Warning dont pick Waterson as NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nimx, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Bangy

    Just left this server and this post is pretty much correct.

    Unfortunately there is a HUGE influx of players who have no idea what the game is about and simply expect to play a battlefield clone.

    It is disappointing but as vets we needs to be patient and let people acclimate to the game. Give it a few weeks and we wont be having these discussions.
  2. KuramaBingyi

    Terran Republic dominated the Amerish continent for the better part of tonight's campaign, but where I was deployed to and stationed we were hit pretty hard by New Conglomerate platoons that were extremely persistent and never-ending.

    In my opinion, where you folks don't have it in population, you have it in sheer firepower and the will to keep going. One of the tech plants were under heavy bombardment right to the south of the NC Warpgate on Amerish.

    Of course, that might have been the fact that we had the entire NC force on Amerish going up against us. *Shrugs*
  3. RavenGenesis

  4. Uben Qui

    Move forward. Create momentum. Push the envelope and make the ground. You are the spear head. This behind you will take time, but will learn by the example.

    Know how you make your men stronger? Have them rely on themselves past the zerg. Have them face superior odds to get them to pull every last tool from the toolbox and then have them reach for more. It makes them stronger. Use it. This is the first week.. it is perfect. Rise to the occasion and inspire this server. We Saints will love you for it as just one of the clans here.

    Those even servers? They complain that there is no reason. Here it is.. on a platter. Seize the day and make your name. :)
    • Up x 1
  5. Nimx

    Edit: p.s. It's much better for everyone to have active opponents. There is no fun for EITHER side when one side dominates entirely. The whole point of this game is combat, what combat is there to be had if the other factions don't fight back?

    No fun for either side when one side dominates entirely. Point made.

    Deleting a 9000 SC character isn't an option. To include the 2 family members that used some SC as well. Bite the bullet we may. But in my history of internet gaming I've noticed one very bad pattern, Ye who screams the loudest and most gets things done.

    As you can see others have been more direct on why NC is underdog. I only played NC and VS in beta, my VS chars dang near doubled my K/D. Thats with infinitry, never been all that great at vehicle combat.

    Kinda off/on topic, but what I hope to do is make others notice the situation and maybe slap it on someone important's desk for review. /fingers crossed.

    Didn't know The Cynical Brit was here.
  6. Meurtos

    NC on Waterson. I have no problems with it. There is always a fight, more enemies to kill. The only annoyance is all the scrubs on TR talking smack, even though they have all these advantages. But those are, well scrubs, and that's what they do.
  7. Meurtos

    And why is TB on a US server? He's probably one of those laggers on TR see running around. Get on a EU server you bastid.
  8. Arbitrator

    Presumably because he now lives in the US.
  9. Gambles

    Solmech is just as bad.
  10. Epidimik

    NC and on Waterson server here. I have several teammates in the LOE outfit. Several of us have 10+ years of competitive experience playing FPS games and we have not noticed any severe disadvantage in the weapons. The NC team just doesn't understand the game. I played the beta and know the learning curve for this game is very high. New players get better with time.

    The game has been out 3 days!
    If weapon balancing is an issue than they will fix it.

    I noticed Wed. night that we were being double teamed on Amerish and when you have two armies attacking you ,your going to be outnumbered, and it's going to seem unfair. So why are they constantly double teaming us. If NC is really that horrible then why werent we pushed back to our warpgate. Why would it take two armies to defeat us. I really don't see why you wouldn't want to join NC on Waterson ,not bad for a bunch of noobs like some would say and we are only getting better.
    • Up x 1
  11. Orbital_Butt

    The OP is a doctor? Wowee zowee, makes me want to value his opinion more.
  12. Uben Qui

    Deus Vult!
  13. RicoXG

    A - I doubt anyone has wasted Station Cash they've had since EQ. We didn't have Station Cash in EQ.
    B - All the PS1 vets did not roll TR. A huge chunk of our outfit are Vets.
    C - A number of our NCSO folks are on the leader board from Waterson. A couple in the top ten. We had something like 10 of us in the top 100 before we all took a day off for Thanksgiving, so there is a solid amount of NC skill on our server.

    This just happens to be a problem where the NC on Waterson haven't rallied around enough quality outfits yet, and the outfits are coordinating well yet. Same thing happened in the early days of Emerald, if memory serves. It'll take a few weeks, but eventually folks'll settle into the outfits that perform and some outfits will start standing out as leaders for the rest to follow.

    Sure we're not doing quite so hot on the attack, but I was in a fight where we held on to a tech plant yesterday for six hours with VS and TR throwing huge numbers at us. I've seen that same fight on every continent, NC standing hard against overwhelming odds until the other factions find a softer target. I've also seen us cut through everything the other factions have been able to put in front of us some times. What this tells me is that there are some outfits that are highly competent, while the zerg continues to roll around still learning the game. That's why I'm not bothered. Once the newbs start getting a little experience under their belts, or join up with an outfit who can give them some mentorship, things will balance out.

    For now, you're the underdog and that means you get the best fights. You should be enjoying it because it won't last.
  14. FluffyM

    Come play on Woodman, where Indar is NC, Amerish is Vanu and that other map is the republicans.
  15. Searias

    This guy seems to be doing just fine sniping :p
  16. Grizzly-Konried

    I'm a vet. Love NC weapons. In fact my entire outfit are PS1 vets and beta players.

    NC has been doing fine on Waterson. No organization? Check my sig.

    :rolleyes: So tired of these subjective threads...
  17. Uben Qui

    We now own Amerish and Esamir. We cannot be doing that bad. ;)
  18. AuditMF

    That place was a meat grinder, yesterday.
  19. HMR85

    Any NC who turns tail and runs from a server is a coward IMO and not worthy of wearing the Blue and Gold. Stand your ground and fight as it sounds like you have plenty of targets on the TR side out in the field.

    Just a note: All the other servers have their ups and downs where each faction is getting dominated on certain continents but you don't see them running to the forums saying stay off X server.
  20. Swiffle

    Dunno, having a blast on Waterson. Been zerg surfing with DVS, smaller action with Team Legacy, also rolling around with a liberator and doing some close air support. Farming Tech Plants and Bio Labs when we get sieged is pretty amazing. We've had some continents conquered, Esamir the past few nights?