Two-year anniversary, 12-year shelf life?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RykerStruvian, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. RykerStruvian

    So we're two-years into the game and Smedley expected Planetside 2 to have a 12-year shelf life. But given the amount of changes, the good and bad ones, do you see Planetside 2 falling short of that goal or being able to surpass it? And this is strictly in consideration of PC being the main platform for PS2.
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  2. TheKhopesh

    Not if they keep rolling out the performance issues (Oct. update) and lowering camo texture quality Lowered from 512 to 256 texture quality... I can't remember when that was actually, but I'm sure if you look through the patch notes you'll find it somewhere.) :(

    Oh, and here we are 2 years later. Phoenix still shoots your own vehicle (PAINFULLY -near- unavoidable in Valkyries!) when said vehicle exceeds 25-30 KPH.
    Flash 360 view update fixed this for the flash... mostly, as the passenger is now higher up and -almost- never hits the vehicle anymore. :D
    (Harasser still experiences this sometimes when:
    In reverse.
    And randomly when your ping is high and you experience your vehicle hitching.)

    Funny part is, there's a childishly simple fix that even a monkey could code:
    Add a 0.25ish second delay where FF on Phoenix shots have noclip for friendly vehicles.
    Now it flies through your vehicle when you fire it for that first instant, and you don't hit yourself unless you deliberately fly your missile back into your own aircraft/vehicle.

    (Fun fact: Phoenix missiles are the only projectiles in the game to date that have no clip registry on vehicle debris! This has often allowed me to retarget after flying through the debris on vehicles I was aiming at, but were destroyed shortly before my phoenix shot hit it. Usually I can hit the engie repping said vehicle, and quite often the vehicle explosion has weakened him enough that my shot kills him. :p)
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  3. AFK1

    If they make maps that can actually sustain 10-50 players, then yes. If they don't, then no. Eventually people will get bored of looking for fights, and move onto another game. Most of us will just go back to Battlefield. I truly enjoy Planetside 2 more than any other FPS, for a few reasons, but they all become irrelevant if 12 hours of the day are unplayable. A lot of the platoon leaders who played this game like an RTS have quit, and a lot of the good outfits have fallen apart from that. The people that made the fights happen aren't around anymore; the alerts that forced the fights don't exist anymore, and there's no way to transfer our characters to different servers and factions, so if it goes south, you either re-roll of quit (most will quit)
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  4. Nailhimself

    12-year life.... I hardly believe that this game even makes it to 2016... Unfortunately
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  5. Crashsplash

    I think it will have a shelf life greater than many people think (and say).

    However, I don't think that for a single individual it has particular longevity and therefore the overall shelf life depends on picking up new players and the new player experience is obviously important for retention.

    Looking back over the past 2/3 years we've gone through a period of high investment and then out into a period, it seems, of lower investment. I'd say if it's to have a shelf life of 12 years at some point investment will have to pick up again and along with that a period of promotion and marketing.

    Overall, although I have my issues with this game I am not as despondent over it's future in terms of survival than many others. It will keep going fairly strongly and making money for a while yet, albeit without me.
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  6. FieldMarshall

    I think it will have an average shelf life of an average SoE game.
    Unless they manage to make things worse.
  7. VonStalin

    I think it will be fine as long as it has no competitors.
    Open world first person strictly PvP shooter.
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  8. patrykK1028

    Yeah... 12 years life? GTA SA is 10 years old. Look at those graphics...
    Not that bad.. but compare it to PS4/XONE/PC GTA5
    Planetside 1 is 11 years old
    OMG my eyes are bleeding

    Just imagine Planetside 2 after 10 years
  9. Villanuk

    Their will always be a hard core following, most games have them, but with the focus on ps4 and lack of new content due to low resource personnel, it will reduce the volume of large battles due to the lack of population, for some its a wish but as there is little to challenge in this game ( unless you get some epic battles, then I love this game ) The game needs to find a purpose, a goal something more than just certs.

    I think the volume of nerfs have taken the edge out the game as well and many waited for the Valk but as it was such a let down, people moved away.
  10. Pikachu

    12 years sounds crazy. I think the PC version will last another 2 years, with another server merge in 2015. The PS4 I think will last equal or less time than the PC, 4 years.
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  11. breeje

    i think this is why you can play PS2 today
    if tomorrow a competitor launches a equal game PS2 is death ( unless they fix the game )
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  12. Copasetic

    It'll have a 12 year shelf life in the same way that Planetside 1 has had a 10 year shelf life.
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  13. KnightCole

    12 years? Not with more then 1 server and a few hundred of the same people on it every night....

    What other game besides EQ has lasted as long as it has and still has alot of players on it? EQ still has like 20 servers or something, they released thier 21st expansion like last other game can possibly out last

    As for PS2? 6 years at the max, before its just a few people meandering around an otherwise desolate Auraxis, wiht the same population numbers as we see on PTS and soon after that.........its dead.
  14. VonStalin

    By saying "fix the game" what do you mean? What is broken? I have no problems, it runs just fine.
  15. z1967

    12 years with 60k logins? maybe, but I wouldn't bet on it. 12 years with a gradually declining population until it reaches a plateau of loyal fans? Probably, its more likely than either a massive surge in population or keeping the current level for the next few years.
  16. VonStalin

    More and more ppl will have PCs good enough to run it, so that will compensate the loss of old players.
  17. Pikachu

    It usually means:
    - Better performance.
    - Restore server performance.
    - Restore hit detection.
    - Better balance.
    - More faction diversity.
    - The real resource revamp.
    - The real continent locking.
    - Better redeployment.
    - Better introduction to new players.
    - Better squad mechanics.
    - More uniqueness to weapons.
    - More continents.
    - Server transfers.
    - More gameplay mechanics like in ps1.
    - Better vehicle physics.
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  18. ZBrannigan

    remastering isn't out of the question if it's JUST graphics you're bothered about
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  19. uhlan

    This game needs to be epic, but there isn't anything to support it.

    I don't want this game to be reduced to a "battlefield" experience. If I wanted that I'd play, well, Battlefield.

    Unfortunately, the powers that be think this game can be a competitive one.

    A game with this scope that needs drop-in and casual players to flesh out the sides simply can't be competitive. It needs to be inclusive with an eye toward teamwork.

    Most of the complaints about battles being too large come from the fact that most bases the opposing forces are funneled into are designed for 24v24 infantry combat at most, yet are often packed with 5 times that much. Add to this the fact that many are only a few hundred game meters apart and you get chaos.

    The map has been constantly reduced in size with walls and the Lattice. There are no opportunities to do anything else but jet to a battle, spam for a bit, then log off.

    The game needs depth, needs more strategic gameplay, a complete resource adjustment and a serious reconsideration where vehicle gameplay is concerned.

    12 year plan for PS2?

    I don't think so, not at this rate.

    Most folks that have been here since beta are burnt out... I know I'm getting there.
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  20. breeje

    today it's my cloak on the flash, last week it was glitching and freezing, over 14 days i have problems with some weapons, 3 weeks ago vibrating players on mid to long range, 1 month ago ...............
    what will it be next week ?

    it's fine you don't have problems but i do
    i do not give up on this game and i still love it today, only if tomorrow a new game with the same potential came out ?
    everything working like it should be, who knows what i will do ?
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