Aug 25, 2012
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    In MAG(PS3), I was known as the infamous Raven Leader Zapon. On PS2 run under a more famous name of mine, Tippership, on Jaeger Waterson Emerald. I still am a Platoon Leader of randoms -no longer leading armies of 128 as I did on MAG, but now you'll find me leading armies of 48,and coordinating on the Command Channel. And flying Galaxies.
    UPDATE* And soon to be leading Companies of 192 ;SOE, stop delaying companies! :p
    For me, it's all about enjoying the game. And working with the VS, randoms and Outfits alike- no one can do it alone.
    Not currently part of an Outfit, took a small month break, now back and open to maybe running with one- since I work with them often-to get a better idea of how they operate firsthand.
    -Tippership, Vanu Sovereignty,
    Tippership (Emerald)
    -----------Tippership Commander/Zapon Ki /The True Chaos Spear