When did Farming Become an Entitlement?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PapaPetro, Sep 22, 2013.

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  1. KenDelta

    Please , everything is counterable , there won't be any farmers if people actually bothered to counter things , they just keep on playing their role and ignore the thing that is killing the repeatedly.
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  2. KenDelta

    1st , they would expose their location if my he's under good cover and undetected.
    They can do a lot of stuff , get indoors , hit a terminal and spawn a tank , press "delete" and hide in cover for 10secs.
    If they start shooting a Harasser , especially one with AI weaponry the gunner WILL be alerted if he already isn't. problem is that people shoot the 1st thing they see , I rather press respawn and stay hidden for 10sec than give a free cert.
  3. Takoita

    Splash damage is only a problem because base design allows it to be. Tank spam is a problem only because someone decided to go the BF way with tanks.
  4. PapaPetro

    Where everything is counterable, they are not all equal counters. It requires much more skill and organization to coordinate the destruction of a single farming vehicle than does the farmer (let alone a swarm of farmers).
  5. DeadliestMoon

    Do note that he did not at all mention trying to destroy the tank when he pulled INF, he just switched to the class and tried to get into the fight (he also took note that there was a tank and tried to avoid it). Since you are a dedicated tank driver you must've forgotten that the dumpfire rocket launcher that comes standard doesn't lock on to the vehicle and requires you to try and predict where the tank is going. *What really bothers me is your last sentence. Because infantry is the weakest (yet still the most important), they need a combined assault just to take out one tank, where as one 2/2 (or 1/2) MBT can farm an entire squad.
  6. KenDelta

    Does it ? does it take Military tactics to kill that hidden engineer with a UBGL? Does it take anti-terrorism military protocols to kill a lolpodding ESF in a low populated area? How much effort does it take to go to a terminal , press E and pull out a lock-on , a sniperrifle , a tank?
  7. Makora

    I will say that if your little unit is being farmed in a small outpost, then unfortunately it is YOU who are to blame. Don't spawn there. If you're not going to get to the point from the base's own point, don't bother. Spawn a base or two back and pull your own vehicles. Pull a galaxy at the warp-gate and load up, drop on the contested point. As squadleader, have your squad be on the deploy screen on standby and fly over the point in an ESF. Then have everyone squad-deploy on the contested point like it's ODST night.

    But beyond players the issue is also caused by our little friend "base capping mechanics". Since you have to sit there at that base for everything from 5 minutes to 30+ (depending on how the cap is going). With a larger force, in control of the base you have, quite literally NOTHING to do but camp the spawn and/or twittle your thumbs waiting for the cap to turn over.
  8. Lafri

    I just illustrated that for some of you guys, this a everyday attack/defend situation that is pure farming just because the lemming train will do the same thing every day, die at the same spot 10000 times to 3-4 tanks and rage quit. I can do one more with the usual progress of the battle incl. where you find the AMS Sundi's in 99/100 cases.
    Purple/blue small circles are where you put your tank/lightning, large circles where to fire and get guaranteed free kills... green is the lemming route of death...

    People also forget that camping the spawn room is needed, otherwise the base just does not get capped. That's the main thing. Make every base either shorter to capture or give all major bases an SCU..

    Or make it so there are SCU bases along the lattice line that can be disables to stop spawns along said line...
  10. sicsoo

    i don't think that camping a spawn room by outside or 500m away is needed (and now you can't even avoid dmg inside the spawn room's shield). i do think some good use of max, engineers and medics is needed, to defend a spawn room. but if you can't even reach the point, it's useless anyway.
    but anyway, this is to give everyone a way to have fun, even tank spammers spend SC in this game, so they have some "entitlements". so farming a base like this, they make it look like is the same as farming inside a biolab (but tactically you have more chances for attackers). for me, just reducing the splash dmg should be ok, if you don't want to add wall maria, wall rose and wall sina as solution.
  11. eldarfalcongravtank

    farming or not farming. this game is NOT casualfriendly. i have recruited two friends to this game so far and they quit within 1-2 days. not only did they say they get killed very very quickly (even by infantry smallarms) without a true chance of retaliating properly, but they also said that cert costs are ridiculously high ---- or alternatively, the cert gain rate is very low.

    that means new players cannot improve their character (via weapon attachments, suit slots, ability slots, etc.) that quickly against established and skilled players. and that is a huge deal because if new players see they cannot have any fun in this game (due to being killed constantly), they go back to other games that are more accessible and dont punish freshmen that harshly.

    i hate praising these games but look at battlefield or call of duty. they're mainstream titles that are very accessible. in less than a few days, you gain a lot of new weapons and equipment if you run through the military ranks in both games. in comparison, even after half a year of hardcore-gaming, you still haven't decked out a lot in planetside2. new infantry/vehicle weapons are very expensive (1000certs is worth the playtime of a week without boosts) and cert improvements aren't cheap either.

    all in all, one shouldn't be surprised if lots of players leave the game while only a strong core-elite of gamers remains and keeps 'farming' the cattle, that is, the new and bad players, which in turn keep leaving the game. and if anyone thinks this isn't happening, take a look at this:
  12. Goretzu

    Isn't there a perma-death one?

    As for MMOs, there's certainly been risk, exp loss and full loot servers were certainly that.
  13. Eclipson

    Are you kidding me? Taking out my striker, running over to a tank and dropping a couple C4 on it, pulling out an AV turret 1000m away, etc. That requires organization and skill? Yea, you sir, deserve to be farmed.
  14. Kaon1311

    The problem is, items are getting nerfed because idiot sheep keep running into an obvious hot-zone or lost base. They die over and over instead of spawning at the next base and coutering the force with equal or greater force. Nope, they just run to the forum and moan that said weapon is OP.

    If i arrive at a combat zone and see waves of idiots running into my AP shells, no one in their right mind, myself included, is going to move on.

    Whithout sheep, the farmer would be no more, think about that.
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  15. Eugenitor

    Fixed that for you.

    If children who don't know any better are trapped in battles they can't possibly win, they don't want to play anymore. If they don't want to play anymore, they aren't asking to borrow their parents' credit cards to buy SC. And without parents' credit cards, SOE can't keep the servers running.
  16. deggy

    That last sentence is there because infantry can effectively solo a tank, but Infiltrators can't. If a tank is farming a squad, that squad is to blame. They should have rocket launchers, mines, C4, AV Turrets, their own vehicles, and a couple other ways to counter armor. The fact that they don't shoot at the tank isn't the tank's fault.

    What I read in the post I quoted was someone who didn't adapt to the threat at hand. There was an enemy tank. He didn't change classes or loadouts to deal with it. The fact that it killed him was his problem, and it was his fault. It's like... Pulling a Liberator, getting shot down by a Skyguard, and coming back in an ESF to the exact same spot.

    As I said in my previous post, the default dumbfire is very good if you can actually aim. Even if you don't kill your enemy, you force him to dodge the rockets, which prevents him from shooting accurately. And for a mere 250 certs, you can lock on to your enemy and force him to leave the area. Hell, trial the lock-on launcher for the same effect, totally free.
  17. Pirbi

    Don't get farmed by tanks. Farm the tanks.
    (mark post as solution)
  18. Andy79

    Orbital Strike is still on the roadmap,

    imagine the EXP for calling it down on your own little outpost that is swarmed by 20 prowlers, 10 sundies and 100inf ...
  19. axiom537

    No one is entitled to be farmed, just like no one is entitled not to be farmed. If you are being farmed then you have failed, but are to stubborn to fall back...
  20. Kaon1311

    Ah, so dumb down the game for the idiots with their mums credit card.
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