Why do you play HA?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Oathblivion, May 10, 2013.

  1. Ruar

    Check out some suggestions I made in this post about HA.

  2. Posse

    1- Versatility
    2- Because I don't like to lose a 1v1 when I play my best just because the other class is better, if I fight as any other class against a equally skilled HA I'd lose 9 of 10 times and viceversa (and that other time would be the HA messing up).
    3- I don't like support roles.
    4- I like to play agressively.
  3. Highfall

    If I play solo, I usually go with infiltrator or light assault... if I'm playing organized with my outfit, it's hands down HA. It's versatile and can deal with pretty much any situation. With the lancer, we can instantly burst down any armor threat, we can scare away hovering pilots, and shoot down MAX units. With the resist shield and regeneration we can go in the front lines and soak up a whole lot of damage, and stay alive for a long time... and the LMGs are just, great!
  4. Hrafnagaldr

    - The Lancer
    - best VS starter weapon (Orion)
    - NMG prevents falling damage
    - looks cooler than the medic, which I would prefer elsewise :)
  5. TheBloodEagle

    Because I wanted to invest a lot of time into it and then read a bunch of comments about how it should be nerfed.

    But in seriousness, seeing how big the scale of the game was & the variety in it (combined arms). I knew I wanted to be TR because of lore. But I figured if I was going to have a role & there was going to be a grind-ish cert system, then I wanted to be more like this (mechanized infantry / panzergrenadier ):


    Instead of the sneaky type, flanking type or support type, I wanted to be loud & proud and on the front lines. I made my character in Beta and have stuck with it. I have yet to fully cert all I want, so I'm still with HA.
    • Up x 1
  6. Oathblivion


    But in all seriousness, thanks for the replies everyone. Since posting this, I've tried to play HA a bit more myself, and I sort of get it. It's a different flavor of the versatility I enjoy as Medic. Instead of a killing machine, the medic is a rezzing machine. It is arguable which results in more overall firepower. Also, after taking out a scythe while midair from a jump pad with the Shrike, I can appreciate the value in rocket launchers over C4. (C4 is still better though! :p)

    Boiling it down to an mmo metaphor, the HA is basically the melee warrior class, whereas Medic and Engie are support casters.
  7. biterwylie

    Because other than Hacking terminals, Repairing things or healing people, the Heavy Assault does everything else better than all the other classes.

    Long range fire fight - LMG & Sheild = Win
    Mid range fire fire - LMG & Sheild = Win
    Short range fire fight SMG & sheild = Win

    Tank combat - Fire and manouver, Fire and manouver = Win
    Anti Air - Lock On = Win

    As well as being better in basic combat than the other classes, I think they are better at base assaults than light assualts as they are more stealthy and durable and I think they are better at AV than Engineers as you can fire and take cover.

    Other than the specialist skills there is only one logical combat class.

    To be honest I think you could remove light assualt troopers and infiltrators from the game with no loss. Just give the engineer the terminal hack and the heavy assault the option of sniper rifle. Sorted with no loss to the game. Lets face it, the stealth cloak hacking behind enemy lines really has almost no effect on the game at all. And the light assualts back pack exploding every 5 seconds means you always know when they are in the area giving you the element of suprise rather than the other way around.
  8. huller

    overshield & huge mags which are perfect for locking down a building
    Decimator for anti-MAX duty (since all launchers are sort of obsolete after GU 8)
  9. X3Killjaeden

    With training you will also look down on maxes :D well not really, but more like equal opponents

    Propably because it has more room for error for newbies because of shields and large magazines. I have a new TR alt (just to fly mossi and see how it performs for me), i'd rather roll HA and suck then playing medic and annoying teammates by reviving them with 0 health because of uncerted tools.
    Engi, and Medic are support classes, if there is too much support you will definitely notice it (it will be just too useless to drop another ammo pack next those 10 on the ground or try to heal somebody competing with 5 other guys) Its a good thing there are more heavies (i'd guess there are about 50% heavy at normal times).
    I play medic once in a while (which is real fun with fully certed tools), and get way higher SPM then with HA. I still like heavy, because i can also accomplish something of my own - for example taking down an annoying AI max, or flank a group and take it out. And of course those pesky vehicles.
    Best class for fighting (as should it be), but no other capability.
  10. PeanutMF

    I originally wanted to play LA when I started playing PS2, but then I realised that killing only infantry doesn't contribute as much as destroying vehicles and especially Sunderers. You can't solo a non-blockade armour Sundy as LA but you can as a Heavy.

    Also since I like being in the middle of it all the survivability helps too.

    The downside to the class that I can see is the weapons the heavy uses. The only thing the LMGs having going for them are the larger magazines; otherwise I think ARs are better all around.
  11. Kupcake

    Mostly just the ability to engage vehicles effectively, particularly air.

    Aside from HA and MAX's, no infantry class has a meaningful ability to engage air. That's the thing which most often forces me into that role.
  12. GSZenith

    Cos i can ride around on my harr, empty walker into flyboys pathetic face then striker/a2g the fudger down...
  13. Raptor425


    Infiltrators can't do jack **** to vehicles. Medics can get C4. Every class has a way to defend themselves from vehicles except Infiltrators.
  14. Raptor425

    I've killed a Reaver with my Artemis before XD It was hilarious.
  15. Stormlight666

    To give pilots/drivers a helping hand on the battlefield. During any base cap i'll be aimed AWAY from the base covering the horizon for any Sunderers or fast moving transports trying to sneak in and mark them out for our side (or hitting them with my trusty Striker). And when those pesky invisble ATV's drive up to kill me I chaingun those suckers.

    I deter enemy ESF's with a rocket to drive them off, and mark them for easy pickings for our airforce. It's all about team playing UNTIL I need ammo then no vehicle pilot ever wants to drop and give me some. Then I run back to base and they usually die to some enemy Lightning that I wasn't there to mark and assist killing.
  16. Stormlight666

    You do realize that the whole point of Infiltrators is playing sneak around.
  17. VengeanceD

    I play heavy because of this, versatility.

    "Two Man Squad"

    "Aircraft Down"

    Excellent against air, great for close quarter combat, good at picking enemies from far away and last but not least, the Nanoweave Armor.
  18. Zaik

    because every time i see a vehicle and go to pull out my missile launcher, if it's not there i get mad and immediately go back to a terminal for HA to shoot at the tank. eventually i think i just stopped playing other classes so that i would stop getting frustrated at not being able to fight armor.
  19. HMR85

    I play HA because I enjoy playing aggressively. HA allows me to soak up a ton of damage while closing ground on the enemy to deliver that killing blow. Also the versatility of the class is great.
  20. Psykmoe

    It's the only class that can use the Lasher. I pretty much use that thing exclusively on my VS Heavies. Otherwise I like playing engineer and medic because there's some sweet carbines and assault rifles.

    I'm a lot less worried about fighting HAs because I pretty much always have a scout radar Flash with me parked somewhere so I can usually outplay their shield advantage, good for my medic/engineer and also for the relatively long TTK of a Lasher.