When did the Combat Medic become an issue?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eclipson, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Flapatax

    A player that turns on their ZOE when they get revived with 20% health is a bad player indeed.
  2. jak

    I don't think anything drastic needs to be done. I think the time it takes a medic to rez someone needs to be increased with some minor tweaks:

    1) Rez distance reduced so a medic can't bunnyhop around while rezzing - This is basically a nod to the attackers that they did well killing someone where there's no cover. Encourages teamwork when needing to rez someone by providing supporting fire to cover the medic while he does his job.

    2) Rez always recovers full health, but the ranks decrease the timer. 5 ranks, let's go something like 20/17/15/10/5 seconds (ie, highly reward invested medics). This effectively acts as a cooldown, plus it makes the priority for a CM other CMs rather than just hop around rezzing any dead guy. You have to actually care about who you rez.

    3) MAX rez is always 30 seconds. Force multipliers shouldn't be easily salvaged, let's be honest with ourselves.

    Given the above scenario, large zergs will still be able to effectively get teammates back up. Small squads will be able to do likewise. Smaller engagements will depend highly on the skill of the medics, rather than the drone syndrome that is the current situation. Skilled medics will triage the situation appropriately and get their force back up in an effective manner while unskilled medics will be penalized for poor choices.
    • Up x 5
  3. Inu

    Meh, the whole mechanic functions as a whole currently, but its incredibly clunky.
    I think this thread is making it clear that it would take some serious overhauling to make it work right, or at least feel right, since it'll so deeply effect the flow of battle afterwards.
  4. Posse

    Actually, if you need to take cover as soon as you're revived, turning ZOE on is the best course of action, if a rocket hits you instantly after reviving you'll be dead again with or without ZOE :p
  5. Flapatax

    In the situation you describe ZOE is irrelevant to the medic discussion. The only reason he could possibly have brought it up here is if once revived Vanu maxes were flipping on ZOE and shooting at people, a bad decision at 20%.
  6. SwordofCyric

    Which is strange, since in BF3 reviving is even faster than in PS2
  7. Inu

    BF3 is faster paced.
  8. PWGuy93

    To the OP's title - last night.

    I finally saw more medics than any other class combined. The mini map was awash in + plus symbols.
  9. Patrician

    I think you're making assumptions, which is a silly thing to do.
  10. Bill Hicks

    Yes it should. This means that the attackers are pathetic in taking a base. Second, defenders have a natural advantage, you should need more players than they have. Revive grenade? you mean that swirly mist that allow me to get a big kill streak because I threw my own GRENADE into the room?
  11. CrashB111

    ZOE actually does benefit the most from revive spam since it counters the one weakness of ZOE which is taking more damage. If you can sprint around the battlefield mowing people down with the knowledge that if you even go down you'll just be a zombie if a few seconds it really takes the edge off.

    ZOE MAX is basically just a HA with 1.5x the DPS and double the health.
  12. Lamat

    And fabulous colors!
  13. Posse

    Ah yes, in that situation it would be ******** haha
  14. Kalendric

    I'll believe Medic's are overpowered when there's enough of them for me to actually get a resurrect once in a blue moon when playing MAX. Wherever these limitless free MAX revies are happening, it's never where I am.

    That said, if constant revives are a problem why not have them cause a short term debuff equal to say being hit by a concussion grenade. I think the biggest problem is you get a revive, pop up out of nowhere and blow the heck out of an enemy coming towards you which is a tad unfair. And if you die again and get revived again the concussion effect can be longer. Call it resurrection trauma or something.

    Also I think a rebalancing of C4 is on order. Maybe reduce the number of C4 a medic can carry to one. Alternatively, weaken C4 entirely and let other classes carry more of it. Certainly I think thee's something wrong when I see medics using C4 like grenades.
  15. jihon83

    They should add the "heat" mechanic to the Medic's applicator (it somehow feels like an odd and vaguely dirty word). Especially if it heated up greatly on reviving infantry, or "nearly" fully with resurrecting a Max.

    Otherwise, it does seem like the Medics are an issue now because I've seen a lot of Medic herds in zergs. It almost seems like an indicator for the general experience level of a mass: with outfits and squads of, hmm, seasoned players, the MED's just tend to be a component; and with noob zergs, there seem to be squads made up of them. It was one of the most irksome parts of the TR surge on Waterson.
  16. HerpTheDerp

    The crucial point you're missing is that the defibs in Battlefield have maximum range of 0.5 meters, while the maxed revive gun of AM in PS2 has a range of three meters.
  17. MrK

    Not sure if the instant defib in BF wouldn't make the "issue" even "worse", since you'd only have to go over the dead guy without even dancing around.
  18. Tristan

    There was also a giant broohaha soon after BF3 released about frustratingly hard to kill squads full of medics that just constantly rezzed each other and squad spawned on each other. Well that sounds familiar.
  19. HerpTheDerp

    Blatantly exposing yourself to enemy fire you mean?
  20. Taemien

    I found a new way to deal with medics. A Jackhammer.

    I was in a room earlier today and the VS ran a rush in the room I was in. I managed to kill 4-5 of them as they came in. A medic threw a rez grenade in and like Zombies in a bad B movie, they came back to life. Well I saw the grenade, and reloaded. As they got up, I blew them back down one by one. Then turned outside and blew away the medic.

    If -I- can take on 6 people like that myself. TWICE. Then the ability cannot be that OP. I'm far from being a badass at this game.

    Point is, medics are part of the game. You run with a few in your platoon. Just like you have heavies when facing tanks, or engineers with tanks and MAXes.

    Someone said it best. People are complaining because they so called 'take out 7 guys on their own' and their work is foiled by one medic.. well no s----... it was 8v1. My little story up there at the beginning was the exception not the rule (even though I was successful against the medic). Imagine what you all can do to a medic if your squad sticks together.

    Another story. I was scouting ahead for my platoon as an infiltrator. Saw two guys sneaking around, literally within 30m of me. Was a heavy and a medic. I knew taking the heavy first would be bad. So I sniped the medic, then the heavy. Guess what? Didn't have to fight the heavy twice. I just took two guys 2v1, one was a medic. WITH an infiltrator inside optimum range of a sniper rifle. Isn't that supposed to be the underpowered class?

    Yeah.. you all are going to have to do WAY more convincing to show me how medics are OP. I'm not seeing it. Seeing alot of talk here. But ingame, they are weak compared to me and the tactics my outfit and friends use. Don't get me wrong, we'll use medics, but only a couple here or there. This idea of a full medic squad.. stupid. Not even ridiculous, ridiculousness implies effectiveness. So no its just stupid.