Why are people being over compensated?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chiss, Apr 10, 2013.

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  1. RadarX

    The simple explanation for this is I got my information this morning. Of course we absolutely took everyone's concern seriously and investigated but have been unable to find any issue beyond some players believing they shouldn't have received a grant. In the cases we've investigated they should have.
  2. Liquid23

    see but the NV scope is the same... it can help but it also can hurt.. the range on the thing is so limited while it is great with smoke and short range it's not only no help at long range but actually hurts... as with most attachments it either only provides a very very tiny bonus or a situational one...

    honestly I dropped both my flak and nanoweave and took the extra ammo armor... I'm still not dying anymore often than before but I am spending less wasted time looking for an engineer's ammo pack or a terminal... hell my alts which are very very low BR have absolutely no problems maintaining the same K/D and effectiveness as my main while is a high BR... the only difference is my high BR has a few more options with how to do things so a wider variety of playstyles work
  3. Kedyn

    But no one bought certs. I wasn't buying certs when I purchased vehicle packs for all of my characters. If I had known this would happen, I would have purchased more overlapping gear packs and items.

    Also, keep in mind that the small percentage of players that received a cert payout can only play one character at a time. Chances are they're still playing their main characters.
  4. Dem1se

    Then why were they already saying nothing was mishandled before I was told that by CS? Higby was saying up and down nothing was mishandled long before I was told by CS they were still in the investigating phase.
  5. Dem1se

    I think I can agree that it doesn't give them a lot more of an edge vs myself. The problem is that they shouldn't have such diverse options over someone who has put so much more time in than them.
  6. Liquid23

    eh I don't have a problem with it because most of the really diverse options come from the weapons which can all be bought via SC by anyone at any BR level...

    but in your argument I could make the same case against premium members and people who buy boosts... they got more certs via their boost so also have more options while spending less time getting them than someone who doesn't have the boost
  7. Dem1se

    True, but "pay to level faster" has become pretty much standard for ftp games. Even if not standard, it's casually accepted.
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  8. Kedyn

    You know what would happen if they rolled back my certs? I wouldn't spend any more money, that's for sure. I've spent over $300 on this game so far, and I'm willing to continue spending money as long as SOE doesn't do something so stupid as to cave to calls for "rollsbacks". If you want rollbacks, go to Walmart.

    SOE knows how to keep people that spend money happy, and knows how to keep them spending money. I'm pretty happy at this point, and I am going to continue spending money.
  9. Gisgo

    Aren't you the guy that got 60k certs? :rolleyes:
    On how many different characters did you get them? Two? Three?
    Unbiased opinion eh?
    You are part of the 0.3%... a very huge 0.3% :p

    How many weeks/months of playing does it take to get 60k certs for an average player? For EACH character.

    You all really cant understand why somene is slightly pissed?
    If i was a freebie low rank i would be pissed too.
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  10. SamizdatCowboy

    For the record Higby claims it's 0.03%, not 0.3% :)
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  11. Liquid23

    for the record those 0.03% are elitist snobs who consider themselves well above the common place elitist snobs that make up the 1% crowd
  12. Sharpe

    Except he didnt. Go read his twitter. You're making up stuff to prove your point - just like the rumour that "Alot of people are getting certs undeservingly" was made up in these forums to support an argument.

    What Higby said was that there was alot of people claiming alot of people got certs that were not warranted, and yet all the investigations turned out it was false. And people were just not saying who got them wrongly, they were just saying "alot of people" got certs that shouldn't have gotten.
    It's forum rumour at its best, spread by but*hurt folks that were jealous other people got something they didnt.
  13. Dem1se

    Which part do you think I'm making up? Well it doesn't matter, because I could prove both. The only reason I didn't post a SS of CS telling me that was because I assumed it would be inappropriate. If Radar asks me to, I will.

    Also, the update Higby provided in the other thread said nothing was mishandled. Then he disproved 1 person in the thread who thought he was not owed. This person was also in that 0.03% What a coincidence! There were several others in the thread claiming they were not owed (this thread too) that were not addressed in the thread to my knowledge. All of this was long before CS told me they were only in the investigating phase.

    You can choose to not believe me if you want, but it doesn't change the truth.

    Edit: Actually, I just reread it and noticed something I didn't before. It actually adds that if there was an error with the cert grants that CS has to wait on the Dev Team to decide a course of action before they can proceed with anything. This was 4/11/2013 06:51 PM. I'm not sure if that's pst or my time, because I didn't see the response until late.
  14. Cyridius

    Why are people mad about this?

    Big deal. People got certs. Cry more.

    For the record, the grand total amount of certs I got was ZERO.

    I wrote an extremely long and detailed post as to why it doesn't matter. Don't know where it went.

    But now, let's just look at the things people are stupidly disgruntled about;

    Low BR players "undeservedly" got a tonne of certs.
    False. People who bought gear and supported this game from an early stage of development got certs. If someone got 60,000 and you got 2,000, guess who deserved more Certs.

    There is no reason to give a crap. Any sort of complaining about "Oh people got certs" is PURELY because you didn't get more. These threads are entitlement at their finest. Here's a news flash, smart people don't care. Smart people don't give a crap that loads of people got certs. Wanna know why? Because smart people know that the only difference between people who got certs and people who didn't, is that people who got certs only got things faster. You're still going to get what you want if you want it. Don't like that? Buy some ******* membership and XP boosts, build a bridge, and get over it.

    People getting certs for nothing devalues what I've done;
    False. If you consider your cert grinding as "work" then you should quit. It doesn't matter that other people got certs. The game isn't about certs. If you play a game for the sake of progression, then you fail at logic.
  15. Nuggetman

    I am sure many premium members in the community would like to know why buying duplicate weapons and trading them in was multiple times more effective at cert gain than purchasing memberships and boosts.
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  16. SamizdatCowboy

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  17. Gisgo

    Premium member here, heroic boost and more than 150 euros spent on the game.
    I spent them on one character, and im happy about it.
    If you spent the same on 3 character instead of one now you would have... hmmm... how many thousands certs?
    Not because you spent more money on the game, nope, but because you bought the same item on different characters.
    It doesnt really make sense, its a totally random thing, how can you claim its "deserved"?
    A station cash refund would be deserved, sure, but refunding SC with XP? WTF did they smoke?
    You dont refund items with XP, not in a MMO game, and not with such an insane amount of XP.
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  18. Bobby Shaftoe

    What are you even going on about?

    You did get what you were promised: THE ITEM YOU SPENT THE SC ON! (now across all characters)

    How can YOU spending money on a FREE game, somehow mean I am careless with my money? It's quite obviously YOU being the profligate one with your money.

    It's quite simple, you buy X for 700 SC, someone else buys 2X for 1400 SC, they got a 'refunded' payment in kind in lieu of SC, you both still get to use the item bought across all characters, you have not lost out on anything, SOE have merely given those that DID spend more, a generous cert bounty.

    You spent 700 SC, they spent 1400 (or more) SC. Yet you expect some sort of parity compensation, for what?
  19. Sahansral

    Sorry, don't assume, what people think. Read what they wrote! And don't postulate, what's smart and what isn't.

    I don't know, if this rage is among the players who didn't spend a dollar for this game. I doubt it. It's among the players who followed your advice, buyed membership and boosts, supported this game like you mentioned. They spend their money not for a short advantage (eg. duplicate weapons for all characters), but on a longterm basis (with up to 6 months dedication to the game) with the promise of faster character development. Now, people get weeks/months worth of character advancement, for having bought items. Way ahead of the longterm supporters.
    Unjustice...multiplied with the number of characters. It's the icing on the cake. People who faction-switched, or just were lucky (or "smart"?) enough to make some alts can now have fully viable alternatives in case the faction balance/nerf hammer swings again. Those previously loyal to a faction or those who were reluctant to switch because of the money already spent on their main got royally shafted in this deal.

    About the devaluation: Sorry, don't tell people which aspect of a game they have to like or not. There's a reason, xp-boosts are implemented and were bought: The grind is tedious. A huge part of the mechanic of this game is build around certs. Just look at the servers during double-xp-events.
    There's a huge difference, if you can play with a fully certed out class/vehicle asap or if you have to wait weeks/months for it. Now, some chosen ones can play all new toys on three factions fully certed out without grind, immediatly, weeks ahead of those who invested in all possibilites offered by SOE to reduce this grind.

    Just a litmus test, to test your arguments. If it is ok, to refund SC spent on duplicate weapons in bundles in form of Certs multiplied with your character slots then ok, then keep on refunding bundles/weapons that are purchased now the same way for all customers. But somehow I doubt that you will agree on this. Hypocritical...
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  20. Anti-Skub

    Yeah except that's total bollocks isn't it...

    I've spent hundreds of dollars on this game. Had I then used the SC I had to stupidly buy the same weapon over and over, and purchase bundles where I already owned all the items I would have received tens of thousands of certs, but because I went for faction specific weapons and was careful not to buy things I already owned, I got nothing. So tell me, if the players who spent more money deserve more certs, why didn't I get any.

    And just for the record, as you clearly can't be bothered to read the rest of the thread, I don't want certs, what I want is an even playing field. Not one where one player has to grind for thousands of hours to receive the same thing another was giving on a whim of the devs.
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