Warning dont pick Waterson as NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nimx, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Nimx

    NC have no leadership or good large outfits on Waterson. TR and VS do it seems. NC sit in warpgate afk while entire maps get taken. Plus after playing next to them last 3 days I seriously doubt any of them played PS1, so they have absolutely no clue. NC is back hacked here easily.

    Now before ya'll say get command ranks and lead them, or make an outfit. Sorry but I don't play to work. Now if SOE wants to pay me to lead, then that's a different story.

    And to add to it, the global population says NC have 33%. Add up the maps most time and you see we really only have about 25%. Don't piss on me and tell me its raining.
  2. RobotNinja

    Okay. The NC are bad on Waterson, according to you. (I'm not on Waterson) So your solution to the problem is that everyone should tuck their tales between their legs and jump ship to a different faction. Good thinking.

    "Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once."
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  3. MyCouchPullsOutIDont

    After being demoralized constantly seeing we weren't doing well on ANY of the continents (NC on Waterson), I decided to create a character on each US server, checking % territory controlled and % server population. I did it for all the US (4 East, 3 West) servers at about 4:00 PM today, but I'll just list overall numbers.

    Results (% territory controlled / % server population):
    NC: 670 / 233
    TR: 796 / 231
    VS: 627 / 237

    Yes, it was a specific snapshot at a specific point in time, but I think the fact that TR overall had 19% more territory controlled than NC and 27% more territory controlled than VS when they had the lowest overall population representation means something.

    Or maybe all the pros went TR.
  4. Landtank

    I'm NC on Waterson, I'm having a good time.

    It's true, the TR outnumber us always, but I have some hope that it will get better. Otherwise I'll just have to go to Matherson like every other goddamn player and play with the big boys. I already spent SC though, so I think I'll stay.

    I still manage to have fun, but I would like some more outfits, tis true. It will get better over time :p
  5. Sa-Rabi

    Was advised this by a friend who started with NC on Waterson. Quick made a character on it to see what he was talking about, and was quickly treated to getting to watch a 100+ man zerg rush of NC get cut down by a few Magriders outside their warpgate. Funny stuff.

    By the way, I fail to see how your quote is relevant in a game with a respawn system. Everyone dies many times.
  6. Uben Qui

    I am on Waterson. Let him go to another server. We don't need his yellow rump alongside us.

    Waterson is for those NC outfits that want to make something of themselves. To claw their way to the top on their own merit, instead of standing in the shadows of more established outfits and coat tail surfing...
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  7. Zwan

    im on waterson and yesterday we were whupping on both VS/TR till they double teamed us
  8. Verranicus

    As a TR on Waterson, I hope prospective NC players don't take anything from the OP. Some of the fiercest battles I've been in have been against NC, and though TR have the edge in terms of numbers it doesn't stop NC and VS from holding their own and even turning the tables on us.

    One thing I will say I've noticed is that during the day things tend to be even, with a slight (SLIGHT) lean towards TR, but at night and in the early morning NC and VS push TR back more often than not.
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  9. Reizod


    Same as a Vanu... I've run into some really formidable NC pilots and troops as well on Waterson. Though, there does seem to be more TR overall in terms of population.
  10. Uben Qui

    We like that. No que for us and you cannot be a rebel/freedom fighter unless you come from the bottom against something stronger. ;)
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  11. Rane

    Since launch I have only played TR(Not by Choice), and everytime I play I am in an organized group. I think all the Pro's Rolled TR was a more accurate description of what happened. There are a few pro's who rolled NC im sure for one shot kills. But VS got played out in PS1 only people who are die hard VS or never played planet side and was like OH **** THEY LOOK AWESOME joined the purple team.
  12. Verranicus

    Not true at all. When a TR force gets beaten back by a NC force that's nearly half the size, I'd say the NC are the superior players.
  13. Endlos

    Shakespeare didn't know about respawns.
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  14. Nimx

    My attempt is to save folks SC. I wasted 9000 that I've had stored since EQ. Now my char is stuck on Waterson watching 50 plus AFK in warpgates. Call me yellow all ya want. I'm hear to have FUN, being pushed back all day isn't fun. Being outnumbered isn't fun. Not buying Vehicles, grenades, or C4 cause we have no resources isn't fun.

    Losing sometimes is part of gaming, losing all the time doesn't make it a fun game.
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  15. Verranicus

    There are just as many people idling in the TR warpgates, if not more.
  16. ACExWOLF

    "I am...Zero.
    Obey me. If you do, I'll save you.
    Then I'll obtain it...an army on my own which will not lose to Britannia.
    A group of people, a nation!"
  17. Verranicus

    Overrated anime.
  18. Tooks

    Op you're a bit Hippocratic. You want others to spend their time leading outfits but you won't do it yourself because its a 'job'. Do you think anyone leading the outfits in TR or VS get paid by Sony to do so? No, they do it because if no one leads the enemy wins. If you're not going to lead an outfit at least be honest with your reasons why and don't play the 'its a full time job' card. You won't lead because you'd be a bad leader.

    Don't even try and argue that point, because the only way you can prove me wrong is by pulling your finger out and leading.

    If you don't want to waste your SC, why are you trying to encourage new NC players AWAY from helping you out?
  19. Curze

    NC have the worst weapons by a mile and then some more
    vets know this and avoid NC like the plague
    newbs dont know this

    NC ends up being the faction with worst weapons, usually outnumbered, and its players are mostly newbs
  20. ACExWOLF

    Well, it's your opinion.

    Anyone seen how NC was way less active at the end of beta, if it wasn't a signal, then what it was?