"Why Use Anything Else...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OminousZ, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. HadesR

    TBH it's been a subject for ages and it's not a new thing
  2. xMaxdamage

    it's just the whiners that think it's OP, whiners just whine and make a lot of noise, today it's the shield, tomorrow it will be jetpacks, turrets, cloak etc

    also lot of ppl like to throw in that 10000% of players roll HA without having any idea of what they are talking about lol. or thinking that the actual game should be balanced around higly organized server smashes.
  3. Lord_Avatar

    I go CM whenever I want to melt faces (which is most of the time). I main TR though, so there's that...
  4. Lemposs

    Yeah get rid of shield! Let's get the medics are OP threads going!
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  5. JobiWan

    Yeah remove the shield on HA.

    Oh and the jetpack on LA

    Oh and the cloak on infil

    Oh and while we're at it, it's not fair that medics can self heal

    And those pesky maxes, take away all that extra armour.

    Nerf everthing and just have infantry that all run round with guns.
  6. MetalCotton

    Remove fun.

    -PS2 Gameplay Discussion: The Thread
  7. Trebb

    Being in the camp that HAs have too much with no downsides, I like the idea that it's shield OR rocket launcher, but not both.

    How many would still pick a rocket launcher?
  8. Kevanov

    Guys get over it, if you play infantry you should use HA 75% of the time.

    I play engineer only 2min before we cap, if they max rush I got my grenade launcher with infinite ammo, I got 4 sticky grenades + anti infantry mines. Its also good to always use it when you drive vehicles. If I dont have nanites for MAX, and we go to the bio labs I will use engi to repair friendly maxes.

    I play infiltrator only to hack vehicle terminal or when there is a battle in hills or plain, or when im pissed or stuck in the spawn area.

    I play medic only when there is really not enough medic, rarely.

    I play MAX when we gal drop or max crash.

    I play HA in every other situation with my lovely orion.
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  9. Skooma Lord

    Maybe Heavies have to choose between L.M.G and Rocket Launcher, not both at the same time. Maybe that will make them more specialized? But S.M.G's and Shotguns are not initially part of the heavy arsenal at game start so I don't know if that would be a good solution.
  10. OminousZ

    Says you that uses the heavy 80% of the time. Fail. Exactly what i mean about HA fanboys. This is about making things as balanced as possible, not perfect, but balanced. Right now, HA is not. Hence the reason why YOU use it so much huh? lol
  11. Scr1nRusher

    HA's need 3 really really simple changes:

    1) Removing 0.75 ADS off all LMG's that have it

    2) Removing SMG's and common class pool shotguns(shotguns that are shared between HA,LA,Engineer & Medic)

    3) Removing the ability to dumbfire the ES G2A & G2G lock ins.
  12. Czarinov

    What numbers? I didn't post any. Could you give me the link to those stats you speak about? Also how did you combine it with your numbers... I smell BS.

    Yes, I didn't include personal weapon preferences :). I dont like playing medic, but I like murdering people with SABR :D
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  13. Scr1nRusher

    Have you actually used the class & how often do you aim for the head?

    Or is this thread a "big rage over what kills me"?
  14. OminousZ

  15. OminousZ

    I will let you check my stats if you like, which is besides the more important point.
  16. LodeTria

    I thought this would be about how HEAT & HE tank guns are niche as hell and the only real option is to roll AP.
    Too bad it's just this thread again.
  17. ronjahn

    No one would pick rocket launcher, that's why this suggestion would never work. IMO majority of people will go HA shield, and then have a backup loadout for when vehicles become a nuisance. It does nothing to fix the HA shield hate.

    I don't see it as a solution but if the do decide to go this way, should rockets be buffed to make up for the lack of a shield?
  18. Lucidius134

    actually hips don't lie.
  19. Czarinov

    So no link to statistics? So you've been monitoring what classes you encounter for weeks, huh? :D

    Please, tell me another tale...
  20. Eyeklops

    I know right! HA is supposed to be the majority, don't really see the issue here. If you're playing a non-heavy infantry class and lose to a heavy, the problem isn't the heavy, it's you picked the wrong class.