To all those defending the scatmax, answer me this

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Cryptek, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Purg

    It is when you're not using slugs.
  2. Anonynonymous

    That's the problem I've brought up on Hacksaw a while back. That the Hacksaw might have a slightly wider than usual minimun CoF, but it's maximun CoF spread is way too narrow (Less than half of the other scatterguns). Where every other scatterguns gets complete crap CoF after 2nd sustained shot. Which in term allows Hacksaws to quick fire slugs without nearly as much penalty as the slower firing scatterguns. Hacksaw should be a pure CQC weapon and nothing more.
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  3. JonboyX

    Change your "Dash" for an overload. Guns fire twice as fast for 30 rounds, cof is twice as bad, but then you take 2 times as long to reload due to, I don't know, let's say overheating. Longer than the hacksaw reload for sure.
    So that way you can half kill us on the way in, then finish us off with superduper up close damage.
    A max with absolutely no flaws - fits perfectly with the current TR weapon theme.

    That's roughly similar to what you had in PS1, but with an obvious penalty here due to ttk.
  4. shadowkhat

    OP your obviously not very bright... or just blind to facts. the scatmax is devastating every variant of it under 20m. max vs max 15m and under scat will win most of the time. 10m or less scat every time. add slugs, and an actual combat situation your going to lose nearly everytime. you get less accuracy less fire rate . combine this with an actual moving target thats shooting back at you and your dead... yes standing still with a target not shooting back a 50m shot is feasible with slugs. try it with a moving target i can nearly 100% bet you i can get to you with a scat max using slugs with 1 LA with c4

    everyone whines and complains about the scat max oh boo hoo i can't charge this max with a shotgun and live through it boo hoo whine cry sniffle... vs max... all AV weapon works just as well on infnatry as it does vehicles rips them to shreds don't lie and say other wise i've been on the receiving end since beta, TR max twin mercies rip through other maxs like paper from a range that the scat max only tickles... stop getting in the scat max's face damn you stupid people amaze me... cry about shotguns because OMG they work as designed.... then they get nerfed.. scat max is great under 20m and you cry about them... while the smart players sit back outside of 20m and shoot them with lmg's and carbines... and never die.
  5. Cryptek

    Gotta love the majority of the NC community: They whine about every aspect of their faction (guns, tanks, aircraft), if someone then dares point out they have something that's vastly overpowered, they throw a fit.

    Next time when you have an actual argument and not the same old 'don't go into CQC with them'. Then come back :p because until then you are simply not worth wasting time on. Try reading the actual post and the problem presented next time.
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  6. Hosp


    Everyone must agree with Cryptek or be wrong.

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  7. Niller

    Good at? NC is a good faction, if you think NC is UP then you need to learn to aim, or change to vanu. vanu are just easy to use, but not best.
  8. y3ivan

    here some more evidence NC max do have its limitations. Most of the previous videos isnt accurate.

    NC max with scattershot Extremely effective VS TR AI max at <10m with 60% HP
    NC max with scattershot with clip extension VS TR AI max <15m with a lucky 40% HP (50-50 odds)
    NC max with scattershot with slug rounds = not tested but will be effective at 20m not more than 30m if it hits 80%

    Technically its only for extreme close range 1vs1 max combat. Which in most cases its a very rare occasion with both Max full health and even if survive the engagement the NC max is mostlikely not going to survive another infantry attack.

    This concludes that NC max with their weaponary has very limited role as a head-on charger and cant be use as a support role. Stock NC max with scattershot is useless, without any upgrades.
  9. Gav7x

  10. Eric Smith

    I call pure unadulterated bullship on that one. I've seen NC Maxes kill at 20 to 25 meters easily using shot. They don't instagib, but they do decent damage and when they can unload 7x2 shot in about 2 seconds they can do some serious damage at a moderate range to infantry - all they gotta do is hit you with 1 pellet per shot and they can drop even an HA with a dual clip. Yeah, it eats up ammo and is not ideal, but they are far from useless, and against a close group it's not even that bad since they can hit 2-3 people at a time. Plus, if they're smart and operating with an engineer or near a terminal then ammo isn't a problem anyway.
  11. Purg

    Call it what you want. I've got 100+ hours as NC MAX with AI weapons. Can they kill at that range against someone who's maneuvering? It's certainly possible but I could kill the same target using either HA, CM, Eng or LA much faster with a higher success rate. If I'm going to waste that much ammo and time on a reload, he better not have one or two buddies nearby.

    I love the 'hit 2 or 3 people at a time' lol. Don't recall a single occasion where I've done that.
  12. Eric Smith

    If you're a scatmax and you're running alone you're screwed if he has a buddy or two nearby.
    If you're playing HA and you're running alone and he has a buddy or two nearby you're probably screwed as well.
    Hell, if you're playing a TR AI max and he has a buddy or two you stand a pretty good chance of a screwing as well.
    In fact, if you're running alone in this game at all you have to be careful about what targets you engage because superior numbers will screw you - welcome to the world of EVERY OTHER INFANTRY IN THE GAME.

    My point is that Scat Maxes are not useless by any means at ranges of 10+ meters, which is what you blatantly and falsely stated. They are merely not as useful because they no longer instagib, meaning that you have to be more of a team player sticking close to an Engy both for repairs and resuppoy - welcome to the world of EVERY OTHER MAX FIGHTING AT RANGE.

    I've seen it happen - walk through a door into a largish room and the scatmax at the other end opens fire on us. I see the guy in front of me flinching even as I'm taking hits myself. That wide CoF and pellet spread you love to complain about suddenly becomes a bit of an advantage (admittedly, no, not enough of one to overcome the lackluster performance at range, but it's better than nothing).
  13. Daswen

    While I do agree with you (most NCs are in denial and dont want to face the fact that our MAX is supperior), you can replace the word 'NC' by 'forum'... :p
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  14. Purg

    I was flippant in my reply about the 10m+ part (I wasn't the one claiming it, btw). My point should have been that at 10m+, you start to benefit more from slugs and that exponentially grows in 5m increments. I just went 71-1 in a Tech Plant - first as attack then as defense. At least 75% of those kills wouldn't have been possible if I didn't equip slugs - and the CQC kills I achieved, I probably would have received a lot less damage. My one death was by an LA who put a brick of C4 at the top of the Tech Plant and waited until I ran up to clear it out.

    If you're a MAX barreling into a room or in a room when enemy run in, you're going to draw the most fire as you're seen to be the biggest threat. 2 infantry can bring you down to ~1/4 health in the time it takes you to reload your Scatters. I believe the Hacksaws are an even longer reload which would probably mean your demise. I feel more effective having an inaccurate ranged shot than no ranged shot at all.
  15. Cryptek

    welcome to the TR/VS MAX at every range ;)

    The NC MAX gets to be superior in one aspect (CQC) since they have 2 shotguns, and they can still perform at range with slugs.
  16. Purg

    Thanks for reminding us for about the 362nd time.
  17. Cryptek

    just trying to match the 600+ times we've been reminded that they have long reloads and are poor (lol) at range.
  18. Ailin

    You guys should try firing slugs on a max once. They're inaccurate as ****. Seriously, it's a drag to play with them.

    Long reloads in CQC do matter a lot, though. And yes, slugs in -actual combat- aren't that awesome even at range, and then up close you're garbage.
  19. Ailin

    It took him 10 slugs out of each gun to kill one person. I, personally, do not find that anything to write home about.
  20. Splort

    I don't think you realize that's the TTK of TR/VS maxes at similar ranges, and they have no option to be CQC monsters.