TR best all purpose gun??

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by LT_Latency, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. Mr. Troffleops

    Actually the new LMG is pretty cool. Its like a Carv had a baby with a MSW-R. You get a fast fast reload, with 55 round mag, and the range and accuracy of a carv. At least from my time in VR. It also looks way cooler then any current TR lmgs.

    Havn't tested it too extensively, but its looking like a GREAT all arounder.
  2. MorganM

    All around good gun... close to medium.. .can still hit people at long range... MSW-R + laser site + IRNV optic or 2x Reflex optic. If I know I won't need to pick off people at range I'll use the IRNV otherwise the 2x Reflex. This gun gives you the performance of a carbine in the form of an LMG. With the laser site it's almost like having a TRAC-5. It's cheap to buy. Really can't go wrong with this gun.

    Long range: TMG-50 + 2x Reflex optic + compensator + fore grip. I really struggle with this gun a close range. Cross hairs are so far apart that I can't hip fire even at 10m. So I really enjoy it when running from a sub-station to a main facility, crossing a large facility like an amp station, running from a sunderer to an objective, because I have plenty of range to ADS and hammer down on a target. Once I reach my destination I feel like I now have the wrong gun.... ADS and I can't see anything around me nor move fast enough to hit anyone... I can't hip fire because it's so inaccurate... so holding a point or objective I'm just spraying and praying with this thing.

    Close Range: Uppercut (less than 15m) + extended magazine + IRNV optic. After 20m the thing just doesn't have any stopping power or even act as a deterrent. Very situational but very effective in it's intended situations. The opposite of the TMG-50. I struggle with this gun because as I run to my destination or objective I'm largely useless; can't engage anyone unless I bump into them... run Forest run! But when I get to the objective I can hunker down and hold fast; I'm now in the right situation for this gun.
  3. Balrogos

    TMG-50 is cool in all ranges I start a real play when i bought it :)

    Compensator/Forward grip/high velo ammo for long ranges, and Iron Sight for all ranges is best for close, mid and long, also Iron Sight have best accuracy from all optics if you dont like IS i recomend 1x optics
  4. NaySayer

    I personally am torn between the TMG-50 as a good all-around lmg and the MSW-R for its mobility.
  5. vulkkan

    I've now started using the T16 with an advanced foregrip. This gun is incredibly stable, controllable, and feels very accurate when ADSing. Forget the fact that it fires about 100RPM slower than a CARV or MSW-R; you'll be landing so many more bullets that it feels like it kills quicker than those750 RPM LMGs. Its difficult to rate the TR LMGs, but in terms of versatility (not performance):
    1. T32/T16
    2. T9 Carv-S
    3. TMG-50
    4. T9 Carv/MSW-R
  6. Zenith

    I think the T16 is probably the best all purpose, but I also really like the TMG-50, and have a lot of kills with it. The MSW-R is nice for CQC, but the 50 round mag can be limiting. Tried the T32, and it seems similar to the MSW-R, but with an extra 10 rounds.
  7. rayvon

  8. AxisO7

    I can't understand the T32 Bull. In the VR it feels absolutely amazing, so I instantly went out and bought it only to find myself massively disappointed in the proper game. It just doesn't seem to drop people. I've gone back to the Carv for medium range engagements, with the TMG-50 still the king for longer ranges.
  9. Pie Chasm

    Hard to define "all purpose".

    If you mean having accuracy during hipfire (or having some kind of CQB performance), then MSW-R is the best, but it is challenging to master the recoil for long ranges.
  10. MaxDamage

    T9 CARV is brilliant for beginners.
    TMG 50 has a higher skill cap, and less effective for spray and pray.
  11. rayvon

    Dont agree about the skill cap, its just more situational than most.
  12. RHINO_Mk.II

    So you mean the phoenix on release?
  13. TeknoBug

    Lots will tell you either TMG-50 or T32 Bull but I'll say T16, I can hit and kill targets at close, mid and long range with the T16. But I've been using nothing but the MCG lately. lol
  14. Phrygen

    no agreements here.
  15. Zenith

    After spending around 4-5 hours with the T16, I have to agree. The T32 is probably more akin to the MSW-R, and although it's as good as the T16, I prefer to have more rounds in the mag. I find that with 1x Reflex, Adv. Grip, and HVA, the T16 is comfortable to use at virtually all ranges.

    As such, I would definitely recommend the T16 to anyone looking to purchase a new LMG for their HA, and at only 250 certs you really can't go wrong with this one. The TMG-50 is worth a look if you are used to NC style weaponry, but be aware that CQC is most definitely not its strong suit.
  16. Kingside

    lots of votes for the:


    As I posted before, I dropped the use of the TMG-50 in favor of the T16 because even with all the attachments, the TMG-50 has unmanageable recoil at long ranges. The T16 with all the necessary attachments allows for auto fire at long range and was much more effective for my play style. I despise one and two-shot bursting and you can let 4-6 rounds fly from the T16 with no ill effect

    Due to extremely low TR pop on my server lately, I switched to NC and the Gauss SAW is a ridiculous, ridiculous, absurd weapon. With the proper attachments, its basically a 100 round sniper rifle that is also reasonable in QCQ. Saying that the TMG-50 is a nerfed Gauss SAW while being a reasonable analogy is an incredible understatement. A better analogy would be like if you gave the Vanguard two barrels just like the prowler has. That is the Gauss SAW.

    Spend an afternoon just using the Gauss SAW and be utterly disgusted (or elated depending on your perspective).
    • Up x 1
  17. p10k56

    For me T16 but I do not understand why there is no 2xreflex on it. It is like bad joke:confused:
  18. CaptAmazing

    Yep, the Gaus Saw with adv, foregrip + compensator is an amazing gun. I'm even pretty succesfull wiht it in CQC and just destroy everybody at medium/long range.

    Because of that I use on my main char the nerfed TR version - TMG 50.
  19. P149U3

    TMG-50 w/ HV Ammo, Comp, grip, and your choice of scope
  20. Paperlamp

    Is that supposed to be a good thing ?

    I would say TMG-50 is the best TR LMG. Everything else has too low DPS or terrible accuracy. MSW-R is alright if you want a CQC gun but there's no point in using an LMG for that when an SMG or shotgun will do far better.