[Video] - Nanoweave is getting out of control

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mustarde, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. Lucidius134

    I can understand SOE's balance behind it but at the same time it's silly.

    You cannot say that a LA w/ NW5 has the same defensive capabiltiies as a medic or a HA. They have the same base HP but when you factor in the heavy's over sheild and the medics under sheild (regening HP) that means that the LA has less effective HP than the Heavy by alot and the Medic by a little. The LA and Engi have the least effective HP and then the Infil has the less effective HP.

    If you consider all of that, the LA is the only class that has improved mobility which means it can move faster than any other class. By not taking NW it makes you more squishy by having less effective HP. The cons to upgrades are not having other upgrades in that slot. They don't balance around empty slots. At the same time it's a bad system in some areas considering how much it costs to fully cert things + it doesn't always work out. NW5 is definatly more all around better than adrenaline pump because it's a straight upgrade over the BASIC EMPTY slot.

    My Point: NW wouldn't feel as big of a straight upgrade if it wasn't tiered and was 1 off just like adrenaline pump and provided less of a benefit.
  2. Get2dachoppa

    There are plenty of counterplay options against long range snipers. Stay mobile, make use of cover, watch for tracers, flank them, counter snipe them, get in a tank/sunderer/harasser/ESF/Liberator, watch your mini-map since most long range snipers are likely to not be using suppressors.

    Speaking of counter play...tell me, what are my counterplay options as an Infiltrator when facing a tank? Hmm?

    I probably shouldn't have fed the troll, but here's the TL/DR for you - L2P
  3. Infinn

    Simple fix, increase headshot modifiers on tier 3 snipers to ohk everything but a nw5 heavy with active ability shields on. That's barely any coding and wouldn't do anything major to gameplay except ohk with tier 3 snipers. (Parallax, long shot, and tr version)
    Plan, simple, and easy. Frankly any sniper able to headshot at 300m deserves the kill. Doing this would not effect bodysuit damage at all
  4. Axehilt

    I'm not amazing but I'm a 2.5 K/D player who thinks it's worth it. Movement speed is extremely powerful in FPSes.

    Rarely is a PS2 fight a DPS race. Typically the kill goes to the person who blitzes around the corner and kills his opponent before he's spent even 1000ms on his opponent's screen. (See Wrel's excellent explanation.)
  5. Aegie

    I can be rather deadly myself, though I'm no pro- I think it is well worth it from an entertainment perspective but it is sprint speed only and barely noticeable even when running side by side other players in an open area for considerable distance. You cannot fire while sprinting- if you shoot while sprinting it halts the sprint. Ergo, it is hardly a tangible benefit in most combat situations- it is probably true, however, that there are likely more times than I will ever be aware of where my ghost was able to round a corner just before being seen or shot.

    I am familiar with the issues of clientside detection.

    Using your scenario, you sprint around the corner and for ~.2s your ghost has not yet arrived- I have not done any calculations but I would be willing to wager that the fraction of seconds it takes to break sprint in order to start shooting neutralize that slight advantage. This is why I feel that Adrenaline Pump is not really an assault benefit so much as a defensive one. Honestly, IMO the biggest advantage to Adrenaline Pump is that it allows you to carry a little more speed into the jets- but again, since shooting while airborne at any meaningful distance is completely neutered by the skill-stomping COF multiplier this too lacks any direct combat effectiveness.

    Seriously, let's not kid ourselves, 10% great sprint (only) speed =/= 25% greater health from a competitive perspective. If Adrenaline Pump was a proper tree that eventually allowed for an upgrade in walk->ADS speed (and maybe a final tier with a token buff to each) then things might be different but as it stands now, IMO, Adrenaline Pump is just a nice treat for those who could care less about having the HP advantage and want something more exciting.
  6. KoS-1

    All I can say is....at least I had a link showing SoE said it.

    I've asked and asked for someone to provide a similar link to anything SoE said about NW# stopping OHK from sniper rifles. NADA(not a thing) has been presented so far.

    I wouldn't get so high and mighty. Stats in game is one thing, statements made by the company making the game is another. Hopefully they jive, but in this case it doesn't come close. We need clarification or a fix one way or another.

    I have my preferences which way SoE should go. In the end, I have no control over the direction they go. I'll just have to deal with it one way or another.
  7. Axehilt

    Eh, the seconds it takes to break sprint are going to be a factor in both cases, because anyone who isn't sprinting around the battlefield in either case is a victim already. Not that you can't avoid the issue int he first place if you strongly suspect someone is around the corner by stopping sprint and/or ADS just as you turn the corner.

    But what Wrel desribes holds true for the entire game, and forward momentum is incredibly valuable to ensure you're the one creating those "initiative" (as he terms it) moments. Because in a game where latency plays such a significant part (unlike most shooters) it's a big deal.