Why does the LA need a nerf?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Eclipson, Apr 7, 2013.

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  1. Soundmonitor

    lol LA's are dead ducks when I catch them on my HA, it's like duck hunting.
  2. NoctD

    The only infantry class needing a nerf is the MAX. They are - quite literally - ridiculous infantry lawnmowers! And SOE is going to give them even more toys soon?!
  3. Goretzu

    The cloak doesn't make you invisible either, it does make you drop from the radar and stop Q spotting though.

    There's a lot of places a scout radar can't be taken, and a lot of instances where you just won't have one.

    Neither of which have anything really to do with Jetpack being practically silent in PS2.

    Infiltrators have to come at you from an position that is accessable by foot, LA do not, LA can come from pretty much any direction in many places.

    There are many places where you can position yourself where an infiltrator cannot get behind you, but a LA can.

    There's nothing wrong with that in concept, however doing it in complete silence is probably too much.

    So the "counter" to a silent Jetpack is to travel in groups, always? :D

    Sorry, that is utter nonsense.

    Yes there are many converluted ways of making Jetpack noise meaningless, none of them have anything to do with why a Jetpack should be silent in PS2 however.

    Indeed, no class is all powerful.

    Again this has nothing to do with Jetpacks being pretty much silent in PS2.
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  4. Regpuppy

    Basically this. The only really issue for infiltrator is that there are not many side objectives for them to do or hack. Once they have terminals, their job is usually done and then they become a useless team class and more of an assassin like the Light assault.
  5. Soundmonitor

    lol I love placing claymores by the enemy spawn exits, they die re-supply on the hack terminal, rinse repeat... Place scout beacons, cloak, and smg farm the enemy. Now how hard was that?
  6. Regpuppy

    If you're trying to refute my point, you're only reinforcing it. Once terminals are hacked, the infiltrator just becomes another form of class that competes with the others in a gunfight.

    One whos abilities can be duplicated by an engineer with AI mines and an SMG
  7. Rown

    Is that anything like this?

  8. Dubious

    Only need to tune sounds so jetpack is louder than cloak
    How they do it I don't care about, but the realistic way would be to increase sound on jetpack and decrease on cloak

    Not sure what utility LA can have, IMO; bandolier should take up that slot..
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  9. Soundmonitor

    You cant find me when Im cloaked, and by the time I de-cloak my barrel is already on your head, I can freely roam around your base while griefing you, I've had other players msg me with hate to the point I think they rage quit. Now an engie cannot do the same, nor can an LA.
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  10. Aegie

    So, there are many ways to completely negate the advantage people complain about in terms of being surprised by LA but none of them are relevant to a discussion of making the LA more obvious? I disagree.

    Jetpacks are not silent- I have heard them plenty of times. The thing is, if a LA is already above you then they do not need to use the jetpack to swoop down. A good LA will only use the jetpack if the impact from falling is significant and will use the jetpack to slow the fall only just before impact and only enough to soften the drop- this may help account for why you may not hear them as often as you may want. Keep in mind also that if the LA is in a good position then they probably do not even have to move to shoot you. I am starting to wonder how many times I've killed someone as a LA from 50m+ and they think I swooped in for a kill. Moreover, if there is a battle going on around you then the sound of the jetpack is going to be drowned out by all the other sounds that are and should be much louder- like gunshots and explosions. This is another reason why you may not hear them as often as you may want. Trust me, I have hunted down a fair number of LAs as a LA just by hearing the jetpack and following the sound- no, its not easy and neither is it easy to locate a cloaker just because you hear the cloak. Yes, this usually happens when we are not in close proximity to other loud sound effects typical of a battle.

    Is the jetpack as loud as the cloak? No, but this is irrelevant because (a) the infiltrator is a completely different class than LA with completely different abilities, tools and loadouts, (b) the cloak does not make sound the entire time it is activated- if it did then you may have something but the cloak only makes noise once upon activation and once upon deactivation and this makes it far harder to track where the sound is coming from than something making a constant sound and (c) the LA will never disappear from the minimap when jetpacking or if Q spotted and (d) if you are looking in the direction of a jetpacking LA they are obvious and stand out thanks to the irregular movement and location.

    I could actually see how hearing the jetpack could be a liability in a lot of the scenarios where it is difficult to hear- if you are in the middle of a decent sized battle and you hear a jetpack and go looking around for where the sound is coming from you are likely to get shot by someone else since all your awareness has now been focused on trying to echo located 1 LA rather than trying to maintain vigilance on the overall flow of the battle.
  11. Aegie

    No other class can equip the medium range bolt action with 1x or 2x scope and rack up OHKs from 20m+.
    Yup, and this.
  12. Dubious

    Follow the cloak sound...

    if thee is jetpack sound, it vanishes in all the other sounds..
  13. Astealoth

    being a long range marksman in this game doesn't really accomplish much. it's ok for having a bit of fun, but in all honesty are the "snipers" ever really making a significant impact on a battle? rarely is a good way to put it.

    i love using infiltrator for infiltrating. my armistice + nanoweave 4 setup has helped win many a hard battle. i can't tell you how many times our rinky dink invisibility cloak has gotten me into the midst of a huge group of enemies to shoot in the back, drop nades and clays on huddled corner camping masses. infiltrating with the infiltrator is the most satisfying activity in this game in my opinion. it's also gotten me pretty much all of my wicked 20+ killstreaks.

    the absolute best place to infiltrate as an infiltrator: the large hill between the crown and crossroads. if TR owns the crown and NC owns crossroads, you can bet your life that i'll be on that hill creeping with my armistice making trouble.
  14. Soundmonitor

    The funniest thing Ive ever seen on my inf was when I hacked a terminal and put a claymore, the target blew up the first time... put a new claymore, the target came as an infiltrator to rehack the terminal, he blew up again, he came back as HA and shot the terminal, while he did this I shot him in the back.
  15. Antich

    I have to disagree, unless the defenders actually bothered repairing stuff before letting their base empty you won´t have much to hack anyway. I hear ppl all the time saying how good of an utility is infiltrators hacking ability. You either go to an empty base(long time of doing nothing till you get there) in hope of getting smth to hack and after wait for ppl to actually come there if they ever will or go to a base that is contested already and hope the guys attacking(or even the ones defending) didn´t kill every hacking objective around the base. And if you find smth hackable you can rejoice at the fact that you got a laughable amount of xp and that your job is done(especially cause that terminal/turret will surely die now and won´t be repaired anytime soon).
    But yeah we have the imba recon tool that .... owns(except that you kinda have to in it´s radius to work ok and that a reaver or flash can do the job better, longer and on a higher area).
    Oh the utility of the infiltrators cloak(when attacking from the back cause from the front they can see you) that tells all your enemies that you are around even when you manage to flank or get behind them....

    No is not. Especially with the shotgun. Is the fastest class, the only one that can close the gap to get into shotgun range on any terrain and from any side. And even not using shotguns they still own with their very accurate carbines/smg and the ability to do c4 bombing runs from any angle(and less affected by the vehicle or MAXes movement or terrain)

    Not even, a LA using a silenced weapon and attacking from weird angles while using mobility to his advantage can be very hard to pinpoint.
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  16. Mythicrose12


    LA has already been indirectly nerfed the most out of all other classes.

    1. C4 despawning when the player dies. No other class uses C4 to the same degree of the LA.

    2. Deathfields around the "newly" designed spawn rooms. Doesn't punish any other class from spawn camping but does prevent the LA from being on the roofs.

    3. Certain structures were redesigned with metal window shutters to prevent tank shelling in to said building. While every class could escape through a window, only the LA could use the same window as a point of entry and escape.

    4. All shotguns are now nerfed. Slugs have been nerfed twice now I think. Any class can use them, but designed for close quarters they excel on the LA. There wasn't much complaining until the pump actions came out. SOE logic is to nerf them all but jackhammer.

    Jumpjets are slow. Your character also suffers an accuracy penalty. If the jet pack is any louder, it would break this class making it super easy to spot and kill with little retaliation from the LA. If the jet pack's sound were to be louder, I would damn well expect it to move my character at a much, much faster rate (aka bring back Icarus speed).
  17. Goretzu

    Again though the question is simply this: should the LA jetpack be so quiet? Effectively one of the quietest things in the entire game.

    I'd say probably not.
  18. Aegie

    I see where you're coming from and I respect your opinion but we could reword this: should the LA jetpack be loud? So loud that it will reliably alert all nearby enemies to a LAs position?

    I'd say probably not.

    We can agree to disagree that there is problem with the sound effects for the jetpack and I appreciate that we have had a respectful discussion.
  19. Soundmonitor

    please dont ask SOE to add sound to jetpacks until they fix other bugs... They will just break something else...
  20. Ash87

    Okay I'm guessing ESL.

    Okay, I'm admittedly having some trouble working through what you are saying here. Your complaints seem directed at the LA weapons. LA weaponry is designed for Short to medium range, more on the Short range side of that too. Reason is, that with an LA you can move around to different angles to attack your enemy. Hitting hard from Close range makes sense for that kind of tactic, because your rushing in and getting your hits before your obscenely short lifespan runs out.

    'Very Accurate' is kind of false too. They are 'very accurate' at short range, but if your gun barrel is pressing against your enemy's chest, then you don't exactly have to be a great shot to hit. Accuracy depends solely on the player, as there is no built in auto-aim feature. This is what I was saying earlier, when I mentioned that they were one of the few skill intensive classes. Not to mention that SMGs, Carbines, Shotguns... Short range is optimum, medium range is decent, long range is non-existent. There is -no- choice for an LA at Long Range. In an open field, they are boned.

    Now then looking at your point about speed, I really don't see it. I'm sure someone can quote a stat here, but I don't see LAs as being especially expeditious. They kind of wobble into the air, float around, and wobble back down. Just not that great.
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