TR/NC need drastic balancing if VS is to regain pop

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nyscha, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. xGreedFuSioN

    Please, man. Get it right!!!
    It's pruple and CYAN
  2. Nyscha

    My first PS2 character was TR, got to rank 22 and then went to VS because I liked what it was like, their music was so more relaxed.

    I found VS the more natural faction because NC/TR is too over dramatic and to make it worse, kids screaming over the voice chat I don't like playing with children, which is why I stopped doing console gaming.

    It also reminded me of the times I had playing timesplitters.
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  3. Gadamlu

    i like you.

    how was the first timesplitters game? i could only get my hands on 2 and 3
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  4. Oneth

    The exo armour we buy reminds me of Teal though :p Calling it Cyan seems like avoidance of our horrendous Teal streaks ;-)
  5. TheDukeofSpook

    TS1 is pretty much Timesplitters 2 with no story at all. the story mode in TS1 was literally you walk around the MP maps grabbing an item and returning to the spawn with lots of AI enemies. Still fun as hell, some interesting character designs I wish stuck in with the sequels, although they did keep a fair amount. Timesplitters 1 was my first PS2 game as a kid and it was by chance that my parents had picked it up as a random game for my PS2.
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  6. Nyscha

    Timesplitters was hell.
    The maps was a lot bigger, there was a beach map with a cave.

    Playing flame tag on that map was scary if you got stuck in the cave with the flame guy chasing you.
  7. xGreedFuSioN

    Please guys, if you're gonna talk about colors, talk about CYAN
  8. GrantonStar

    Nailed it mate. I think the exact same when I use my VS alt. Weapons/ vehicles are awesome.
  9. KjarAchran

    I can only give you the stock weapons, since as I said, I only play every now and then as VS because I always figure "if you're gonna voice an opinion you might as well know what you're talking about".

    The Spectre is (compared to the TR one and even some you have to unlock) actually good.
    The Orion of course, you can easily kill people with it before they get you.
    The Pulsar is also pretty good.
    I guess there proly are some unlockable guns that are far better (I'm actually curious now).

    I see a lot of complaints about the Scythe but I think i like the Scythe more then the mozzy. It is extremely manoeuvrable, it's line of sight is heavenly and the dual rocket pods are extremely powerful.

    The Magrider is not that bad either. It's strafing ability is really annoying (Striker kinda made that obsolete but still).
    Also, the nerf to put it in line with other tanks hillclimbing-wise... with that afterburner, you guys still can get to places other tanks cant get to.
    And last but not least, the fact that your Mag can shoot straight, even when going over rough terrain when our guns are shaking all over the shop, is a big plus.

    Edit : tbh, your MAX could use some love
  10. MrLee.NO

    Most snipers will prefer a bolt action to a semi that can't OHK with headshots any day.
    Pulsar/Orion is "pretty good", but don't TR and NC also have "pretty good" alternatives?

    Mossie with racer is better than scythe in my opinion (from what I have tried of it in VR). Easily as manouverable as the scythe where it matters, and at the same time, faster.

    Magrider can shoot straight yes, but most of the time when you shoot, the first shot hits the ground due to the gun being so low slung - Especially when firing on the move.

    That being said, I wouldn't trade Vanu faction "specificness" or colours for anything. If you chose Vanu and stick with Vanu even after nerf/buff passes, it means you're dedicated. Either to the faction, or to playing the numerical "underdog" (Vanu have been the smalles factions since PS1, yes?). I'll take dedicated players over numbers all day, every day.

    Besides, we're not outnumbered, we just live in a target rich environment.
  11. X3Killjaeden

    It's turquoise. I went with NC because they are blue, and they have real guns (ok, gauss blabla but they still make bang) and they are boxy. TR are also not bad weaponwise, but their goggles look horrible.
    VS have purple and turquoise which i find ugly, spandex pants with latex speedos above it and bicycle helmets with censorship visor. Not exactly what reminds me of a fearsome warrior. And i dont think i'm alone with this feeling.
    My guess on declining VS is - now that their magrider isnt OP and NC not handicapped by horrible flinch anymore they go to a faction they actually like the feel&look of.
  12. Xasapis

    Some minor corrections. A maxed smoke magrider is very well defended against the striker. It can be activated every 15 seconds and the smoke prevents locks for the duration.

    As for the turret, it's the counterweight for having a turret in a badly placed spot that shoots at any minor bump on the road and can't hull down.

    The magburn I am not sure if it was fixed. Previous patch if you were trying to use it to climb hills it stalled and did nothing.
  13. xGreedFuSioN

    I read somewhere that its cyan, not saying its actually cyan, its just supposed to be cyan.
    Also, cyan
  14. Pikachu

    I always thought NC was the least popular. The only good thing about vanu is their soft music (I hate NC deploy music) and their lasher.
  15. KjarAchran

    true, but I'm just seeing a lot of VS players stating on the forums that VS weapons are UP and the TR are OP. I'm not stating our guns are bad. I'm saying your guns are good.

    Racer is the only upgrade I don't care much for. Id rather go hoover or dogfighter, depending on the situation. That being said tho, I'm not the best pilot out there.

    it still worked last week in the VR training room
  16. xGreedFuSioN

    Like nobody with half a brain thinks TR is op.
    Oh btw, as a fellow medic with occasional heavy/la play, I feel your pain. The tr medic options are really odd. (Love the iron sights tho)
    dat SABR-13 or whatever its called
    so good yet so bad
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  17. TheStink

    Only real men go to war in purple! Joking aside, I think the main comments I see about the Vanu purple seems to be made by people who come across as very immature. Understandable I guess since this game is a mix of all ages, and teenage boys do go through a phase. The pop drop is the 4th empire, and immature new players who gravitate to the NC and TR with their automatic association of anything purple means it's gay is what I reckon. I'll never stop playing Vanu! Been doing so since 2003 so want stop now just because the latest round of 16 year old think it's gay. Each to their own as life is subjective after all.
  18. 8BitArchitect

    I'm sorry, but you are (partially) wrong once again. Either you A) Didn't read all of my post. B) Didn't understand what I said
    Or C) Intentionally missed the point because what I said conflicts with your preconcieved conceptions and ideas. Once again here is what I posted:

    Now, If you'd read my post you would see nearly everything I say there is objectively true. As far as I am aware the only things I said that were not objectively true were that the VS were easier for an unskilled player (which I inferred from the lack of bullet drop on their weapoons, and is debateable, but as you didn't read enough of my post to do so, we'll drop that for now) and that there would be more comlaints about uniqueness and less about balance (which after thinking about it, and given the amount of complaining on this forum, I can now see is probably patently false.)

    Now, if you had read my post, you would see that I explicitly said that I wasn't making any claims that the VS we're OP. And if you had read the page I linked even in cursory detail, you would see that there are in fact differences between 'equivalent' weapons across factions (Damage drop off for example). Now, if you want to have a logical discussion rather than resorting to namecalling, that's great, But if you are going to refute something, make sure you've read it first.
  19. Oneth

    I quoted your post because you use the argument that VS is easy mode because of 0 bullet drop, no you never said VS are OP. I am simply stating that 0 bullet drop has no real effect in this game AT ALL. And AGAIN, the weapons being equivalent statement by me is ONLY APPLIED TO NON BASIC SNIPER WEAPONS. I have that page bookmarked myself and refer to it often. Heck, maybe 0 bullet drop does make them easy mode to someone that has never played a FPS before. Personally I've been doing FPS games since setting up a LAN in our apartment back in college to play the newly released DOOM II against each other and i see no bullet drop in this game as a laughable "bonus" for Vanu. I doubt you can find more than a handful of Vanu Players from all combined servers that wouldn't take bullet drop for equal bullet damage reduction of the other two factions. Is Vanu UP or OP? Couldnt' care less about that argument as I don't feel either side has a clear cut argument. But after seeing this imho ridiculous statement about 0 bullet drop being a bonus for vanu I simply had enough of that drivel that I blasted the last person I saw that made the statement. Not to be name calling but I have 0 respect for the opinions of anyone once I see them make that claim.

    And to say a fourth time, my statement about equal weapon stats is for the bolt action sniper rifles, not ALL certed weapons.
  20. PLooschacK

    No, they don't - Magriders and Scythes have Empire Specific look. Only Magriders is any different to it's respective unit in NC & TR by starfing. By trademark I mean something that screams "VANU" in every aspect of the game, not just looks like Vanu. VS has only single prompts - Magrider's starfe, Lancer and maybe Lasher.

    When you think of NC, you think "Hard hitting weapons".
    When you think of TR, you think "More ammo to rain on your enemies rapidly".
    When you think of VS, you think... oh, spandex and lasers \ plasma. But it has no real effect in gameplay.

    If all weapons looked the same TR & NC would still have something distinguishable.
    Same goes for the vehicles. VS were supposed to be more agile and maneuverable, but that's gone. Scythe may outperform the Reaver but anyone who still claims Scythe > Mossie must be a) insane b) blided by how it was many patches ealier. Magrider does indeed have Magburner (which usefulness is questionable) but it's passive - maneuverablity (where Prowlers have higher RoF and Vanguards improved armor) - is gone. I won't argue wheter it was OP or broken. But the fact is that you can common pool Lighting can get to the same places that Mag do.

    And please, don't jump out with no-bullet-drop, as a) it's not empire-wide - sniper rifles and main tank guns have bullet drop b) anyone who claims it has an effect in actual combat is simply delusional.