[Suggestion] VS Empire trait

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LtBomber1, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. LtBomber1


    Emire specific stuff has allways been top on discussion. Lets talk about infantry weapons: The NC got high damage weapon model, the TR more ammo. These are hard benefits, resulting in direct increase in damage per magazine.

    The VS trait, as it is now, is somewhat "lame": No bullet drop (but lower velocity, therefore not a hard advantage) and faster reload (sometimes). I suggest a change in the VS trait to make it more unique.

    Heat weapons are allready in-game. Weapons with this mechanic are the Auraxium rewards of each weapons directive and the phaseshift. Heat weapons are liked throughout in the VS comunity, as they give unlimited ammo. In contrast, their stats are worse then the gun they arise from.

    Method 1:
    Turn all VS infantry weapons into heat weapons, however not with infinite ammo. Ammo will regenerate as long as the weapon does not overheat. If it does, it needs to be reloaded. The amount of spare magazine to reload should be fixed to one. The magazine itself can be refreshed at any ammo pack. In order to balance heat and make overheating a thing, the total number of shot in a magazine is reduced by 10%.

    Method 2:
    Weapons keep everything they have now, but a part of the magazine is convertet to heat. So the Solstice 30 round magazine would split into 20 conventional round, that are fired first, and 10 round heat based that will regenerate. Reloading the weapon will fill up the conventional ammo. Spare magazines are reduced. Here one has to decide to go with a full reload weapon or trust the heat reload.
  2. Eternaloptimist

    IIRC dakka is also a TR trait and so is VS low recoil.

    I like the idea of heat mechanic for VS weapons although I'm not sure VS engies would welcome he loss of xp income from ammo drops.

    Your idea of making a less efficient/comprehensie heat mechanic might work though. Engies would maybe get to supply replacement heat coils...........................
  3. FateJH

    Does that mean you would be willing to exchange with any instances of no bullet drop, short reloads, splash, and-or charge where they are already implemented?

    You would need to talk with your dedicated Engineers about Method 1 since that will impact them the most.
  4. adamts01

    No bullet drop? I thought inbreeding was VS's thing. Whatever.
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  5. BlackFox

    But there is one thing you forgot when mentioning TR - The weapons can't hit anything with the spread they have. Winning Infantry fights are only possible with huge numbers or by using NS weapons.
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  6. Towie

    I'm thinking the VS trait is infertility. It's the only way to explain the population drop ;)
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  7. Kugislavov

    I like the idea even though I play mostly engineer. New player would suffer a bit as well as engineers...New player usualy empty the entire magazine to kill 1 player...giving them 10 regeneratible bullets is not enough for new player in my opinion...and engineers will get most points for resuplying players with NS weapons or pistols...
    All in all I like the idea
  8. Campagne

    I always thought the VS' faction trait was forming a perpetual victim complex. :p
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  9. ElricVIII

    You're confusing it with the NC trait of whining incessantly until everything else is nerfed to uselessness.
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  10. FirePhox

    VS trait is spandex and butts
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  11. Campagne

    No, no. I don't think I'm confused at all. ;)
  12. Tankalishious

    All I want for a VS specific trait is that the magrider, the flank tank it's said, you know, the floating bathtub with the lowest dps and shared lowest health pool, is the fastest tank. But no.... let's make "the flank tank" the slowest tank, but throw in a small 0,5 sec afterburner with a 20sec recharge so they "feel" fast....
  13. BlackFox

    It's the same with the Prowler - the special ability of the fastest tank in the game is to make it self unmoveable
  14. LordKrelas

    The first model, means VS is the only side never able to be caught reloading, and is able to open fire at all times.
    In addition, this robs the pistol \ sidearm of a lot of use beyond quick-second switching to refresh the primary: This prevents any reloading or overheat of VS directive weapons.
    This means, any VS would never be incapable of firing their primary.
    VS Engineer's ammo packs become only useful to Maxes if that and Heavies with rockets.

    Method two, means every VS will rarely ever need an engineer due to the ability to always have at least 10 rounds.
    Allowing a primary for all eternity to be active, and with the first 10 regenerating, can avoid reloading entirely unless more than half the clip is empty.
    VS Engineer lose out completely, and VS are rendered near immune to needing a secondary & being caught reloading.
    As little time spent reloading already for VS at that.

    Btw, NC's high-damage trait comes with long reloads.
    TR's comes with lowest damage per bullet, with a quick reload but fastest RPM.
    VS's traits include the fastest reload, lack of drop, and the unique weaponry aspects.

    The fastest tank capable of strafing is the tank that can not be hit reliably; Add in the smallest hull, and that's a target capable of easily dodging shots, while keeping its frontal armor facing you without issue all the way over any terrain & flanking.
    At present, a magrider needs distance to use strafing against the best shots; At a faster pace it would need less distance.

    The original afterburner basically made it fly.
    As well, with that afterburner, you do have even greater mobility at will.

    And turns it into an artillery platform, which is fitting for the TR. If it was still-mobile, it'd be a little hard to balance. or explain.
    Fastest vehicle to position itself or relocate after the barrage - very useful for artillery.
    It is after all the largest frontal hull of the MBTs.
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  15. Pyrode

    personally? Drop the no bullet drop and give VS higher bullet velocity (which would give a flatter trajectory and result in needing less lead). As for removing splash from weapons that have it? Sure, as long as the NC are willing to give up their shotgun gimmicks.

    Personally the no bullet drop was always a useless gimmick that we never should have had (i mean the standard sidearm for a VS player is a Commissioner and personally the NS carbine is only second in accuracy to the solstice burst out of the VS armoury xD)
  16. LordKrelas

    Can NC please get a non-shotgun AI?
    NC would love it!
    (aka please for the love of ****... NC needs non-rng shotgun ********)

    Commissioner is standard for all three.
    It has the highest damage output, and a decent range.
    No ES sidearm can match the NS for power, or anything of the like.

    NS bests a lot of gear.
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  17. Campagne

    Willing? As an NC I'd ask to be rid of shotguns!
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  18. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    VS used to have .75 ADS on weapons but now that that is gone, along with many other VS attributes that gave them uniqueness being over whacked with the nerf gun by clueless devs, the VS new trait is now blandness.
  19. FateJH

    The VS didn't have enough 0.75ADS on more weapons than the other factions to justify a claim like that.
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  20. LtBomber1

    Offset for method 1 is still there: If you overheat, you have to reload. Having just one spare magazine, makes it important to mange the heat. After the 2nd overheat, the weapon is empty, and does not regenerate any more. Picking up ammo allows relaoding again. The smaller magazine is also a disadvantage, making reloads more likly.

    10 rounds wont get you far, and the actual number is out for disscussion. Also, the engineers are needed in order to refill the spare ammo.

    VS secondary weapons will be more important, since you need them to manage the smaller magazine and the heat. VS may not be cought reloading, but cooling down, sure they can fire, but with the risk of overheating.