Why is the Dalton so powerful???

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JustGotSuspended, Jan 20, 2022.

  1. JustGotSuspended

    So the liberator can take 4-5 direct hits from mbt cannons and just turbo away and live.

    Yet it's got a belly weapon that can 2-3hk pretty much every vehicle. In combination with a tank buster which can 1clip everything. And a rear canon on top of that. For the same price as an mbt...

    Can we at least add top resistances if not decrease the damage output of the dalton by at least half???

    Why's this stuff remained so broken for so long??!
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  2. FLHuk

    You're right, it's way overdue another buff for no reason out of no where!

    We all love them just sitting on us till we die, let's add some more spice.... -89.465% to all movement speed when a Lib is within 1km, seems reasonable!
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  3. Letten

    Lib is not that powerful, only if allies have air superiority. And it is supposed to be hard counter against tanks. The problem is that skyguad is far too weak against lib.
  4. AntDX316

    It's not way too weak, the lib cost so many nanites over what the skyguard cost. For a lib to easily die to 1 skyguard that isn't moving is dumb.
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  5. TR5L4Y3R

    the lib roughly costs 2 skyguards and with a 3 man crew can bust both easily from range were the skyguard is pitiful to impotent .. say what you want dalton needed a nerf since yesteryear and AA platforms and weapons need a clear buff ..
    and the lib should not have a goddarn turbobooster
  6. Twin Suns

    Funnier things have happened in history. An outdated bi-plane (cheap in nanites LOL) cripples a battleship behemoth (lots of nanites LOL). That battleship was the Bismarck. War is he//!

    Just saying.
  7. DarkStarAnubis

    True, it happened exactly as you said.

    The problem is the ps2 game engine.

    Speed is king in the game (far more than defense, resilience and even offensive weaponry). Any fast mover will have a super easy life with a lot of hit-and-runs followed by quick disengaging if things get too hairy, repair, rinse and repeat.

    Couple a fast mover with some high-alpha-damage weapons and you have the perfect killing machine.

    IRL a fast mover have super weak armor (otherwise those would be slow) so a lucky shot will always cripple it (for an aircraft: cockpit, electronics and control surfaces, for a fast ground vehicle: wheels or engine) and once the fast mover is not anymore so fast, it is an easy prey.

    Alas, PS2 has no location damage. So it tries to tinker with armor, different resistance type depending on weapons, ... but at the end it is always tinkering.

  8. JibbaJabba

    Prevent occupant seat switching to and from seat 1 and most complaints about the lib die off.

    It's powerful as all ****. It's a 3 man vehicle (more than a tank, less than a colossus) and very expensive. It's supposed to be powerful as all ****.

    Making it a bit softer to ESFs would help in the overall air game I think. But really it's the 1man libs that are broken. Fix the seat swap and that's good.
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  9. Scroffel5

    Its not simply 1 man libs that are too powerful. If you have 3 people in it and you can't take it down, even to things that should be able to counter it, then thats what makes it too powerful. If it can sit out of the range of anything effective to it and lay waste from whatever angle it so desires, thats what makes it too powerful. I could care less if someone swaps seats. That doesn't really matter. The problem isn't that they can do it. Its that you can't do anything about it.
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  10. synkrotron

    well, if I'm out in me Valk and a Libby engages me I poop me pants and bail :eek:
  11. LodeTria

    ESFs are already very strong against libs, and it becomes even stronger if they use havocs.
    Making them even weaker to ESFs is unneeded.
  12. JibbaJabba

    They have no other legitimate counter. Make them weaker VS ESFs and if that becomes painful, bring along some ESF escorts next time.
  13. LodeTria

    Or just swap to ESFs instead of a lib and escort and get 3v1 ganked
  14. AntDX316

    Keeping things how they are is balanced. Zephyr 105mm does better damage than a Dalton if they all hit.
  15. TR5L4Y3R

    please tell me you are joking cause that´s utter scrap ...
  16. AntDX316

    Daltons can be hard to use. Dusters can be hard to use too but in the right hands they can be great but they aren't great All the time. If you have Lib trouble then you need to tell your teammates to pull AA and/or you pull AA too.

    1 skyguard within 200m, 1 AA burster Max, 1-2+ AA heavies can make libs run away. Not to mention other allied aircraft like Dervish and ESFs.

    You can kill tanks with cloaked flashes in a couple of passes. AT mines, C4s, light assault rockets can also kill tanks quicker than Liberators. Pulling armor or a harasser can also kill armor. I didn't even mention QCX and other primary weapon anti-tank rounds that are a problem too. It's like thinking if we cure cancer or COVID all will be fine in the world. Just because we are super focusing on a 1 or a couple of things does not dismiss the fact other things Do exist too. It's cool if we can control life like this but we can't. The idea is to setup the proper compromises and near immediate solutions to use them but we can only cover so much. Ultimately people have to accept "resting in peace" as possibly a good thing because everything in life a grind. We have to respond to many needs All the time such as breathing, eating, drinking, bathroom, etc.
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  17. Botji

    So in what instance would air have to call in teammates on the ground to deal with a single vehicle?
    Never, because there is nothing on the ground that equals what aircraft does against ground combat vehicles. Thats the issue, combined with the highly specialized G2A weapons being wet noodles which basically forces you to go join the air club to be a legitimate threat.

    Something most pilots dont mind because you just joined their air game, bringing them more action and fun while in most cases the ground player has to continue to suffer through gameplay they dont want to deal with.
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  18. adamts01

    We already already know directional armor on aircraft can be a thing. I think halving its top resistance would fox just about everything. ESF would have a reason to close distance and try to out maneuver it, they'd essentially need fighter escort. And they couldn't land and out rep damage nearly as easily. Right now they're basically ignored by lone ESF. Left alone to farm ground and hunt solo armor.
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  19. iller

    Lib would have an actual Soft-Counter again if they hadn't undone the first very slight damage nerf it had against ESF's. Having to always REPULL and switch to higher certed Composite armor in an ESF everytime a Dalton crew is encountered is ultra bull crap and Andy or whoever undid that balance tweak knows it. The difference between going *POP* instantly, and having a sliver of health after surviving one dalton round from some throwaway account running a Pridiction bot is literally the difference from your Allies also in ESF's getting there in time to help take the damn thing down.

    ...Otherwise, it just wrecks everything one by one and then it's full repaired again by the time you've switch Defense loadouts
  20. JustGotSuspended

    LOL you were off to a good start until you threw in this nonsense.

    I agree though, it's far too easy for a dalton to land 1 shot on an ESF, I don't think reverting the slight nerf was justified tbh.
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