WOW I get the feeling you really dont like your friendly medic at your side to heal you or bring you back into the fight without having to run half a mile. Poor vu Knarfis
Does Triage work on the Flash? What with Rumble seat coming and the Flash not having protection to passengers, this cert line could looks to be gaining a bit more use. I also _think_ it heals the medic, but no guarantees. Flash is getting wraith cloak thingy for infiltrators. Perhaps Medics could get to utilise their Triage for the AOE heal around the Flash?
Some quick VR testing seems to show that triage works on the flash and allows self heal, even as driver. In the second seat you can also use the AoE heal. Further testing is needed to see if it will heal the driver at the same time as the passenger.
Symbiotic Healing, and yeah, I do wish they didn't ditch it. There were ALOT of really cool/useful-sounding certs that they canned during the transition from Beta to Live.
Like the ideas, especially the corpse drag, although at the moment there is no need for it, unless they nerve the Time to Revive and Distance the revive tool can reach big time, which I won't like..
This thread is about to celebrate it's 2 months. Sadly, I haven't heard any acknowledgement from the development team nor any sign that medics are being reviewed actually. I'm gonna try a different approach and contact Higby from Twitter.
To be really honest, Medics are in a great position compared to some other classes (MAX, mainly, but LA and Infil need work too.) We'll eventually get some new toys, but that will probably be a bit down the line from now.
Well I gotta say I made a thread in Reddit that I despise so much and I sent a Twitter to Higby without response. I guess we will have to deal with a useless passive system for a long time. I wish devs spent more times in the official forums.
I like the healing beacon idea, should be interupted by damage but would be great for toping people off out of combat. Make it cost some non-trivial amount of infantry resources(say 100) and be limited in carry capacity, but stick around for a decent period of time(5 mins?) Speccing into it would alternate boosting the healing, lowering the interupt timer and increasing carry capacity. If it needs another weakness for balance, it could be destructable like squad beacons, so a grenade clears it out of biolab doorway camps. I also like the idea of triage turning vehicles into healing beacons... if nothing else it could make some medics be gunner/defender of sundies parked inside bases. If you need a more portable beacon to bring inside, you have the flash(everywhere except biolabs).
I would personally argue 0 levels is the most practical and worthwhile investment in triage. Corpse drag is my favorite of the suggestions, though personally I'd take something more combat oriented as well such as the AoE heal applying a shield reducing damage on those affected by something like 5/10/20/25/30% while active. Then maybe we'd do a bit less reviving and a bit more healing.
meh, Level 1 Triage is 100 certs, and it very occasionally pays off, so why not. But definitely don't waste any more certs in further levels of Triage, especially with the steep cost.
To revive an old thread here, I thought I would post and say that I did get Triage 1 a few weeks ago. Although it was damn expensive to get for what it does it is worth it. That is if you run in a small outfit like myself. My outfit knows that I have this skill therefor they do not go and switch classes quickly to heal up before getting into a vehicle and moving to a new location. They simply jump in and get healed during the trip. Yeah its slow but it works and it does not do one person at a time but heals everyone that needs it at the same time. I kinda like the passive skill I just wish it was cheaper and others understood how it worked and who has it in the vehicle itself. Guess a little icon above the sundy might tip people off that there is medical help within it. But that is just a simple idea. Knarfis
Thanks for the idea. It really sounds like my ambulance idea where instead of having a Sundie with a repair icon medics could have a healing icon so people know in which sundie to go. Don't let the thread die we need a better passive !
Hey Sebyos I quoted you in the Road Map section of the Combat Medic revamp. I did give a link to your original post so now there is your info along with some of mine in two places now. Knarfis
I'm not sure a battle ambulance is a good idea, unless we are talking about a new vehicle that is, in fact, a battle ambulance. Or some kind of attachment that goes on the sunderer and takes a medic to use.
Well yeah I was thinking if Infiltrators can have a cloak on a flash which makes perfect sense, maybe we can have a sunderer ability that you can only use when you are a medic.
I going to support the 'Ambulance' idea too. Have a 'Heal' icon, like the 'Ammo' and 'Repair' icons, on the side of the Sundy. If you are a Medic and driving it, people that board will be healed while they are inside. This means you could have 11 people getting healed at once in your Sundy. It's basically a better version of Triage, it's more visible, more enticing to other players and is a concept that makes more sense. (Battlefield ambulances have been around since at least WWI)