vx6-7 vs serpent?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by bNy_, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. KodanBlack

    I actually like, and have some good success with the Solstice. I just like the Serpent and the VX6-7 more.
  2. Zapon

    Do slugs really do damage like this? I might have to skip the VX6-7 and/or serpent and go straight for the shotgun
  3. Akordia

    Two shot kill yes, but pretty hard to aim. For my, VX6-7 is easy use and versatil, instead of shotgun.
  4. bNy_

    Yes, if you can aim pandora with slugs obliterates stuff even at long range (you can basically snipe snipers).
    Serpent/VX6-7 (I have both now) are easier to use though, might takes some time to get used to the pandora mid/long range style and might not suit everyone.
  5. Reposite

    VX67 is great in all situations, and beast in CQC (next is HV45)
    ROF and Reload speeds are great. You wont have any regrets with this.

    Alternatively, the Sirius is great as well, esp in CQC. That's a good gun to unlock for ALL chars (including the infiltrator), besides a shotgun..
  6. itzCujo666

    Neither the VX, nor the Serpent are great for the engineer. They are both good CQC choices for the light assault.

    For an engineer, go for something with more reach to give yourself more flexibility. As engineer, you won't be in CQC situations as much as a LA.
  7. Botji

    I cant agree at all, Engineers often find themself in the middle of the battle and I would say rarely find themselves far away from it. Defending your vehicle, defending the generator, defending the MAX is what engineers should be doing. Ofc this might also mean you are assaulting a room to clear it from enemies so you can repair a generator or stop it from overloading and often I find myself outnumbered when doing this, a fast fire rate and fast reload is perfect when fighting against several people, it leaves them with little to no opening to just rush you.

    I usually play Engineer(82% of my gametime) and before I switched to the SF I used the VX6-7(adv laser, reflex sight) and looking at the stats, I got myself 2140 kills with it, so it cant be bad :)

    My advice is this
    If you want to keep it simple and just shoot people: VX6-7
    If you want to make it "hard" get the SF instead, there is a lot of potential in the SF but people dont seem to want to bother with it, its more fiddly with switching between UBGL and normal pewpew, you need some grasp of positioning and you cant be terrible with things like bullet drop because the UBGL is pretty much the only weapon in the game that has bullet drop and is as far as I have seen the reason people dont like it but if you can learn it its crazy good.
  8. itzCujo666

    I think it's really style dependant. I did most of my engineer time (also my most played class, but decreasing), with a Nova (before pumps were out). So, I do actually play with a more short range option, I tried the Eidolon (before the buff), but stopped, so the Engineer didn't really have a mid-long range option, but seems to now.

    Agree Engineers are usually in the thick of things...but for me, it's more repairing vehicles as they take explosives damage, not as many firefights.

    But, it's totally a play style thing, so no worries. :)
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