Viability of 2x > scopes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Laraso

    Is there any real purpose of using a scope with a magnification larger than 2x on small arms weapons? They seem like they actually hurt you more than they help you on any weapon that isn't a sniper rifle.

    For example, with my Gauss SAW, I can hit targets at long distance fairly easily using just ironsights. If I try to use a 6x scope with it though, the reticule kicks up so high into the air that it would appear as if the very ground I'm standing on is being ripped out from under me. There's so much screen shake that it's virtually impossible to stay on target, while using ironsights the shake is almost completely non-existent.

    It's like that for pretty much any other weapon. Does anyone else feel like the higher magnification scopes hurt you more than they help you?
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  2. LonelyTerran

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  3. WalrusJones

    Well.... Fighting at the ranges where they would be useful isn't really viable outside of a few, select weapons...

    Albeit, I laugh at the TAR 3.4 scope.
  4. Laraso

    I can nab kills with my Gauss SAW at an optimal 6x range using just ironsights. If I try to use the 6x scope, I can't hit anything. It's just not possible with the amount of screen shake.

    There's something wrong when it's easier to fight at range using ironsights than it is with a powerful scope.
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  5. Eclipson

    Yea, its not worth using a scope over 2x. I ifnd myself doing worse at range with anything high because of recoil.
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  6. Revel

    I agree completely. I use the 2x on all LMGs, Assault Rifles, SMG, and Carbines. Irons on shotgun. Sometimes I use 3.4 on the TMG-50.
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  7. Laraso

    I think they need to lower the amount of shake on weapons proportional to the level of magnification.
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  8. WalrusJones

    Ironsights are severely underrated.
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  9. Udnknome

    Agreed, I use reflex for everything if I can get'em.

    Oh.. you said underrated. bleh. SOE won't let me delete the post so I have to fill it with something.
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  10. Laraso

    That depends on what weapon you're using. Some of the NC LMGs have great iron sights (the kind the Gauss SAW has), while others are just terrible (EM6/EM1/GD-22S). However, all the NC carbines have pretty fantastic ironsights. They're so good, I'd actually recommend them over a reflex sight in all situations.
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  11. QuantumMechanic

    I used to have good success using the 3.4 sight on battle rifles (as well as 2x and 1x even). But yeah, for nearly everything else the higher power scopes are useless.

    I too have got headshots on enemies at long range with the SAW and just ironsights.
  12. Laraso

    Single shot / low RPM weapons such as battle rifles and bolt actions do well with high magnification scopes because they shoot slow enough that the screenshake doesn't make a difference. Weapons that need to fire fast to kill things such as LMGs and Carbines experience a living hell of screenshake if they try to use anything more powerful than a 2x scope.
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  13. Chubzdoomer

    Definitely. I think more people would actually use scopes with higher magnification if they made that change. Right now, there's absolutely no reason to have them equipped. All it does it hurt you in just about every way.
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  14. RHINO_Mk.II

    I use 2x reflex on my NC6 from 5m to 200m (or wherever infantry stop rendering) I honestly don't see a use for a higher zoom scope, especially on something with such terrible hipfire.
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  15. Radioactive Pirate

    I use the TMS 4x on my CARV. Paired with a laser sight, it suits me just fine.
  16. MarthKoopa

    I rock with an iron sight Nyx and destroy people at long ranges.

    Scopes really do make aiming harder the higher they go. Tried it with all types of scopes and it's utterly abysmal with anything higher than a 1x.
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  17. DFDelta

    I only use reflex sights.

    Only exception is the short range bolt action that I've equipped with a x3.4 and my shotguns all using night vision.

    I don't really see any reason to ever use anything else. Ever.
  18. hansgrosse

    Honestly, I love the 3.4x scopes for most applications. I'm currently running a 3.4x on my NS-11A, Warden BR, Reaper DMR, and GD-22S.

    I'm also using 3.4x's on my SABR-13 and T1-B on my TR alt and my Ursa and Corvus on my VS alt.

    The higher magnification scopes DO take some getting used to, and I agree that the highest magnification ones are too impractical to be worth it in most cases, but I've found that the 3.4x options are useful in nearly all situations.
  19. Zaik

    i was going to take this post seriously until I saw the OP say he uses SAW iron sights fine, then I laughed.

    6x on the SAW is just for counter sniping, shoot infiltrators in the head three times, they're usually too busy instakilling people to unscope and not die.
  20. Nocturnal7x

    This is a simple case of "SOE did it wrong". The way sensitivity works is wrong. If you set your scoped sense to make a 4 or 6x scope work it will be WAY WAY WAY too low to use anything else. Set sensitivity to the scope you will use ALL the time and thats all you can do.

    They just straight up did it wrong. IDK how, never seen it before honestly. SOE found a way.