[Video] - Nanoweave is getting out of control

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mustarde, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. ChicoFuerte

    I hate seeing the argument "this isn't <insert other FPS>" but it really isn't.

    It's an MMO FPS so there are certain massive multiplayer elements that need to be against the FPS status quo due to the sheer size of ground combat.

    So I don't really have sympathy for the players that want to "solo" in an MMO and then complain about how it's "not as easy as it used/should be"
  2. Ryme

    Your claim makes no sense. NW5 grants 250 hp, raising effective health to 1250 on standard infantry. A BAR like the Longshot will kill any standard infantry with NW5 on a headshot, if within 73 meters. At and beyond that distance, you are far from "exposed" to full auto spray. Within that distance, NW is not culpable for a failed headshot, because if you had hit, they would be dead.
  3. Vaphell

    depending on the level of reduction it may or may not offset the current NW values. Remember that we are talking about working against flat 1000hp, not 1250.
    20% effective dmg reduction is equivalent to +25% ehp so with that value absolutely nothing would change.
    1250dmg -20% = 1000dmg
    1250dmg -0% = 1250dmg
    the difference would be hard hitting slow RoF weapons would lose less dmg and the HP bonus that works against everything would not be there, which in turn would put the armor in line with other situational suits.

    if i were to design armors i'd go with something like this (numbers subject to change):
    +10% hp (works against everything but is modest)
    - 20-25 small arms dmg (more EHP against bullets and nothing else)
    - 40% HE splash dmg (even more EHP against HE near misses)

    Did you miss the fact that infiltrating the compound with a suppressed sniper rifle is made hard by NW? Mustarde did just that in the past, he rocked suppressed SR7 and was very close and very personal. We are talking threshold of 30m in the middle of enemy platoon with 3 out of 4 rifles, which is simply bad business. TTK north of 2s is unacceptable at that range if your build is all about alphastriking.
    Most people either switched to smg to not deal with this BS (even worse from the enemy perspective, seriously who do you fear more, a sniper or an smg inf jumping out of nowhere?) or pulled back increasing the numbers of bushwookies?
  4. Ryme

    In such an instance you are admittedly pitting 1 person vs an entire platoon, in which case I would not call it unfair that the weapon does not give a clear advantage and allow them to single highhandedly massacre a greater number of enemies.
  5. Vaphell

    I am not pitting anybody solo against a platoon, but you can't expect infiltrator to hang out with his buddies. It's a waste of squad slot because in such scenario medics and HAs offer way more brute force and sustainability. Inf is more useful when he goes his own way and flanks a bit, but for that he needs to be able to handle an enemy or 2. It's not easy when your aiming mechanic requires you to lock in place to take a shot in hectic shootouts and you get denied every other try.
  6. Ryme

    And if they run with a BAR, they can 1 shot kill a NW5 within 73 meters. If they try to take on more than one enemy, they may still win with prodigious use of cloak, but it is hardly a travesty that they aren't guaranteed an edge.

    * In the instance of the SR-7, the distance for guaranteed ohk is 51 meters unsuppressed.
  7. Inex

    I think my favorite part of the video is at 3:02 when Mustarde's teammate is excited to be double tapping people with a HSR-1. Considering he talks about the towers, and 'all the way over here' I'm going to assume that he's at roughly the same position. He doesn't even have the courtesy to use the 99SV which (assuming I remember my stats) should 2-headshot even NW5.

    The juxtaposition of "NW2+ is keeping me from getting 100% OHK" vs. "This farm is so bountiful even a weapon that needs 3 headshots to kill NW1 is providing a wealth of 2 hit kills" warms my heart.

    Maybe our lesson today is "BASRs trade the semi-auto's 2-headshot kill on all targets for a OHK on most targets"?
  8. Vaphell

    sure, but is it a good idea to leave a red dot on everybody's minimap with every shot you take with dozens of enemies around? If you want an aggressive sniper that doesn't stay on the safe side of the frontline and doesn't hide behind the backs of his buddies suppressor is pretty much mandatory. Lethality of SMGs doesn't suffer much from suppressors, why should bolt actions be punished that hard?
  9. Ryme

    The use of a suppressor is a choice, as the class still has access to cloak. If you want to compare sniper rifles against SMGs, it is fair because a SMG's lethality suffers in long range engagements that a sniper is still effective in.
  10. Xae

    You don't, like, "get it" man. I mean, like, you need to like, be outraged that, like, one weapon class is, like, not clearly superior to, like, another class. Man.
  11. Vaphell

    For specific values of 'effective'. Suppressed SMG is perfectly usable and lethal at its intended ranges and 10x easier to use than a sniper rifle with a 30m ohk threshold. Suppressed sniper rifle at 30m is already far out of its comfort zone and it sucks *** on top of that.
    And what does cloak have to do with it? Red dot makes aware people rush to investigate which spells trouble when all you have is a bolt action not suited for defense and it's not like a nearby inf can't drop a dart to screw you over.
  12. Ryme

    Cloak gives you an means of avoiding detection tha other infantry classes that don't. And just as your statement about a SMG's "intended ranges" justifies the viability of the weapon within limited applications, a sniper rifle is also perfectly useable and lethal at its "intended ranges". You can take it into CQC if you want, but you are by no means entitled to the same effectivness as you would with another weapon intended for the role. The same can't be said for other range restricted weapons.
  13. Forumguy2

    If you want to snipe play call of duty please. Problem solved.
  14. IIXianderII

    How would sniper rifles being a guaranteed OHK negatively affect anyone? Newer snipers will get a few more kills on people who are just standing still, and more experienced snipers will be rewarded when they land difficult shots on moving targets.

    This seems absolutely horrible for anyone on the receiving end though doesn't it? Why should anyone be able to kill me when they line up a shot, especially from a distance, in an FPS. Taking into account that I am a Rambo badass, and am really the only one in planetside who gets kills due to skill and not cheap mechanics, why would I want to get rid of an ability that allows me to survive certain death from a cowardly scrub? I paid good certs for that NW2, and I got those certs because of how well I preform every time I set foot in this game. Thats a whole 11 certification points; do you want know how hard it is to get that? Mine were hand delivered from SOE when I logged on because they recognize the amount of skill and ridiculous instincts for battle that I possess.

    I hate seeing all these people saying NW should not block headshots, I am a f***ing man. I fight with my fists. Why should cowards 80 meters away take away my glory and fun because they use that cheap a** mechanic called aiming. You know who takes time positioning and lining up shots? Cowardly children. If they were real planetside players they would turn off their HUDS, mash their keyboards with their fists, and get close enough for me to rip their throats out with my teeth. We all know that the only valid playstyles in this game are the ones I dictate out to others, so why should anything outside of that be useful. If people would just play this game how I tell them, and stop killing me in ways I do not approve of I think we would all have a much better time.
    • Up x 7
  15. Shadowyc

    That's not sniping. That's called Typical Day.
  16. Vaphell

    And at the same time it telegraphs the inf presence with a faction specific sound audible up to 100m away. It takes only 1 inf to hear you and shut you down with a dart.
    LAs can hide on the roof which is more often than not an even better way of avoiding detection yet i don't see their staple weapons turning to **** with suppressors.

    No, suppressed rifles are far from perfectly usable and lethal at their intended ranges. I tried to fit that square peg into a round hole while auraxiuming 2 rifles after the NW issue became apparent and it didn't work. There is a reason almost nobody bothers with suppressors on BASRs anymore. Drop+dog slow bullets are a pain and being pushed deep into the full auto kingdom in order to achieve any kind of reliable lethality doesn't help either.

    In case you wanted to see infs in midrange forget it and thank NW for that. The ones that tried to play there either
    - said screw it and went closer with SMG or
    - tried to cut distance with basrs which proved way too lopsided from the risk vs reward point of view and pulled back with now unsupressed rifles.
    Hello unintended consequences.
  17. Lancener

    I have no problem with Nanoweave blocking 1-hit kills, my bolt-action has the 2nd highest amount of kills for me. It's just a loadout choice as far as I'm concerned, next we'll have people talking about mines not being 1-hit kills when you use flak armor, it's part of the design, if it wasn't intended it would've been fixed by now.
    • Up x 2
  18. Hoki

    Yeah, well, thats just like, your opinion, man.

  19. Vaphell

    lol, harassers prove you otherwise.
    Btw what was intended was ohk threshold around the dmg falloff point at rank 5 (ranks 1-4 were not enough). That's how the numbers line up with the initial advertised bonus of +25% base HP (excluding shields) = +125HP. Unfortunately they fail so hard at programming and Q&A that somehow they managed to multiply that value by 2 somewhere. Only after investigation done by players the true value of NW was revealed and SOE handled the problem... by changing the description but not touching anything else, despite numerous side effects to weapon balance. That's how they solve bugs there.
  20. Ryme

    And their jetpacks emit audible effects as well. So at the very least, you are on equal footing with LAs in terms of cqc base infiltration. Yet LA's will be hard pressed to engage at ranges the sniper rifle can. For that matter, Infiltrators also have access to SMGs, which you have commented are perfectly viable in cqc ranges. In addition, Infiltrators can hack loadout terminal to swap their weapons or even class if circumstances change. LAs have no such capability.

    The tradeoff for supression on weapons has always been lethality for stealth. At ranges that Inf are ohk effective, a supressor is not necessary for BARs unless an Inf is attempting to engage several opponents, which then falls back to the situation of you're not supposed to be a completely undetectable ohko first strike killing machine at all ranges. To use that as justification that the weapon class is UP flat out flys in the face of any semblence of balance.

    No single weapon dominates at every range. The basis of your arguments are starting to circle around the premise that sniper rifles should somehow excel in every possible application, with no drawbacks. Even CoD adheres to the some semblence of understanding of balance and that no weapon dominates in all situations.