"Why Use Anything Else...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OminousZ, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. OminousZ

    when I have a shield, C4/Medkits, and a rocket launcher"

    Is what an enemy heavy said when questioned and he's right.

    The topic of Heavies have been discussed more than any other class to date and yet, the devs. keeping turning a blind eye to the most overused, OP class in the game. The class is game breaking and unbalanced. There is an issue when 80% of the player base use heavies more than any other class. Get rid of the shield all together and that will change and be more balanced. Let the players cert. up their nanowave, armor, etc... but then to add an additional shield is absurd. What are your thoughts? And dont let the heavy fans boys discourage any of you. Just check their stats and you'll see their heavy class usage...which should tell you exactly what type of player they are.
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  2. Scr1nRusher

    sigh not one of these threads again.
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  3. OldMaster80

    Because camo kits gives a big advantage that can negate the shield.
    Because a jetpack can make you flank in a totally unpredictable way.
    Because with Engineer I never run out of ammo, I can drop anti tank mines and I have 2 powerful turrets.

    And I could go on.
    Taking cover and making a good use of your gear is what makes the difference. I'm an average player and I kill HA with every weapon.
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  4. Scr1nRusher

    I am a not average player and I can kill HA's with the AMP, the lowest damage pistol in the game.
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  5. Czarinov

    Well you use Medic when you wanna heal and revive, LA when you wanna flak vertically, Infiltrator when you wanna be deadly and "invisible", Engi when you wanna support/repair/fly ESF /tank, MAX... when you wanna feel cozy and powerful inside an exoskeleton.

    HA is indeed an universal class in terms of infantry play. However it lacks the perks of other classes. HA Shield is a bit OP. But not gamebreaking. Not for me anyway. 80%? Did you pull it outta your... ear?

    Also, what is your profile? OminousZski1?
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  6. OminousZ

    Sure, looks good on paper, but not the case ingame when constantly going up against a heavy, 80-85% of the time. Numbers don't lie.
  7. FateJH

    Before you do anything I would recommend reading our voluminous wealth of material regarding the Heavy Assault Shield and determine whether your argument has already been thoroughly expressed and/or redressed. The Forum Search function and some clever keywords will carry you far.

    I mean, it's not like we have this same thread thread once every week or something like that and it never goes anywhere. Heavens, no.
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  8. Ronin Oni

    I think that's the biggest understatement of the week right here.
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  9. OminousZ

    80% was a number found on universal game stats, combined with average number of times I have gone against a HA over several days and hours of personal play. All the numbers you mentioned above look great in theory, but that's not the case in game. My vanu player is OminousZski1.
  10. OminousZ

    You are correct, and still, the HA class has been virtually untouched. And for someone who supports this game since beta and has spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on it, gives me all the right to post until this issue is re-worked or resolved.
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  11. ronjahn

    So just remove the shield? No recommendation on what to replace it with or how to balance them out after removing the one unique and useful aspect of HA? Why not remove cloak from infil? Medics don't need their repair tool either, and I'm sure engies will be fine without ammo or a repair tool.

    If you can tell I'm totally against your idea. And my most played class is Engie, followed by light assault.
  12. NoobStylerIGERI

    Hmm the biggest Point for take an HA is in big fights, when granades fly around, People throw c4 20m in the room, some faction max spamm, or same tanks + air bombard a base.
    If u Play LA, Medi or infil, u on this Scenes instand die, with HA + shild u have a littel Chance to survive..
    I don`t Thing without this class, the fight will stay Long time @ 1 base.
    remember, if some room get spamed with granades, he is instand clean, only HA is the class, who can save it a littel bit..
    u don`t have a frontline without a class like the HA.

    If all Play a LA or medi, than a base is faster clean, and People start cry to nerf granades etc....
  13. Scr1nRusher

  14. FocusLight

    Like so any others you seem unable to realize that maybe, JUST MAYBE, the problem is not that the HA is 'game-breaking and unbalanced' but it's you who overestimate how good it is. 80% of all players use it more than any other class? First off: Hyperbole, get me the stats that prove this. Secondly, it does not surprise me that one of the two most 'all-purpose' classes are used the most.

    This whole post of your is loaded with unsubstantiated claims and hyperbole, not a single argument backed with anything at all beyond your personal opinion.

    Why would you assume this tread will go any better than the hundred of 'HA OP' treads that came beofre yours? for that matter, why not put this post in one of those?
  15. FateJH

    That's true. Even the best of captchas can't stop a blatherskite.

    Carry on if you wish, but it doesn't take a soothsayer to know how this thread will end.
  16. Teshrrar

    In my opinion, the game doesn't neeed HA, because Max do the job which this horrible class do. HA wasn't to be a super class, but a normal soldier as all the others, who can carry a missile launcher as its tool, and just it. No shield or super powers, a common soldier as everybody else.

    Engi has a tool to repair (and build turrets, which I see as unnecessary too).
    Med has a tool to revive/heal.
    Infil has a tool to do infiltration/sniper job (which is a bit pointless atm).
    LA has a tool to fly (to spot, flank, annoy, etc).
    MAX is the ultimate infantry option, wich have a cost.
    And all of them can face each other with no problem (except MAX, wich, as said, is the ultimate option), so why do we need HAs?

    AA and AV, we have MAXes, turrets and Eng. Infantry options to capture we have MAXes, Medics, Infil and LA. So again: why do we need HAs as it is today?
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  17. Pirbi

    Meh, an "op" class isn't "op" if you can choose it too. I find it's usually boring to play outside of small fights where the opponent is a good HA. Everyone plays it because the measuring stick of value has been reduced to KDR.
  18. HadesR

    Shield is fine
    Medi kit chugging / or C4 throwing is fine
    Rocket launcher is fine
    LMG / SMG / Shotgun are fine

    Allowing them all in one loadout isn't

    All it would take is a simple change of allowing either Shield or a RL ..

    Would still be the best Free AI class
    Would still be the best overall free AV class

    Only difference being it wouldn't be at the same time ..

  19. OldMaster80

    It's amazing: the shield has been the same for 2,5 years and now it seems like everyone think it's op.
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  20. MetalCotton

    I just sorta walk up to them and fire both Grinders one time. Dead heavy. There are good HA players, but a lot of idiots too. The class is fine.