[Video] - Nanoweave is getting out of control

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mustarde, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. Mustarde

    I've written a fair amount about the imbalance between Nanoweave armor and bolt action sniper rifles, for several months now. It's a bit of a stale topic that most people have taken a side on, and there's not much that more words and posts can do.

    I've been know to quote a "10-20%" nanoweave rate on my sniping, which is pretty accurate for me. A lot of people accused me of exaggerating. Here, you get to witness a 47% nanoweave rate over several minutes of uncut (but slightly edited for speed) footage with an unsuppressed RAMS.50. (almost all my previous footage was suppressed SR-7 combat which can be nanoweaved at 30m with NW5).

    I won't rehash the same old issues or talking points. I expect to read the usual dismissive comments of being a "useless coward" from "300m away" doing nothing to help my faction. That's fine, I welcome your opinion and discussion. (btw i'm not 300m away in this footage, more like 150m). I don't expect to change the tide of opinion on this matter. I simply want to present another set of evidence that demonstrates a problem that I feel makes the infiltrator, and the entire lineup of bolt action sniper rifles, increasingly underpowered.

    For anyone wondering why I logged ~ 2500 SMG kills over the last month and have been letting the sniper rifles collect dust, here's your answer. This is the reality on the ground, and is removing the diversity of short, medium AND long range infantry combat.

    I doubt that this is what the dev team imagined when they doubled the value of Nanoweave back in Februrary. While rank 5 NW can increase the TTK with my Armistice by 1-200ms, rank 2-5 NW increases the TTK of my RAMS.50 by 1500ms, IF I can land a follow up shot (my sniper accuracy is about 50-55%). That requires me to also be able to land that follow up shot in the same breath (which lasts 4s from the time I first hit shift). Otherwise, I need to wait for a new breath to land the shot. I think you get the idea.

    You may now respond with your pre-conceived opinions on how bad snipers are and how nanoweave is the only thing standing between us and Sniperside2
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  2. HadesR

    Kinda given up TBH ..

    Infi's have/are being slowly nerfed overtime.

    First BASR then it was Cloak showing on radar now it's our recon darts showing on the enemy mini map ( Which is pretty much a big *** sign that an Infi is about )
    I mean seriously SOE are happy with vehicles riding around with their 200m ESP but hey let's make Infi radar show up to the enemy ..
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  3. Littleman

    So why are the semi-autos atrocious again? Seem like a proper counter to nanoweave. If you can't kill 'em in one shot, make sure to send a lot more their way!

    Seriously, if you're good, you'll learn to do that. They're not in game to take up hard drive space.
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  4. RobotNinja

    Why shouldn't NW5 prevent headshots? If a player chooses to cert max Nanoweave and use that they forgo other benefits, such as additional magazines/explosives/flak armor. A follow-up shot will still kill them. And every single player in the game isn't walking around with 100% health in the middle of a heated battle either. I play an Infiltrator pretty routinely myself and I don't see this as a major issue to be honest.
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  5. Kyouki

    I think they could make a really easy fix for this. Increase the HS multiplier on all sniper rifles so NW5 doesn't protect against them at any range. This makes getting auraxium on my sniper rifle so frustrating when anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 of my kills are denied.
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  6. Morti

    That video is worth watching just to see that guy intercept a Vanguard HEAT round with his FACE.

    My opinion is yes, bolt action sniper rifles should OHK headshot from all ranges and all levels of nanoweave. The class is pure anti-infantry and yet, falls short.
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  7. RobotNinja

    It works both ways. And as far as being able to see enemy radar, if you're doing some lone sniping you probably shouldn't be spotting your own position. Even if it didn't show up on the mini-map it's still an audible give-away.
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  8. HadesR

    Well most use recon darts for times when actually play the class like people tell us to and infiltrate ... If people want to know if an infi is in their base they should use radar NOT be warned to the fact by our own radar ... One more dumb down step
  9. DashRendar

    When I'm playing infantry I can't even tell 9 times out of 10 whether I'm wearing Nanoweave or Flak (I have level 4 of both for all classes), but when playing infil, yeah it's lame. If you can fix the problem of bolt action headshots without affecting infantry balance then that would be ideal.
  10. Mustarde

    Nanoweave rank 2 is all that is required to stop headshots. The BR5 who took my sniper round to the head (and was too green to move and I nabbed with the follow up shot) is a great example.

    Yeah that guy is me. This is my footage :) And I thought it too, was hilarious.
  11. Tekuila

    I see your point but I just have so much trouble feeling bad. It'd obviously not fun to line up a shot and not get a kill, but on the other hand it's not fun getting carpal tunnel having to jitter around constantly to not get OHK by some dude nowhere near the fight.

    Nothing quite makes me rage like getting snippered when I'm fight people around me.
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  12. Larolyn

    I appreciate the effort you put into your Nanoweave campaign and enjoy your rants whenever they appear. I counted in the video, you went 15 headshots with sniper rifle for 10 headshot denials from nanoweave. I did not count the pistol kills as that's not we are here for. The thing is about nanoweave is it's a crutch for bad players. All the players you sniped were bad. They were standing still screaming "headshot me! I'm not moving!" 10 players were wearing Nanoweave were also bad players but they decided to purchase a cert line to compensate for their poor play. Seems odd you can do this. Buy into a cert line to compensate for being bad.

    I gave up nanoweave months ago now. There are so many other suit slots that are just better. Grenade bondolier for medic with revive grenades. Advanced Shield Capicitor (ASC) for medic when you need to get in and out of combat fast. I use ASC on my infiltrator and one of my loadouts for LA too. Flak armour on my LA for when I am tank hunting. Grenade Bondolier and AV grenades on my heavy for MAX hunting. Ammo Pouch for my LA when I am off soloing. Nanoweave leaves me with 2 bars of health after a headshot. Great. I am going to be so useful to my team with 2 bars of health.

    The only class I feel suits nanoweave is a heavy with maxed out resist shield. The problem we are suffering here is terrible players who want to purchase a cert line to compensate for their awful play. There are 2 ways to be sniped in this game. 1 is to be standing still, in the open, doing nothing and begging to be shot. Don't do this. You're bad if you do. Nanoweave just lets you compensate for being bad. 2 is being sniped while running. Kudos. Great shot from the sniper. It is very rare the entire capture of a base relies on just you making it to where you were going.

    TL;DR: People use nanoweave to compensate for the fact that they are terrible and love to stand still looking at the enemy. Stop being terrible, keep moving to prevent headshots and open your eyes to the other suit slots available.

    Oh and another thing, snipers are a rare breed these days so what with them dying out, I am given the luxury of ditching nanoweave. Thanks terribad players, you have opened up a whole variety of suit slots for me since you are all compensating for your terrible play with nanoweave.

    Keep up the rants Mustarde, I enjoy reading them. Oh and I finally auraxiumed the Full Auto Scout rifle. I stand corrected. It's terrible in pretty much all situations apart from mid range engagements in large battles where there are a lot of people around to mask the infiltrator and scout rifle. I'd be better off burst firing an SMG at mid range than using the Full Auto Scout rifle.
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  13. DeadliestMoon

    So screw over 4 other classes just to please one.
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  14. Larolyn

    Saving a deployed sundy with your face eating a HEAT round. Class act.
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  15. HadesR

    Thing is though in the vid he was combat sniping for the most part, he wasn't sat on some hill 300m's away, he was up with the front lines and still was feeling NW effect's ..

    I can understand people not liking being OHK from 300m and yes NW4/5 ( only ) should protect from that but up to 150m it should be OHK regardless of what NW the player uses ..
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  16. TimeyWimey

    At some point somewhere I said I'd stop using bolt actions once they no longer could one shot infantry (hs obv). I wasn't true to my word since someone since the last time could have had a nano too good for my hs to not instakill them.

    Bottom line: Sniper headshot (from bolt action) should _always_ (nonmax, non shield-heavy obviously) kill. There's no point in bolt actions if it doesn't.

    No comment to nano itself.
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  17. FateJH

    I was going to say you are not really helping your team, but then you took that Vanguard shell to the head for the S-AMS at around 2:08. Well done.
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  18. Tekuila

    The TTK in this game is so long that OHK's just sting so much. Snipers just annoy me so much even if they body shot me it's such a waste of a medpack. Lol.
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  19. TimeyWimey

    already posted in this topic but whatever: bolt action snipers could use a buff IF it's a headshot.

    That is assuming a headsmot doesn't gib nano5 guy, which I assume it doesn't.

    also: haven't watched the video, and won't, just rambling.
  20. bodmans

    made a small mistake there
    0-150 OHK regardless
    150-200 NW5
    200-250 NW4
    250+ NW3
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