NS-11 A Platinum with HV ammo, 3.4x scope, fore grip and suppressor is what I use. I love this gun. The NS-11 A is an all around good gun. Better at medium and long range engagements, but can still hold its own in close quarters.
Pretty easy. You got 2 options...or 1 and a half. H-V45 is the best. Good accuracy, RoF and possibility to switch the grip for advanced laser sight in CQC. You need this gun. Then you might want to trade a bit of RoF for shorter reloads with the Pulsar VS1. I recommend using it only once you got the Auraxian Medal on the H-V45 tough as the game is really about dps. All the other guns are just ridiculously bad, the Equinox and the CME for example got the lowest dps you can get on a AR all faction included. It's pretty sad really, if you want plasma you got so little choice: all weapons are really similar except that they got different RoF while having the same damage which means you are simply choosing how much you are gimping yourself with lower dps weapons and not much gains.
How is this even a question? The answer to "Weapon of Choice" is obviously and always will be: Christopher Walken
Tried the H-V45, but replaced it with the superior NS-11; compensator, foregrip, situational depending scopes, standard ammo.
I have the HV45 for fighting, but when I play Medic, I use (bought it on launch) the Equinox with Underbarrel Smoke Launcher. The Job's healing, I don't want any Voyeurs throwing ordnance my way.
Pulsar with a 3.4 scope on it that I use when I know most enemies will be pretty far away. H-V45 (that's the weapon you got with Alpha Squad right?) with IRNV or a 2x reflex and soft point ammo for most situations. Not unlocked other attachments yet as I spend most of my certs on vehicle upgrades over weapon upgrades. If you are playing medic as support then the '45 is pretty much the weapon of choice AFAIAC. You need to learn trigger discipline to get the most from it, but even if you use a whole clip on an enemy, they will usually be dead and you will be alive. The reason I say this is that the support medic lets others do the majority of the killing and only whips out his rifle when his allies start dropping. When this happens there are usually less enemies who may be wounded and are in your face. H-V45 cleans house really nicely. If you are more focused on the combat than the medic, then the pulsar becomes equally valid depending on situation.
HV-45 With foregrip (I pretty much never hipfire and I find the recoil is a bit random without it) and IRNV scope for CQC usually inside towers or the main bases minus the amp station before the shields are down. NS-11A With foregrip, compensator and 2x scope (May work just as well with a laser, I'm not sure the foregrip does much) for those times when you are assaulting a base but aren't really in it yet and there's a lot of long ranged combat going on eg: Trying to capture Ceres Hydroponics after taking TI Alloys EDIT: Also NS-11A when I feel like using a gun that shoots bullets rather than lasers/plasma
I find myself using NS11 - great for longer range engagemnts. Equip this baby when I am on the move and don't know what to expect H-V45 - CQC monster. For assaulting/defending bases this is the gun to go with. Equinox - Certed for the UBGL. Seems to work ok as a rifle, but I usually pack this one when I know there is some stubborn SOB I need to get out of somewhere. or we need some smoke cover and I don't feel like using the one smoke grenade I can carry. I.e. special purpose rifle. Right now the UBGL is bugged and a bit wonky, but I am sure this will be fixed soon enough.
I love My H-V45, But the CME has so little recoil that makes it so easy to use, with almost no horizontal recoil.
This. CQC (Bio Labs/Towers) - Pump Action Shotgun. One Hit Kill monster. I run it with the NV scope and Extended mag. Close-Mid Range (Most other bases) - H-V45. Great rate of fire, hits hard and reloads in a respectable time. I run it with the adv. laser dot, NV or 1x Ref sight and Soft Point Ammo. Mid-Long Range - NS-11A. I run it with compensator, foregrip, 4x scope and HV ammo. Once you've learned to control the recoil (it's different to most of the VS guns), this is a monster for longer range engagements and with HV ammo the bullet drop isn't really a problem at anything but extreme ranges where you'll die to snipers anyway. If you're limited on certs or SC, you could probably sacrifice the Shotgun and use the two ARs, but it's really nice for those real up-close and personal situations. WIth these three guns for my medic, I'm not even looking at any others because all of my bases are completely covered.
HV45 with Advanced Laser sights. You're almost as accurate firing from the hip as down the sights. Point -> unload -> get kill. If you got a foregrip on, you're completely missing the point of the weapon.
I love the default Pulsar. X2 reflex sight...possibly a forward grip, I forget.... and it's all good. Midrange it's accurate enough to be dangerous, and up close the fire rate is acceptable to getting the job done.