Whats with all the hackers this last week

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jubikus, May 28, 2015.

  1. FieldMarshall

    I have not seen a single hacker the last week on Miller.(Though i did hear someone complain about it in chat once)
    And i dont seem to die any more than i used to, so i havent ran across any subtle hackers either. (Or atleast any that mattered)
  2. Jubikus

    I had a simular person in my outfit a while back except he still wasn't good even with esp hacks he was BR100 aswell and the only reason he was discover kicked from the outfit and then banned was he simply could not keep it to himself and told somone i guess he figured would keep it secret and they did not and the kicker to the story is he had spent hundereds of dollars on cosmetics and other things for his account so when he got banned it was that much more of a burn.
  3. Goretzu

    There was a VS one sat inside terrain firing out on Thursday night, it wasn't just a one off glitch because he moved to sit inside new terrain in new battles for 1/2 the night.

    Subtle hackers you can just never know, unless you spend hours watching them.
  4. pnkdth

    I think this player did a mistake during a stream or youtube upload. Some video of him came up anyways, not sure how.

    The thing is, while it may not seem like it matters on an individual basis, these ESP hackers have the power to change the course of entire battles. They see everything, ie, know the placement of sunderers, beacons, where you are looking, etc etc. Essentially they ruin every smart play your team might do.

    Ever seen a LA player camp a tower, always striking with pin-point precision? Ever seen a player who seem to be looking everywhere at once, always in ADS as you round the corner? Sometimes it can be dismissed as just having good spatial awareness, but there are also those times where everything just feels slightly off, like why did this player decide to "slice the pie"(moving in a way to gradually cover the FOV in a room) in such a perculiar way, looking at you before anything else? I am aware of pre-firing but there are pre-fire and then there is extremely unlikely cases of selective pre-fire at just the right time, at every time, on your specific location.

    Most of the time these players get hailed as skilled players, often being defended by others as well.
  5. Some1

    I dont know about hackers but I have been having a hell of time with lag, hitching, and terrible hit detection this last update... To solve the problem I simply uninstalled the game.
  6. Utrooperx

    All I can say is there's been a rise of "funny stuff" going on...DBG needs to get on the stick and put a stop to it.
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  7. Pootisman

    Yeah, there are totally no hackers in PS2. The players who fly around like an ESF as infantry and headshot everyone with a carbine at a distance of 200m are just good players.
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  8. Jubikus

    of course they are dont you know how to aim it isnt like bullets have a cone of fire or anything to make your bullets not go where you aim........ >.>
  9. Shatters

    Im sorry, what? This post is wrong oon so many levels.
    1: We had 4.3k players online at the same time 5 days ago, and thats only counting people using steam for PS2.
    2: H1Z1 is running on the same engine PS2 is.
    3: For a game that has hundreds of people running around in the hex or map, it is running amazingly well.

    Also, according to devs on twitter, the H1Z1 upgraded anti-hack system is comming to PS2 soonish.
    Last, I have seen 1 hacker the past 2 weeks. Am i just being lucky or something?
  10. Garmus

    Sadly, I have to confirm this lately increased cheating ...

    This whole week on Miller(EU) is strange, I saw unusually high numbers of hackers/exploiters, be it clipping solid objects (rocks, walls etc.) and shooting from inside them or just plainly abusing spawnroom doorway shield exploit. But its not just VS, cheaters are in all three factions, for example Chuck90 and ManHant from TR or GloryT0Ukraine from NC just from what i remember from this weekend (all of them catched and reported by many players). What is even more surprising is that many cheaters are proud of cheating and openly talking about it in /yell chat. Daybreak should tell GMs to be more active by now in game to quickly stop this increased cheating activity and ban these cheaters, it breaks fun from unfair fights for all concerned players from all factions.
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  11. Garrum

    Lol. You've pretty much just admitted that either you or some of your friends are cheaters and you are desperate to downplay it. It is literally impossible to pretend there are not hackers, and a pretty damn large number of them, in PS2. Higby had to log on himself and kill one of them he was so out of hand. There are videos of them all around, everyone has seen them in game. No one buys the "no hacks ur bad" BS anymore, because it's too obviously not true.
  12. Shatters

    Yes, there are hackers. But a "pretty damn large number" of them? I have seen 2 myself, and another 3 complained about in the chat (but didnt encounter them myself) in the past ~2 weeks. Yes, it is more then there used to be (thanks to H1Z1), but i can still have a few hours of infantry gameplay without seeing a single hacker.
  13. Colonelveers12

    The last time I saw a hacker was last year......................................................
    Stop listening to yell chat...............
  14. Garrum

    Thirty thousand people have cheats that work in PS2, JUST from the H1Z1 fiasco. There were already people here cheating before that. Even if only 10% of the H1Z1 orphans came here to continue using their cheats, that is an IMMENSE influx of extra cheaters for PS2's truncated playerbase.
  15. Garrum

    So you haven't played since last year. Who keeps logging in to your character? Make sure they can't get to your CC info.
  16. Shatters

    Ah, the "It is not possible that he is better then me so he is a hacker" syndrome.
    There might be some people hacking in PS2, but its not 50% of the population. I would be surprised if its more then 0,01% of the population, with this game being an MMO with level gains and such, along with the "subtle" hacks such as a radar being in the game as a feature already.

    Then again, you are entitled to your opinion, but I have yet to run into somebody that can consistently beat me with either infantry or vehicles. You would think a hacker would be able to do so...
  17. Garrum

    Hardly. I'm just not being either willfully blind or intentionally dishonest about the amount of cheaters in PS2. There ARE a lot of them. Pretending there aren't is both ridiculous and suspicious.
  18. DQCraze

    I dont think daybreak has any real interest in this game other than to suck whatever money they can out of it. That said anti cheats cost money to implement and they arent in the business of spending money.
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  19. Colonelveers12

    Trying to still be polite. I'll admit I did not play the game at all last month. The only two times I've ever not played PS2 since 5/13 was 11/14 & 4/15. So no, how about you stop making idiotic comments that you obviously know are not true.
  20. Garrum

    So you just don't pay attention then? We are on the same server, and there's been at least a dozen warp/noclip/speed cheaters JUST on the VS in the last month and a half. I don't mean they are Russian lag-wizards, I mean they are warping through walls for 10's of meters on command, and running very high speed circles THROUGH buildings over and over. The TR and NC have their own WoW mage impersonators doing the same stuff. The damage/RoF cheats have been pretty prevalent, with MSContin being probably the most blatant, and as far as I know, he's still 'playing'. About once a week an overly blatant aimbot will show up here or there and rattle off several hundred headshots, just to make sure it still works I guess.

    They are here, and they are getting more blatant.