Whats happening to the Phoenix, w/ statements from Higby.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LordMondando, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. Rudette

    I really like the launchers. Great animations, attention to detail...And reading through all of this clearly the devs are listening. Thankfully they have enough integrity to work on the real problem rather than give in to all the childish demands on the forum. Surprised that the real issues came to light at all after having to sift through all the infantile finger pointing.

    I'm going to continue to play but I'm probably going to start avoiding playing with groups because of all the whining over platoon chat. I want future releases to be more like this ---the attention to detail in design and functionality and the feeling that faction weapons set us apart.

    But if every release is going to result in this bickering nonsense where a soldier would rather claim OP than adapt? I don't know if I can handle that.

    In short what's driving me away? It's the people---not the game--- trying to push their negative attitude on the rest of us while we are out there trying to have fun.
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  2. Fenrisk

    Higby's statement is a bunch of hypercritical theory crafting and bias. Trying to shoot Phoenix rockets out of the sky is a waste of time and will only get you killed. There is no effective counter to the Phoenix other then leaving the area being spammed by them. Saying the Phoenix should 1 shot infantry because you can shoot them down is the weakest argument i have ever heard. That's like saying that the Phoenix can shoot down a fast moving aircraft, therefore its a great AA weapon when in reality hitting a aircraft with a Pheonix is like trying to shoot a Phoenix down. (next to impossible and a waste of time)

    Higby treats the Lancer like it might suddenly become overpowered because he feels there is no counter to it? Really? How about the fact anyone using the bloody lancer has to come out of cover to use it? Shooting a player who leaves cover is easy compared to shooting a phoenix out of the sky. Yet a lancer would be over powered if it 1 shot infantry?

    Strikers and Lancers require the player to leave cover to use them and both of them don't 1 shot gib infantry. Yet its fine for a guy hiding in a base or cave to fire instant gib rockets of doom because theres a 1/100 chance they might shoot it down. Complete Logic fail showing clear dev bias.

    All you have to do is make the Phoenix a 2 shot kill on infantry and it would be balanced. Even most NC players would agree that would be balanced.
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  3. Molotov

    For those not keeping score, lets recap. The NC now have the best close quarter capability (Max), the best long range easy kill capability (Phoenix) and arguably the best all around guns. Any weakness such as armor or air are negated by the fact that armor and air are not nearly as effective in this game any more and can be countered by almost everything with tanks having the same killing capability as a grenade.

    The only end game that will ever exist for PS2 is when everyone has either switched to NC or given up, then Higby will have finally won the game while the rest of us lose.
  4. Pie Chasm

    So... basically posting on these forums is just an exercise and if you want to get a dev response/attention you have to post on Reddit?

    Why even have these forums then? Seriously, SoE should just close them down and redirect to Reddit. I'm sure Reddit would pay them more than they currently are as well.
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  5. ScorpDK

    That's one of the things I actually LIKE about the Striker. It doesn't try to "tail" a target, it will actively go where the vehicle MIGHT be when it continues moving as it has up until now. Tho, I agree, they need to tone it down or actually make the missile smart enough to predict a "I'll hit the ground if I follow this path, let's swing around the other way). It would be a simple comparison with "can I reach it where it will be; can I reach it where it currently is; can I reach neither?" where the missile decides if it should lead, follow or fly straight until it is able to reach the vehicle's target location. Could be OP, but it could already be scripted back in the Quake 3 engine, so...it's not limited by tech.
  6. Raggamuffin

    my common 40+ kill streaks in a lightning counters your comment. I'd swap that phoenix for a prowler or mosquito, don't know a lot of NC players that wouldn't.
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  7. Oheck

    It's not that they didn't test and balance properly...they didn't test it at all. Can't balance something you don't test. But you can certainly charge money for it.
  8. LordMondando

    Indeed it can, but how does on in principle even counter the lancer? That's what differences it from the other 2.

    Do people not use weapons in game if they do not OHK? really?

    Do people not intentionally behave as to harass people?

    If your going to being able to easily fly rockets into people and have to do it 3 times, or your going to find it hard to fly rockets into people just the once.

    Which is really the better choice?
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  9. Major

    Well said, very well said, I see TR squads and platoons adapting the phoenix squads all the time, sending out snipers, aircraft, and armour.

    I must now adapt to flying with striker squads out there, that's the name of faction based weapons, play, learn, adapt, they are different in strengths and counter measures, it's what sets them apart.

    Some are frustrated on the ground going up against the phoenix, I am frustrated flying with strikes, that's the trade off, and I like it.

    Whiners please find another game, seems some of you are on personal grudge nerfer rage.......
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  10. TheRealMetalstorm

  11. Prodigal

    Uhm dude, I find what you write a) syntactically and b) locigally not to make a lot of sense.

    Do Rifles or Tank shells have a counter? Why not? Why do Lock-on rockets need a counter? Why do camera guided missiles need a counter?
  12. Alesteex

    How do you "adapt" to phoenix squads and send out "snipers, aircraft, and armour" to them when you can't even see them because the rockets don't render?
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  13. LordMondando

    My apology, but my statement your responding to is fairly coherent.

    to recap. I'm asking if changing damage will change behavior, I am rhetorically asking questions I think the answer to is obvious to underline that a fairly cursory knowledge of how people behave in planetside makes it unlikely.

    Arguably, they do. Shields to some extent, depending on what your playing. Smoke is also another good counter. Being in cover, good positioning. Better armor.

    The entire principle of balance in the game requires that everything have a counter.
  14. Prodigal

    Seriously. There's no point in talking to you. -.-
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  15. LordMondando

    Ok then, bye.
  16. Major

    How do you find the hidden sundy's spawning troops to cap your base? They are within 300 meters right? That's not that far? what cover is there within 300 meters? The phoenix squad is close to that, I won't tell you how to counter it, or any tactics you could use, as I have already said too much, just use your heads.
  17. Jrv

    >generalizations, bias opinions, mindless whining

    Cool thread.

    How about some statistics. Some numbers at least. This aimless whining accomplishes nothing.
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  18. ShriekXL

    The only people that use the Phoenix to farm infantry kills are the same people that couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with the SAW.
  19. Rift23

    I love it when people compare shotguns and phoenix missiles to sniper rifles. Makes you wonder if they ever actually tried to use one.
  20. Alesteex

    I can't believe you used a "hidden" sundie as an example ....

    Sundies are big, fat, and easy to spot. Troops can move, hide and are more capable of responding to dynamic threats. Nothing on the radar will distinguish a Phoenix user from any other infantryman. Where as when you spot a Sundie it's almost always spotted and lit on on everyone's mini-map. Not to mention the Sundie isn't firing invisible guided rockets at me from cover. It's almost purely defensive. Where as a squad of Phoenix users are a lot more highly aggressive. The two are just not a fair comparison.