Vanu Labs: "Shade" VS Sniper Rifle <3

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by CuteBeaver, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    Screw bullets....

    Give me the ability to just throw the rifle to a guys head. No dmg . Just daze effect.
    Something REALLY annoying pls.

    I'll pay 10k sc for it each month.

    Just give me something to throw.....

  2. ShadowAquilaX

    ***NSFW *** Rifle P0rn*** I just jizzed at the VS and NC ones OMFG!!!
  3. ShadowAquilaX

    Hoping they will add sweet animations like the SMGs.
  4. tenzenator

    is the VS one mele weapon? looks like Bat'leth from star strek :D
  5. MrMurdok

    Keep up the excitement, guys. I wonder why they don't just ask you for 1000 Certs/700 Smed Shekels at the beginning of each month to be able to counter Nanoweave.
  6. Chemicalnurd

    Not too keen on the VS or TR designs, they're alright I guess.. But the NC one looks absolutely ******* awesome.
  7. Topher

    IKR? Damned devs, though it does fit the TR style.
  8. Rhumald

    Two words: **** You Composite Armor.

    Squares, Circles, Triangles, perfectly awesome lo-


    This has all my love, all of it.
  9. DeadliestMoon

    Correction: Rail Rifle.
  10. Rhumald

  11. DeadliestMoon

  12. Rhumald

    That was just posted for information, you missed my actual reply XD.

    You're probably right about it being a rail gun though... would you happen to know if we have the names for the NC and TR rifles yet?

    EDIT: I see what those ridges are actually for now, it's the scope rail lol.

    edit edit: seeing how small the scope rail is has suddenly placed a lot of perspective on the shear size of this weapon.
  13. Astraka

    Unfortunately the Composite Armor we have only partially covers the sports bra, and completely leaves the hot pants exposed. I wear the Light Blue/White Urban Forest camo so it isn't obvious, but having to be baby blue really takes the 'cool' out of my Infiltrator.

    What I hope happens is T-Ray reverts that change and makes the Armor in this picture the default. Just make the yellow part the bit that doesn't have camo and we'll have a good looking solution to the camouflage issue. I'll like that we'll be able to use our Empire Specific Camouflage, and we'll match the rest of our faction for once.

    Unfortunately this looks like it'll be another set of purchasable armor, which will probably mean we'll be stuck with the baby blue hot pants & sports bra for the rest of this game's life.

  14. Rhumald

    I don't much like the bright yellow, part of being an infiltrator is it's namesake, and people that have played long enough should be able to almost instantly identify them anyways. We have a square shape, and enemy infiltrators go completely invisible when they cloak (VS is triangles, and TR is circles).

    Here's an album of me with composite on versus composite off:

    Personally, I think the blue bits, while ugly on thier own, look great with our composite (which, unlike the other two factions, doesn't suck).
  15. Lucidius134

    Still waiting for the NS 50 cal sniper rifle/anti-material rifle


    (I actually am not just putting this in here to spite infils 8) )
  16. ewokinarmor

    I personally love the look of the VS rifle. It'll be fun to hold and examine in detail. However, I'm kinda at odds as to whether I want it to be a charge-up.
  17. Stinneyt

    Personally, I dont give a **** what they look like.
    Right now, I just want the NW balance fixed.
  18. Rhinzual

    By low zoom, you mean 'starts with no scope by default'? Or 2x zoom scopes?
  19. Makora

    I have to agree that i am not feeling that hot for TR's new rifle design. I can understand having more round design but that's just going a bit too far. I mean isn't TR supposed to be the "use the tried and true traditional weaponry" That thing looks everything but that.

  20. Makora