"Why Use Anything Else...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OminousZ, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    But see, this is Infantryside 2: Redeployside
  2. Haquim

    Why do people always suggest "aim for the head" as the ultimate answer to why the HA is ok and easily killable?
    Did I miss a memo or something?

    Do heavy assaults not deal bonus damage on headshots anymore?? Do I have a bug that makes my overshield still work on headshots although it shouldn't?? Do heavy assaults have especially vulnerable heads and take triple damage on headshots instead of double??
    If you can't answer any of these questions with YES, this "tip" "response" or whatever you may call it has nothing to do with the problem at hand. And if it is about nanoweave - that is NOT heavy assault exclusive and thus has nothing to with it either.
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  3. nehylen

    I do believe the HA right now is too strong considering all available perks on a single class, but 80%...

    When i look at what's killed me the most, they're definitely up there (5500 deaths), followed by LA (4000 deaths), Inf&eng (around 3000 deaths both of them), then medic (2300 deaths) and MAX (1000 deaths).
    That's around 29% total.

    On my new TR char, i have 442 to HA, 245 to LA, 193 to engies, 167 to infs, 152 to medics, and MAXes don't show just yet (too recent perhaps).
    That's around 36% not including MAXes.

    So yes, they're probably overrepresented, but not by that much, considering that medics/engies obviously shoot less at stuff than other classes.
  4. AxiomInsanity87

    I think all the classes are fine but there's two ideas ive seen that look good to me.

    >Lower shields to 500. Extra HP bar, but still lower than 700. this amounts to one fewer headshots to kill or two fewer bodyshots. Still very strong
    >Remove dumbfire rockets from HA, give them to the engy. Leave lockons and remove lockon dumbfire. Stil VERY good options at AV and AA, which is a heavies roll, and pronounces the engys AV roll. Make it replace either the tool, utility, or turret slot and put a resupply cap on its rounds like an underbarrel.
    >Make maxes have less resistance to LMGs. This gives heavies still very good antimax, albeit not as strong, and the engies can still shoot the mans
    Iridars (can't remember where he put it so this will not be 100% accurate)
    The shield will be a forward facing shield that can also shield some allies. The heavy and allies would have to crouch behind it for full cover and stand up to shoot over it.
    Another shield alternative could be a deployable dome.
    Everything else including the op are just spouting complete and utter bs for the most part. ALL the classes can self heal like that. Play the game a bit more and get experience on a team based level before drawing your conclusions.
    Op did you install the game yesterday by any chance?.

    • [IMG]
  5. AxiomInsanity87

    Heavy Assault

    The development of the Heavy Assault soldier was a relatively recent innovation designed to combat the surge of instant nanite-assembled vehicles. Not only do they boast some of the most durable armor on Auraxis, their Nanite Mesh Generators allow them to instantly form a temporary extra layer of protection that absorbs the impact of incoming enemy fire. In addition to their ability to take damage, Heavy Assault soldiers are well known for the devastating weaponry that they wield. Their anti-vehicle rocket launchers can punch holes in enemy tanks, and their high-capacity LMGs and Heavy Assault weapons can lay down sustained fire that dominates in close quarters.

    Only with the introduction of Rebirthing and recent improvements in shield technology has their mantra of “endure and eradicate” become viable. While the Heavy Assault’s brute-force strategy may not be the most elegant solution, it’s proven itself as an effective one.
  6. Scr1nRusher

    Headshots are just good ingeneral & they drop the shield super fast.
  7. zaspacer

    I used HA or Infil mostly when on the ground. I don't have much reasons to use other Classes, and I don't want to play MAX.

    Yes, HA is dominant in both power and numbers being played vs. other Non-MAX Classes. But you have 4 problems with changing them:
    1) Devs have not handled balancing since Banshee (12/14), and even then it was to change something that most the forum wanted changed
    2) HAs have been dominant too long, and now most the Inafntry players are using them, so most the forum (since they are playing them) don't actually want them changed
    3) Every Faction has access to roughly equivalent HAs, so this means it's not an Imbalance between Factions. And the only real victim is the minority playing other classes and the loss of "mixed unit" and "combat roles" gameplay for Infantry
    4) If you nerf HA by nerfing its Shield, you actually boost Vehicles because you are nerfing one of their main Counters. And Vehicles are already monsters that warp the Battlefield

    Another major problem is that the Standard Game (solo and mixed) and Server Smash Game (hardcore organized) have not been balanced to work well together. Server Smash Meta is a massive failure in terms of little Combined Arms and a broken handful of Infantry Spam tactics used over and over, and there has never been any Dev effort to balance that, BUT Devs won't buff units in Standard Game that would further break the Server Smash Meta. Likewise, the broken units in the Standard Game for solo players won't be buffed in Server Smash because it would break the Standard Game. Until Standard and Smash are balanced together, each will keep the other from being tuned.
  8. DameDameNingen

    I would. I mainly pull heavies to play dumbfire peekaboo, which the shield actively hampers.
  9. f0d

    i can have unlimited ammo, more c4 than any class, repair my vehicle, and a deployable av turret with infinite ammo that is controllable
    why go anything else but engineer
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  10. Morti

    Personally think HA's should be slightly slower than the other classes and most certainly should not have access to .75 LMGs.
  11. Bearded Wall

    Why? Because I find with a medic I can subtly direct the flow of the ravenous mobs that are PUBS.

    I go the right direction, and res people who are.. The people going the wrong direction, die, wait in vain for a res, then start following the alive guys. Suddenly I have a mob in the right direction without having to scream in local chat.
  12. OldMaster80

    Lol I've played 0% Max and 7% HA on my only character. And I'm here since beta.
  13. xMaxdamage

    Ok I'll say this again, time ago it was calculated that in the actual game the total amount of carbine equip time was more than 2x the total amount of LMG equip time.
    Now consider that:
    equipping a rocket launcher, a pistol or a knife doesn't pause the equip time of the other weapons you carry.
    LAs, HAs and engineers can equip shotguns.

    HA was NOT the most played class in the game, and I really don't think things have changed a lot in like three/four months, but feel free to do the maths.

    Your brain just remembers more HA because you have a biased vision of the game population.
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  14. Haquim

    While that definitely is true, it doesn't help fighting a heavy assault even one tiny bit.

    The HA can score headhosts just as well and he still has 700 hitpoints more, even if headshots deplete them twice as fast.
    The difference between 0.5 seconds TTK and 0.85 seconds TTK is exactly the same as between 0.25 seconds TTK and 0.425 seconds TTK - he has the undisputable advantage of surviving 70% more damage however fast or whatever way that damage is dealt!
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  15. Kristan

    Heavy Assaults aren't fun!

    That's why.
  16. Ianneman

    Heavies are MADE to win 1v1 situations in CQC, what the **** else do you expect?

    LAs can easily flank HA, Infils can snipe them or gank them with SMGs, engineers have turrets and can constantly supply ammo to all the classes, and Medics can outlast a HA AND keep the other infantry alive and REVIVE them, and MAXes, MAXes are MAXes.

    If you get ****** by HA you made the mistake of getting in his face, simple as that. HAs are actually some of the easiest targets since they often expose themselves thinking their shield will save them. The best part is when they all cluster together at a control point, you can just get a LA with grenade bandolier and rake in the kills.

    Anyone who whines about HA being "overpowered" simply put themselves in the wrong position, end of.
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  17. DCWarHound

    Ask yourself this,how do HA gain certs?

    I've asked this before and no one responded.

    HA gets certs from killing infantry and vehicles
    LA gets certs from killing infantry and vehicles
    ENG gets certs from killing infantry,vehicles,giving ammo and repairing
    CM gets certs from killing infantry,healing,reviving and repairing shields
    INF gets certs from killing infantry,motion spotting and hacking

    The HA,LA and INF specialize in taking out infantry more then the ENG and CM.
  18. FieldMarshall

    As far as class abilities go, id say HA got the short end of the stick. Being able to take a few extra hits if they get shield of and if they have charge. So OP compared to what other classes have.
    LMGs are ok, RLs are overrated.

    Its just flavor of the month whine.
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  19. HadesR

    You do know that out of context that's a totally meaningless stat right ?

    Firstly Carbines are used by two classes , so you would need to work out how many of those are LA and how many are Engi's .. We could hazard a guess that it's maybe more Engi's ..
    Then since we are talking most played class for Infantry versus Infantry you would need to calculate how many of those Engi's are " vehicle only " ones ..

    So no it's doesn't actually prove anything but how people manipulate data to suit themselves ...

    And anyway unless people can't link actual well researched stats then no one should be saying " X is more played than Y "
    ( Including those that say heavy are )
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  20. Liewec123

    1. everyone can play one so they aren't inbalanced.
    2. its 6 extra shots...don't go wild, you're using 600-900rpm weapons, don't act like 6 extra shots is god mode.
    3. THEY ARE THE SOLDIER CLASS, there should be more of them and they should be the best fighters.

    you're expecting to take down the soldier class with your doctor or technician, and you're surprised that they kill you?

    also no, heavy isn't my most played class, i prefer LA these days, but i understand that HAs are supposed to be the fighter class,
    so i don't fight them head on, i shoot them in the back with a shotgun ;)