzar

    I think you missed my point. Peyton Manning would be equivalent to the hack running around underground on Matherson hacking all the generators for his 200 points, unseen and underground.
  2. Hael

    Actually, depending on how modular SOE wrote the PS2 code, they might have the change the whole game to expose the rules like that so they can be changed in a configurable manner like that.
  3. LameFox

    More importantly, who besides SOE cares about e-sports and what on earth for?
  4. Streetfighter

    E-Sports in a game with so many imbalances? Sorry, I don't see a fair competition here. I like the idea of outfit vs. outfit and stuff like that, but that far from holding a "serious" match.
  5. Hael

    Companies have great incentive to push esports, because if it takes off as a thing they can start getting streams going, and eventually televising it, which means massive amounts of cash from advertising, sponsorship deals, free publicity for their games, an influx of players, etc, etc.

    Anything "esports" being pushed at a corporate level is purely to generate new revenue streams.
  6. Free

    1. There is a dearth of available good players. The best players in this game are multiyear ps1 vets and as such are well adjusted to their life with planetside (they have jobs). They can't just willy-nilly go off and start playing 16 hours per day "practicing". Teams will be composed of subpar players, the product may not be of high quality.

    2. I am very interested as to how the caster situation will work out. Finding someone knowledgeable enough about this type of game with casting skills will be pretty much impossible.

    bonus picture, the map of an outfit war trial I took like 7 years ago:

    It was 30v30, we fought between Dahaka and Izha. No Orbital strikes allowed, no tower captring, no base capturing other than your starting base. Both sides with tech.

    This match was a complete stalemate (no one got to the others' base), VS only won because chain used an os on our cy ams.
  7. Obscura

    This. I just don't see why they would pick MLG besides just to take the easy route. The CAL idea would be wayyyy better and encourage a lot more people to come play this game if it has a good competitive structure. When I think MLG I don't think competitive, I think of over-hyped events with awful commentators and an annoying community, and a terrible ladder system. SOE should have considered doing something on their own, although knowing SOE and their history that idea might not have worked either.
  8. Jadith

    That may work, but if they don't have teams of fifty or so on each side, then it really isn't going to be that great.
  9. LameFox

    Okay, but I did say besides SOE. People seem oddly fascinated with the most irrelevant PR junk around here, it's confusing.
  10. Hael

    By "besides SOE" I didn't realize you meant "besides any company that has a multiplayer game."

    If that's what you meant, and you just want to know purely why INDIVIDUALS are invested in such a system, it's all about ******. As long as there are competitive games, you'll have players that want a big obvious badge that tells the other players "I'm better than you."
  11. Stadulator

    Was the UES a flop? I know the "popular vote" was a joke for sure.\

    When thinking Esports and PS2, don't think of playing on anything we have available now. Arenas. As the game is now it would be impossible to have any sort of weighted competition, unless they closed off a base or area specifically for the match.. oh, arena
  12. Obscura

    It failed because SOE advertised it as a showdown, a fight between the 3 empires for "bragging rights". What they failed to tell us though, is that the winner wouldn't be decided by who actually WON the event, instead it was decided by who got the most votes on twitter for their faction. So the VS and NC beat the TR really badly overall across the world, and the TR only won 1 round at the live event, yet they were proclaimed winners. Thats why it failed, it wasn't even a showdown, it was purely a popularity contest.
  13. Barosar

    Oh I see. Who cares what faction SOE declares as the winner then? Did they (TR) get free certs or something for it?
  14. LameFox

    The meaning was actually more like 'Why is anyone here besides SOE even concerned with this and whether or not it amounts to anything?'. I wasn't implying SOE was alone in the gaming industry in paying attention to it.

    I don't know precisely what the censored word is here but I guess I can more or less figure out the meaning. People want to be special, ergo concern themselves with other people looking special, ergo pay attention to SOE wanting to involve e-sports in something... makes sense.
  15. Hael

    The censored word was a shortened version of electronic *****, or e-p**n
  16. Cowboyhomer

    I wasnt commenting on that. Im sure that wouldnt last too long in an esports atmosphere...and who knows, by the time esports gets here that might not be a factor any more.
  17. Scam2play

    This is SOE we are talking about, what could go wrong?
  18. Gumbo

    I wouldnt call having 15,000+ people streaming it through Twitch being a flop.

    Then Twitch falling over because of the numbers.
  19. Diamond Sword

    My thoughts on PS2 become an e-sports are all negative. Disregarding my feelings on the competitive scene from personal experience in ESEA, CAL-I, CAL-O, and Tribes: Ascend about the maturity and attitude of the players, there is a very real threat of splitting the game's populace into two groups, which would be terrible in this type of game.

    First of all, this is a massive, open world, team-based war shooter. It doesn't really fit the typical tournament format for FPS. The only possibility I can see to cater to the typical format, would be to introduce something like Arenas to the game working like a PVP instance in WoW or something. So you will then get players who only play for the competitive Arena play while others only participate in the standard game, with another group that switches between the two.

    There are already lots of complaints about how Indar is the only continent that ever has a stable population, would you really want to reduce these numbers further by splitting the community into world and arena players?
  20. IshanDeston

    Its not just the casual and bad players that get effected by that. Behavior like this is the main reason why i stay as far away from MOBA games as possible. I do like the competitiveness of those games, i do like the gamestyle, but the rancid atmosphere those players produce, because they feel like raging in the chat, is exactly that makes me leave.

    So its not just the bad players, its also people like me. That spend their day working and get home, wanting to play some and not listen to some sore loser, run their mouth in mommies basement, because they believe themselves to be the gods gift to gaming.
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