[Suggestion] VS Empire trait

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LtBomber1, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. LordKrelas

    The Reload itself, is able to be stopped instantly by a weapon-switch.
    VS also has the fastest reload - So unless you make that the longest, it is barely 1-2 seconds.

    One spare magazine, meet allied engineer or Ammo printer..
    Heaven forbid one magazine is enough to kill.

    You see you never mention this second overheat resulting in full depletion like that.
    But again, countered by having any allies, or having an implant Or death.
    A smaller mag is only when dealing with numerous targets or horrid aim usually.

    You just need them to switch halting the entire heat cycle & return.
    You won't actually need to fire the pistol.
    Which in of itself would have your system allowing a severely high advantage against NC & TR.

    Cooling down can be instantly prevented.
    As well, it's pretty bloody short in addition to still allowing weapons-fire to a degree with any discretion.
    Unlike NC or TR, where the time between shots doesn't affect if you will need to be lacking a primary for a reload - it will happen.

    After all, the risk of overheating means that is an opponent capable of killing the opponent during the only period they are close to vulnerable.
    TR & NC would need to switch to the sidearm or knife, not be able to 'risk an overheat' numerous times.
    Nor cycle between two weapons for endless ammo.
  2. LtBomber1

    The heat should only degenerate if the weapon is out, not if holstered. Also we are not talking about hard numbers here. What if the heat down takes 4 seconds, or a significant delay before heat decrease is intoduced. Ammo printer is same for all fraction, as ammo pack. The Eclipse (VS carbine) allready has forced reload, no weapon cycling brings down your heat in this case.

    Note, we are dicussing about the generall idea. You have a overpowered version of my idea in mind, and that is clearly not the intention.

    VS empire trait could be a faster Redeploy and Spawntime :D
  4. LordKrelas

    Well, that's a mechanic that isn't in live.
    Refer to VS directive weapons, that's experience.

    The ability to rein in that heat, means the user has near total control over when or if they trigger the cooldown cycle.
    While TR & NC can not do anything to even delay a reload.

    Yes, expect Ammo printer doesn't remove the entire problem of reloading, nor make the singular cost of a heat mechanic's backup system null.

    The idea itself basically leads easily to more of the Directive weaponry's heat mechanics' present abuse.
    Which is literally what I refer to, with the bypassing of the heat cycle.
  5. Insignus

    No. I'm sorry, but we're not doing this. I appreciate the thought you've put into this suggestion, but given the current VS Advantage set, adding this would be:

    Difficult and complicated to implement
    Over-complicate the VS equipment model with new mechanics for players to learn
    Create an over-powered set of advantages.
  6. Demigan

    First idea: absolutely not.
    I dont understand why no one realizes the horrifying power that a recharging magazine actually is. Currently the recharge basically replaces the reload, but unlike a reload you can interrupt it at any time without punishment (unlike for example a pump-action that needs an interrupt time), and it will reload without prompting. Stop shooting for half a second and you've reloaded half a second worth of ammo. This makes it perfect for any Extended engagement and overcomes any ammo limitations that are supposed to balance the weapon against others.

    The second idea is far better. If you want to make use of the recharge you are going to need to be almost out of ammo and it wont prepare you for a full engagement, but it helps in finishing a fight without needing a pistol and if you ever run out of ammo you have something small to still fight off enemies. Hell at long-range engagements you might not even be at a disadvantage.