Two-year anniversary, 12-year shelf life?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RykerStruvian, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. RykerStruvian

    Nice. I was trying to remember where that post was.
  2. BobSanders123

    This games problems have usually stemmed from its engine. The engine has such a poor physics system, that it has always had limitations that other games have broken through for years. The poor texture management resulted in muddy textures in certain areas even if all settings were on high. The code it was built on made patches create leaks, and the patches to fix those leaks created more leaks. It is like this game was built to die.

    This game didn't embrace the three factions enough from the get go, instead the developers took it very cautiously and took a more "everyone has the same stuff and same stats" sort of ordeal. This doesn't work when you have three factions specifically designed to be different. The three factions eventually just became closer and closer together with almost no difference between them. In a game like this you need a balancing system in which one faction has something that the other lacks, and vice-versa. There never was enough of this, and the developers never embraced it.
  3. Doc Jim

    If this game makes it to the end of 2016, I'll be surprised. The main attraction of this game is the concept that it offers:
    1) ego shooter
    2) combined arms
    3) open world
    4) F2P
    As soon as someone else offers this combination in a more customer-friendly way... Well the competition would make things interesting.
  4. z1967

    1. Welcome to developing "One of the only engines in the world that can match battlefield in graphics while stuffing hundreds of people on a map and supporting vehicles, weather(soon(tm)), voxels, and even crafting all rolled into one." Seriously, do you think there is any other engine out there that could do what forgelight does? Have fun trying to find it.

    What are you talking about. We have conservative asymmetric balance, not a charlie foxtrot of "this faction has a better carbine than this faction."
  5. ZBrannigan

    wasn't my point, i was replying to a gfx ***** whose major complaint was the gfx looking awful, my picture proves that a graphical update for PS1 isn't an impossible problem. the games are a similar age.

    imo they should have made an engine that could do what PS1 did but better, then transfered and updated the mechanics/textures. that surely would have been cheaper than making a new engine anyway, then creating ALL NEW stuff/mechanics(6 months per vehicle!!! )
    resulting in not even having half of what PS1 had at launch.
    wouldn't even be impossible to add microtransactions for camo's and vehicle/char customization to a true PS1 upgrade.

    PS1 wasn't perfect but i played for 4-5 years, subscribing for £10-15 a month, haven't logged into PS2 for 3 or 4 weeks now and it's only been out 2 years, and i haven't spent anything like on PS2.
    from my POV they're losing money i want to give them.
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  6. iLogan

    The game barely hits 5k players on a weekend now. It used to hit 20k.
    The game is definitely dead.

    I go on Connery and join a platoon
    and sometimes there is absolutely none.
    And I End up logging out.

    I have basically just gone back to BF4 Now.
  7. RykerStruvian

    Thats why I moved to Emerald. I hopped on Connery a few times and didn't see any platoons running NC-side, so I just switched to a different server. Kind of really sucks though...I don't have my EM1, AC-X11, NS-15, NS-11, either. Or my loyal soldier stuff. Or MLG stuff.

    Oh well.
  8. iLogan

    Holly Crap! I just made an account on emerald and it has 5x the player base.
    I even went to PS2 Server stats and its triple.

    Looks like im an Emerald Player Now.
    Its worth losing all my unlocks for good fights and more platoons running.
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  9. Fellgnome


    WTB more west coast players.

    I wonder how bad my ping would be on Emerald though...
  10. z1967

    It hits about 15k logins per weeked on average for Connery. Emerald hits 20k. Not all of them are on at the same time (inb4 no **** sherlock) and to qualify as a login they have to be killed at least once. I am fully confident that the population for the game is still healthy but is slowly declining over time.

  11. RykerStruvian

    All I know for sure from playing on Emerald so far is that I've been having a blast. I made characters on all three factions and the fights have been great. If I get sucked into a zerg/pug/whatever which ends up beginning to ghost cap stuff, I'll just switch sides and jump into another fight. I think most of that though was the population splitting due to pumpkin alerts, so I doubt I'll have to do any 4th factioning jazz anymore.
  12. LordTankT9

    I'm not sure if I will be alive after next 12 years. But this game - sure... Just after this guy wins a Mis Galaxy Beauty contest:


    P.S. Just don't focus on the nips.
    P.S.S. It's a Vanu guy without an armor.
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  13. RykerStruvian

    lol the alien looks like its got a vajayjay

    but really alien 4 makes me want to kill myself. it had some fun actors though.
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  14. BobSanders123

    There is no engine that can do that, but what I am trying to get across is that it made a huge sacrifice because the engine was so bogged down by technical limitations and performance issues. The graphics are not nearly as clean as in Battlefield, texture quality does not change based on distance for certain buildings or objects which makes the game look quite ugly. Weapon models and animations have nothing on Battlefields fluid weapon swapping and reloading animations. I read the TR was a professional military, yet it allowed Nanite Systems to freely distribute war materials to the enemy, while purchasing some for themselves. These weapons of the future fire 100m/s faster than a modern day paintball gun. 800 years and they barely managed to do that. 800 years of scientific breakthroughs and incredible technologies discovered, and yet they couldn't build a minigun that fired over 1000 RPM, while modern miniguns fire at anywhere between 3000 - 6000 RPM. All becuase the engine couldn't handle it.

    This engine was ahead of its time, as was Arma 2s, it made too many compromises and wasn't refined enough to make it something outstandingly special.

    And if you consider implants a legitamite crafting system, then shame on you.

    Now each faction has a counterpart that is slightly worse than the other factions original. When I first started, I was proud to have bullet hose weapons, until I found out the New Conglomerate had a carbine that fired much faster than my measly TRAC-5. I reread the description of the TRs arsenal. The Terran Republic weapons may not hit as hard as the NC, but they make up for that fact by sending more bullets down range, faster. What exactly was the NC doing with a weapon that had a faster cyclic rate than the standard issue TR carbine? I thought that was ours!
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  15. CuteBeaver

    [3GIS] First year anniversary is coming up on the 17th. During our OPS last night we celebrated, and part of the final Speech was directly to the point we didn't know where PS2 was going. We have enjoyed our first year together, we all know there may not be a second or 3rd anniversary for the Outfit. Most of us have been playing since Beta or shortly after release.

    We acknowledged the current state of the game is riddled with bugs, population has dropped, and many of us have lost confidence in the development team. We play simply because we enjoy each others company. Teamwork is a drug. I hope things get better, and I hope PS4 release breathes new life into the game. I know one day Ill have to hang up my 3GIS tag, but I don't want it to be anytime soon. I don't want PS2 to fail and slowly be swept away under a carpet of bugs.

    While the game is improving, its so very slow most people grow tired or waiting. When SOE does push something through the bugs drive us away, and break a host of other mechanics. The only thing that saves me is taking breaks and playing other games so I don't become totally burnt out.
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  16. Kunavi

    CuteBeaver, dat sig... <3 LOL
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  17. z1967

    1. Its either you get your 64km^2 maps and a thousand players per continent or not. You cannot do that with any other engine out there while still maintaining good graphic fidelity.

    2. Let me clarify, it rivals battlefield in terms of graphics. Textures had to take a hit for performance since beta, but Ultra still looks amazing and beats a lot of games. Its kinda hard to rival Crysis and Battlefield, but the Aesthetics are good and are getting better with Bill taking control of the art department.

    3. Are you serious? Of all the things you could be annoyed about, you pick this. Who cares? That's the least important thing as far as game design is concerned. NS has all three factions in a chokehold by simply controlling the Nanite supply. They could replace all the chainblades with purple dildos and the TR couldn't do crap about it.

    4. Lemme break it down for you in simple terms, engine limits and gameplay limits. They can make faster firing weapons, but they'll either be pea shooters with a good ROF or completely OP. 6000 RPM chaingun as an infantry weapon? Are you off your rocker? That would be OP as hell with no room to really balance it.

    5. See point one. You either get your planetside experience or you get a second tier planetside experience but with a few tiny differences to satiate someone's expectations.

    6. Actually I was thinking about everquest (which uses the same engine) when saying that but implants do work as well for that example once the saltiness wears off.

    7. Here is a good lesson in game design, do you stick to your guns and tell the players to deal with it when there is a problem or do you take their feedback and fix issues? There is no right answer, but there is a best answer. Notice also how the faction description said "accurate" as well. That was removed when they figured out that high cap magazines, accuracy, and high ROF don't mix. Forumside crusades for that? Nah, never even seen a thread made or a tear shed about it.

    The GD7F came out of the early game history when flinch was still a thing. Flinch favored higher ROF weapons, causing the NC to drop off in popularity and TR pops to soar. Seeking to fix the problem, the Devs added some new carbines and then later removed flinch because it was a bad mechanic. The GD-7F is a relic from an older time, but remains because people want it to.
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  18. RykerStruvian


    TR is obviously a dom/top. And I think Vanu is a dominate bottom. Where does that leave the NC?
  19. z1967

    Well, crap. I was expecting that to be censored by the forum censor thing. Soooo, oops.
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  20. Saool

    PS2 will be going strongish in a few years.

    Then SOE will work on the 'NEW GAME EXPERIANCE" which exactly no-one will want. They will deny any rumours about it but still have an advert for it on Amazon. They will fire their community manager for siding with their customers. And then unleash it on the world expecting to get WoW numbers coming through the door.

    The game will be dead two months later.