What is the purpose of a visible tankmine??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dvine, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Lazaruz

    Debatable since the addition of one-hit-wonders etc. but I'll agree on med-long range combat. Sadly I don't think that's enough to sustain a game like this, since there are so many options out there. But I digress... I just feel that if the tank mines needed balancing, it could have been done differently. This seems like a fairly lazy way to do it.

    I would actually go for that. Well, maybe not 10 minutes, but have each mine take some time to arm, much like a terminal hack or something. During this time the engy is basically defenseless, so it would add more of a risk/reward aspect to mines.
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  2. Zenith

    You couldn't even see them at all, and that was the real problem; completely 100% invisible to the enemy player, just like AP mines. I guess they fixed that, along with increasing the size.

  3. Ghosty11

    As per the new OSHA regulations.
  4. Jezs

    I was driving along in my flash at full speed today, saw an odd orange thing on the road, stopped 30 meters away from it, shot it, kept driving

    Those things sure are effective at their role now.

    Keep in mind that this is while playing at 50% render quality.
  5. jjruh

    I think, since the engineer just throws the mines on the road, they should be big visible targets. However, if there was ever implemented a burring animation, then they should be very hard to spot.
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  6. Shasbot

    God damn, it's the size of a pumpkin now. Going to feel really stupid if I ever end up driving over one of these.
  7. Phazaar

    QQ preventative...
  8. mindbomb

    I play infantry and I mostly drive a flash. So you would think I would be against anything that would help my tank/sundy driving foes, but I really like this change. When you die and perceive your killer's methods as illegitimate, I think that hurts the game as a whole.

    And what could be more illegitimate than getting instagibbed for driving over some tiny triangles you could barely see.

    Prox mines are just as bad, and I hope they change them to make them bigger as well.
  9. Lazaruz

    Next patch notes: "We have increased the xp from explosive destruction to 250xp!" Well to be honest, at that point I wouldn't be complaining anymore :)
  10. VexTheRaven

    Oh please. I can count on one hand how many tank mines I've hit and how many kills I've gotten with them that weren't from dropping them right on top of tanks.
  11. GhostAvatar

    I will just stay with my current/old tactic. Run up to parked sunndy, throw down mines under sunndy, shoot mines and destroy sunndy (even if I die in the process), watch as people cry about their sunndy.

    This so called balance has done nothing to stop them being used by suicide engineers. What it has done is nerfed them from being used in any legitimate way other than to kill your parked sunndy. In fact it has buffed the tactic that everyone has been crying about. It is now a lot easier to shot those pizza boxes in the heat of battle, when under fire and trying to take down said sunndy before being killed. All it has done is nerfed a legitimate tactical use of the weapon, leaving its only viable use in a cheesy way.
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  12. nubery

    Funny enough I can now shoot mines I drop under sundies easier than before.
  13. Advanced Darkness

    I agree but youre arguing with the people who demand all games be easy mode and everything be handed to them. Sony PS4 will allow those players to also let their buddy take over their game for them and play it...remotely. Easy mode at it best.
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  14. X3Killjaeden

    thats the only thing i use them for these days... Because everyone is obsessed with shooting the pizza when they see them on the ground. laid mines 5 times on a high traffic road, no kill. Pizza delivery is way better.
    Place Pizza, leave sticky gr... err bill and cruise on.
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  15. NC_agent00kevin

    First, people cried because a lone engineer could somehow wade through throngs of enemies theoretically spawning from a sunderer and destroy it. It was undefended and had no radar flash to accompany it. So mines were OP, because people cant be bothered to think a bit. People cant be bothered to actually use tactics and strategy, they just sprint into the nearest building wielding a PA Shotgun and hide in a corner.

    Next we have ridiculously sized mines. I have 3 certed. I dropped one today, stared at it for a second, then ran back to the resupply terminal to swap them out for bouncing betties. No need to drop the other two, they are far too visible. Only the most unaware player would hit those now. So the only legitimate use for AT Mines has been nerfed into oblivion. At least theyll be easier to shoot now. Until they nerf that too.

    I see this game going down a path catering to PA Shotgun kids who think they are actually good at games, because games these days make it easy to play. Whine enough about things that kill you, and they nerf them. Whine enough about not being able to get kills, and they give you even more ridiculous toys to play with.

    Sure, Im going to adapt. What is wrong about this is that the tactical, strategic, thinking players have to adapt to the whiners instead of the other way around.
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  16. Heen

    I don't know... seems to me like these new pizza mines are just swell. A bigger target to shoot/throw grenade at while I scamper away from a deployed sunderer through a swarm of unobservant enemies.
  17. Phrygen

    like i said. i dont have to waste for mines in my situational awareness. still using mine guard level 4
  18. Robert Patrician

    Because on the road in a spot where you can see it from 30m away is such great tank mine placement.
    Now, around a corner where you don't have as much time to react is a much better place.

    The problem with 'invisible' tank mines is that you can't do anything against them. Drop some mines on a vehicle spawn area, and eventually you'll get a free kill off it. Sure, the new ones are easy to see, but what did the engineer expect? They THREW it, not burried it. If they think a tiny mine should be able to blow up a vehicle, what should something the size of a grenade (like... a grenade) be able to do?
  19. CHDT65

    "Now, around a corner where you don't have as much time to react is a much better place."

    Yes, but no.

    Because in a populated area, you have almost zero chance that your mine won't be noticed by an infantry guy.
    So, mines = useless now.
  20. biterwylie

    People do not leave tank mines sat on the top of the road. IMO they should actually be invisible to the enemy.

    Visible tank mines goes against there entire purpose and this change leaves me in no doubt that SOE's Planetside team need a reality check.
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