[TR] Goon Brigade

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by Yawnn, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Bargus

    Tired of looking for fights? Tired of fighting alone? Tired of farming continually at the Crown?....You know you do it.
    Then come join Goon Brigade.

    Active since Beta , we ever strive to increase our outfit's effectiveness.
    Dont fight hard , Hell dont even fight smart . Come Play GOON , its the best of both.
  2. Frozn

    You heard the man. We have already succeeded in creating a great atmosphere and good strategies the only thing missing is more soldiers fighting alongside us!
  3. Frozn

  4. Frozn

    Well that conference was a waste of time. I mean it's not like anyone wanted to know the price point, the look of the machine or the release date.
  5. Frozn

    Well good morning anyone who may be watching this thread.
  6. Hazzaslagga

    Join the Goon Brigade now and witness the rare sky shark in its natural habitat.
  7. Frozn

    It is rare for sky shark kills anyone who enters his territory
  8. Dignity

    We've got this awesome idea that would be really cool, but we need to cooperate and not shoot eachother. Please come over to our TS3 server ( so we can explain it.
  9. Bargus

    Where you at , jumped on and nuttin , not even offered a drink , shame lol
  10. Arquin

    Damn sorry man, our representatives are AFK right now. I'll point them here when I see one of them popping on, k?
  11. Dignity

    By the way, 20.00 (GMT+1) there will be a meeting for the participants to discuss stuff on our TS.
  12. Yawnn

    moaaaaar new recruits, keep them comming.

    Still not sure you'll fit in? Why don't u jump on our ts3 and try it out, ts3.goonbrigade.com
  13. Yawnn

    Will there be tea?
  14. Yawnn

  15. Frozn

    Im down for tea.
  16. Frozn

    Well the oscars were bad. If you are tired of seeing people and things being bad join the brigade and that won't happen again.
  17. Arquin

    I hope you never get your faction out from the crown :p
  18. Frozn

    Simple solution for that. We dont take our troops to the crown ;) Unless it's for Shts n giggles ofc.
  19. Yawnn

    We need YOU! Fill up the massive ranks today and be a part of a highly organized and effective outfit today!

  20. Frozn

    If you looked through this thread and are not quite sure if we are the fit for you just hop on our teamspeak server at ts3.goonbrigade.com we welcome anyone to play a couple of games with us to see what we are all about!