[VS] Sentinels

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by KiddParK, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. KiddParK

    heck, we ARE complete newbs who can't play very often! Just ask our enemies as we empty clips into them and they still stand and laugh at us.

    ha... ha ... and ha they tend to say.

    you get used to it.
  2. Forky-05

    How do I apply then? Also, I should mention I'm Australian, does that complicate things?
  3. KiddParK

    our head of air corps is an Aussie, well he's both US and Aus citizenship and he seems to do fine.

    in short, hop on Teamspeak, which has a link at the top of our main page, and run with us for a bit in west1 and see if we're what you're looking for.
  4. Forky-05

  5. Ayollet

    Only some of us empty clips into them. Some of us empty clips AT them. Even more useful, but it's distracting when you're a MAX ;)
  6. Inviso

    My biggest problem when I shoot VS weapons is that they don't make enough of a "PEW, PEW, PSHEEWWW" sound.

  7. Thentar

    Looking forward to rolling with you Fork. I'm in Adelaide, Just yell and hopefully I'm at the keyboard.
  8. bigcracker

    Saved from the 4th page
  9. BenGamer420

    Sent my application
  10. Loreaxe

    Hey guys I'm here and I'm willing to cause TR and NC some trouble. :)
  11. KiddParK

    We have a New officer....


    Keinz is now the leader of our Para-Rescue group the Roaches.

    In honor of this we'll be rocking a medic only squad, like the old days of the sents, and see how far we get before we're killed in a heap of plasma and ace bandages...

    oh the fun.

    Congrats Keinz!
  12. Clerve

    Sign me up for a drop, gotta see this at least once.
  13. Forky-05

    One day, when the servers are up at a reasonable time here in Australia. =)
  14. TechnoByrd

    So I was perusing the dictionary, and it seems to be in need of correction. Presently it says:
    Noun: A soldier or guard whose job it is to stand and keep watch.

    I feel it needs correction to:
    Noun: A purple-wearing, energy-weapon firing, purple-cookie eating, Terran Republic and New Conglomerate crushing beast.

    That is all.
  15. FallenSeraph

    Sounds about right.
  16. KiddParK

    must head to wiki asap.
  17. bigcracker

    Toxin will be rolling on Himalia
  18. Bigpharma

    I'm looking to get in to an outfit. Ill hop on ts and run with you guys for a bit later on this week. See yall soon
  19. Thentar

    After the wipe we are going to try one of the East Coast server. We'll be posting which one pretty soon.
  20. KiddParK

    well said... as are Sentinels.