When are bursters getting nerfed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by simmi1717, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. Goretzu

    In terms of TR the Striker is a real problem too (just because of it's abundance as much as its lethality). It's likely TR>VS>>NC in AA terms these days.
  2. SikVvVidiT


    Tis is Planetside. And it worked before it the older version of this game it will work again.

    Pilots need to understand they are not suppose to hover, Higby and company allowed them to get away with it for so long they think they are suppose to now.

    They are the fatest moving objects in the game for a reason... Zoom in LOLPOD your butt off and zoom out.. How hard can that be.. Learn to fly like actual pilots fly.. They don't hover in mid air unless they want to get blown the F up!
  3. McChimperson

    Switch Burster and Skyguard projectile velocities. Then AA would be perfect.
  4. Zar

    and I still wreck you bads who walk in open fields i don't need your sympathy your tears will do fine air is UP atm and I still kill you bads.... wait till its "balanced" in the new update =3 your tears will power my jet turbine engine. P.S hovers die and they should, dive bombing and strafing runs = win. also maxes should render at the range tanks do. once thats fixed then air vs aa is gonna get alot better. lets fix that then see where balance is at.
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  5. Ribero

    "At least you're not a LolPodder whining about it, those guys get no sympathy. Hovering/flying directly at AA then scream that it's Sooooo powerful. "

    I thought that would be clear enough that I was talking about the actions of Lolpodders. Perhaps if it were a comma after Sympathy instead of a period.
  6. Ribero

    My tears? I've got nothing to cry about. I've certed into a second Burster for my MAX so I've not had to worry about air for a while now. You're the one claiming Air is UP and whining about render ranges.

    Perhaps read my initial post and understand it, before you get all defensive. If you're not a hovering LolSpammer, and are "smart" enough not to fly at AA then you've no reason to get your jimmies rustled.
  7. FoxD3v1lsW1ld

    Rather simple imho. Nobody pays for air anymore - the regular pilots already have their certs put into their ESF / lib, and new pilots quickly get away from it. On the other side every infantry gets a burster at some point, and many do it with SC.
    SOE is not going to nerf their moneymakers and buff something that gains close to no money.
  8. OKBuick

    You keep posting your killboard... second time now, I acknowledged your mastery.

    #1 Do you have vehicle stealth and scout radar maxed on your esf?

    #2 Do you use the setup in battle?

    #3 If not, WTF do you know?

    These additions might help you beat those pesky AAmaxes that you claim, you can't take in a one on one battle, yet still cling to the belief that you are a good pilot.

    In addition there are plenty of videos showing reavers dominating TR using stealth diving and fast attack tactics. Youtube search is your friend.

    Here's a couple to get you started

    This is a recent video. His tactics are kind of all over the place but you can see how stealth gives him the advantage in his attacks. His diving attacks with stealth are very effective. He's also running flares and hesitates to evade sometimes, but he doesn't need to pop much when he just bugs out quickly. With scout radar maxed he could get a good picture of the battlefield and still get away from the locks. Still he's very effective.

    This is an old video but it outlines the fast attack. He doesn't always use the approach but a lot of the time he's approaching from above at 200mph attacking and leaving before they adequately react. Stealth would have to be a huge help in this attack.

    Now how about posting some videos of what your doing so we can see your mastery...
  9. OKBuick

    Reaver taking out 2 maxes. Pretty funny.
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  10. OKBuick

  11. BH Brigade

    Even fixing the render range of bursters wouldn't help that much as they are already TINY targets.