When are bursters getting nerfed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by simmi1717, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. Arexu Kaiser

    What? I never stated that ANYTHING shooting at me from a spawn room will own me. I stated an AA MAX in a spawn room are untouchable and I might aswell forget trying to attack that place since I cannot shoot through the spawn shields, while he can.

    Which you can see below here.

    Please tell me where in this quote above have I stated that ANYTHING OWNS ME FROM SPAWN ROOM. Because when I look, I cannot see where where I wrote that at all. Do not make up false claims or pretend to think I said something else please. :/ It is rather rude...
  2. OKBuick

    Sorry for the confusion... I am stating that anything owns you from the spawn room. You said

    I'm trying to tell you that if I'm behind a shield you can't touch me, I will own you. I don't see what your upset about. Of course you will have to go elsewhere or land and camp the spawn or anything. If I'm behind the spawn shield and your just hovering there... your dead. That's why I stated what are you talking about.... your mad because AAmaxes are shooting at you from the spawn room?? Well of course your going down if you stay... whats your point?

    Get at a high angle and pod them if they come out, otherwise your right to move on and find a battle you can win.
  3. simmi1717

    You seem to know a lot about flying without really flying yourself. You seem to have a lot of theoretical knowledge. Please post some videos of pilots pulling off your proclaimed tactics and killing lockdown maxes and heavies with strikers. Show me even one video of a fight where ESFs are dominating the ground while there is an equal number of maxes/heavies on the ground as there are ESFs in the air. Also please tell me where you have learned all this without actually flying yourself. Post me the videos so I can also be as knowledgeable as you.
    Also take a look at this again. This is my recent combat action. I sure don't know wtf I'm doing as a pilot and definitely need to use your theoretical knowledge
  4. Arexu Kaiser

    Im sorry... but I am not in the best of moods right now.

    But no.. im not mad at maxes shooting me from the spawn room. But how you wrote about anything owning from spawn room, you made it look like that you were trying something against me... :/ Perhaps you shouldn't write in the manner like: "Anything shooting at you from a spawn room will own you ... what are you talking about????" It can be percieved as an attempt of belittlement despite my only mention is AA MAXes were firing from the spawn room.

    Had you mentioned like this instead: "AA MAXes and pretty much anything inside spawn room will own you..." I'd probably see your point alot sooner and without confusion. Thing is the topic is about AA MAXes, not the infantry around him. With barring lock-ons, lucky dumbfire rocket hits and tank shots, everything else are very negligable and not as panic inducing as AA MAXes are due to their sheet firepower.
  5. IamDH

    Damn the damned damn AA
  6. Ribero

    Guessing you missed the part where I said "At least you're not a Lolpodder" ?
  7. chrisbeebops

    You should be able to pull AA units to defend any base, just as you can pull AV units. Aircraft have an added advantage in that they are faster by far and more maneuverable than any ground vehicles or infantry.

    If the bursters are running back to spawn constantly for repairs, then they are not sitting outside shooting at your aircraft. You have accomplished your goal.

    It is pretty trivial to kill bursters in battles like tower battles. They are always a priority target for me along with the base turrets. I kill enemy bursters all the time as light assault. 1 C4 on an oblivious MAX starting into space does the trick. If they have high level flak armor and survive the C4, a full clip of my carbine is enough to down him. Yet when I play burster I find that 95% of the time I am unmolested for the entire battle. Enemies will be jumping around the tower or drop podding on the tower and yet no one bothers to try to kill me. Hell, even after enemies have pushed to A and control all 3 points in a tower I still am often left alone and continue to blow up unsuspecting ESFs who think the battle is already over and it is safe.

    PS2 is a combined arms game, and aircraft is not the answer to every problem. If you pull a large airforce and expect to take a base without infantry, don't be surprised when the enemy starts shooting back and blowing you out of the sky.
  8. holycaveman

    Thats idiotic. I am so freaking sick of the OP noob tube the max.

    I resorted to pods today put two full magazines in a max, I caught him shooting someone else. He turned and blew me out of the air so quick. I almost canceled my membership.

    its such BS!!!!

    He was being healed the whole time. ONE FREAKING MAX!!!!! Shut down the entire area of esf. I saw him take out 3 before he got me.

    YOU HAVE NO CHANCE. I am far from a noob pilot. And no I should not have to stay away. I should be able to play my part. For craps sake 3 of us in esf should have a chance.

    What is Higby smoking!!!!
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  9. Drealgrin

    Peasants cry about lolpods, they just need to sit down, shut up, and eat pods.
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  10. SikVvVidiT

    GOOD and as you can see by this weekend pops are picking up again.

    Hover bots needed to be put in your place. No one pays their hard earned money to be spammed to death by skilless 1 button wonders that hover over you. They need to learn to use a plane like it people did in PS1, Hit and run tatics will get you far my son.
  11. Purg

    You come up with some amazing stories. What's your character name again?
  12. Gigarayzor

    1 burster max vs 1 ESF should be 50/50 odds of winning, you say? That's ********. Burster maxes are entirely anti-air. They serve zero other purposes. That's like saying that a tank with the AP rounds should be 50/50 against a HE tank. When ESF weapons stop being highly effective to every single other enemy in the game except MAXes, then sure, make them 50/50.

    Besides, people act like Burster MAXes beating aircraft is unfair like how aircraft beat every single other unit in the game. It's not at all a fair comparison, because when air power dominates tanks or infantry, there is nothing those tanks or infantry can really do to fight back or even get away. At best, a Burster MAX can chase away enemy air. You can only bring down an ESF that's sitting stationary hovering like an idiot for 10 seconds, or you have masses of bursters together. And frankly, if you have a mass of people like that, you should be able to dominate single fighters.
  13. Ouch Electric

    I see a lot of people complaining about ESFs being so skill-less, but 90% of these people would be shot out of the air before their
    timer was even 1/3 recharged.

    Burster maxes take no skill and no resources and can hide in buildings and fire from behind shields. They can dominate several hexes worth of air space. 3 burster maxes can do so even easier, and don't have any issues with running into each other or staying on station like ESFs. Burster maxes can be repaired by invisible/non rendering engineers. They can be revived for no resources. They are a tiny target that takes minimal splash damage, and too small to hit directly with inaccurate air weapons. They have a get out of jail free card in the form of dash ability.

    Burster vs esf is not 50/50, unless the ESF pilot is 3x better than the burster user, which is actually pretty common since no one has to dedicate any time or skill to using a burster.
  14. Goretzu

    The biggest problem is that 2 of the factions have super-bursters and 1 of them as ordinary bursters.
  15. simmi1717

    Yea but you still told me not to hover and fly at AA. Why the **** would I do either of those things?
  16. Purg

    What is the magical no resource Burster MAX you speak of?
  17. simmi1717

    Lol I'm so sick of these idiots claiming flying ESF is a skill-less thing to do while it actually requires the most skill in the whole game. I got so sick of dominating infantry using my LA that I started to fly to have some fun only to find out pretty broken at the moment. I can get a lot of other ESFs but going anywhere close to infantry is usually death.
  18. simmi1717

    That's true. I started playing TR today just for the heck of it and was having a much easier time because there were far less lock ons and NC burster maxes aren't OP as sh**. I think that's the reason these other pilots are arguing about maxes being OK in this game. They probably have never had to go against the TR max and striker spam bull sh**
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  19. YoXn

    I do think burster's need nerfs, this coming from a Max/HA player. BUT! The damage needs to be swapped
    with skygaurds. I think the anti-air presence is fine at the moment. With the domes coming out, you won't
    need to really worry about Burster's/Max's as much. ESF's have it hard at the moment. Especially if you
    are NC.

    As for Max's they should not have ZOE/Lock-down effect NS weapons at all. They should remain like that.
    I do not know why they went back with the whole "not effecting NS weapons" but they need to do that.

    Burster max's swap with Skyguard damage. ZOE/Lock-down should not effect bursters.
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  20. simmi1717

    Yes precisely.