To all the VS who don't think ZOE Is overpowered

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Ned, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Posse

    I actually won that duel once (of course, the other guy was terribad)
  2. Accuser

    The Striker was nerfed, the Vulcan is inferior to the Saron and Enforcer for AV (if you can aim), and when you make a "nerf Marauder" thread I'll gladly contribute to it!
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  3. Gavyne

    These videos are amazing and worth quoting again. Thank you.
  4. Bill Hicks

    Fracture maxes are not even close to the lunacy of a ZOE max running into a room and murdering everyone. Fracture maxes are only good in certain situations while ZOE is good at everything except maybe being AFK on hill between crossroads and TI alloys.
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  5. ViXeN

    He must have been if you beat him. :D

    And I'm not saying the ZOE will lose every time. I've killed fracture MAXes myself but I'm saying that if you leave ZOE on it definitely hurts your chances of surviving that fight if you're going up against a decent player with a good aim. Those fractures are deadly.
  6. MilitiaMan

    Follow these steps.

    #1. Look at my sig.
    #2. Check my VS chracter.

    I do, and normally beat them.

    Also, Fracture MAX....That is your best defense protecting ZOE?

    Throw Dual Comet + ZOE at a Fracture MAX and see who wins, I can say that personally I win every time.
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  7. ViXeN

    What's funny is that no matter how many times we play this flavor of the month game with things being "overpowered" no amount of nerfing will ever be enough. We see this on every game. Just an endless stream of threads from people crying for nerf after nerf after nerf until the game is a wreck. That's why I avoid the whole nerfing mentality. Once you get started you just never stop. If they nerf the ZOE then whatever weapon you get killed by the most after that will be the next thing you want nerfed.

    Yeah, fracture MAXes are definitely insane. They can kill other MAXes and vehicles in just seconds. The ZOE is mainly good against infantry and it does that really well.

    No, I didn't ask if they were nerfed. Read my question again. ;) And that striker "nerf" was pathetic.
  8. jak

    The problem is actually quite simple, but it's a design issue that the developers continually get wrong.

    NC get a defensive bonus with an offensive restriction.
    TR get an offensive bonus that is only applicable when immobile, which is effectively suicide.
    VS get an offensive bonus plus movement speed increase that greatly mitigates the defensive restriction.

    Simply, you can't give the VS two bonuses (one of which mitigates the negative) while giving the other two empires restrictions that trivialize the advantages. It's even worse considering the extra stuff a MAX gets to choose from (auto repair, flak armor, kinetic armor) actually also GREATLY benefits the ZOE. The ZOE is flat out overpowered because of its design.
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  9. ViXeN

    Looks like my response to this was deleted and since posting it again would probably get the same result, lets just say I had doubts about what you just said. If you want to know exactly what I said, feel free to send me a PM.
  10. Posse

    I win almost every time 1v2 against enemy HAs with my Orion, so what, the Orion is super overpowered? Nope, that's not the case.
  11. Peter Daniel

    Like the Lightning and the Nemesis right?
  12. SnowBro

    Oh must be that VS somehow attracts more skilled players then. Pretty much a perfect example of self-serving bias.
  13. MilitiaMan

    I don't think we are talking about HA, I believe the current topic is MAX units.
  14. S0LAR15

    Well actually, you can give it two positive to one negative if the negative is sufficient. It's not the greatest challenge the human race has ever overcome - balancing ZOE with 2 positive one negative.......
  15. Accuser

    0.75 ADS movement modifier is overpowered. Take that away and the Orion is perfectly balanced ^_^
  16. Qaz

    I guess it's about as overpowered as carbines and ARs with 40 rounds per mag? .75 movement modifier is a useful trait some vs weapons have.
  17. phreec

    ZOE IS OP. Anyone denying it is either delusional or don't want their toy tweaked.
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  18. Xasapis

    Less, considering the shield slows the heavy when he uses it.
  19. Crackulous

    Yes, our max is not balanced at all, and that's why I make the most out of it. Your arsenal isn't exactly balanced either, why rain on our parade? TR has it's own set of farming tools. If anything, only the NC should be complaining since they lack anything substantial going for them.
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  20. Posse

    And you didn't understand the point, your personal experience being an above average player (at least judging from your sig) doesn't mean anything in terms of balance, of course you'll win most engagements.