[Suggestion] To all Infiltrators that snipe

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IronMouse, Jul 7, 2015.

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  1. IronMouse

    When you're standing still it doesn't matter what your K/D is. Also, my K/D changes on a daily basis, so that really doesn't matter.
  2. IronMouse

    PEOPLE, please, get a hold of yourselves! Any class can shoot and kill. Any other class will have faster TTK and more utility than a sniper Infiltrator, though. So yes, sniper Infiltrators are useless. SNIPER Infiltrators, mind you.
  3. metrotw

    QQ more
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  4. FieldMarshall

    If you want to talk about useless classes, LA is arguably worse than Infil.
    Not sure why you are bashing on snipers for poor teamplay when LAs are the most selfish class in the game that doesent bring anything useful.
    Atleast Infils have the option for CQB teamplay.

    LAs can kill sunderers? So can everyone else except infil.
    LAs can fly up on the roof and shoot down at people who cant shoot back?
    Cant really use that as an argument when you keep going on how you hate cowards and people who sit back and pick people off.

    Whats left? Nothing at all.
    You cant really criticize other classes for bad teamplay and being cowardly when you main LA.
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  5. Jubikus

    What? standing still invalidates what you do for you team? and techinally snipers hardly ever stand still they stay in 1 place far away but they cloak take aim shoot recloak move a bit or to cover recharge cloak take aim ect. its gorilla warfare i wonder if the early settlers of USA said the same thing fighting the natives "***** coward hiding behind trees and hopping out to shoot you then hop back behind the tree real warriors fight in firing squad formation".........
  6. stalkish

    ^^Think that about covers this thread.
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  7. IronMouse

    You haven't got a clue of what you're saying. I'm sorry, but that's how it is. LA most selfish class? Cowardly class? Class that sits back and picks people off?

    Furthermore, I'm criticizing a CERTAIN ASPECT of a class with a CERTAIN PLAY STYLE, not the whole class for the millionth time, for being campers and playing like cowards, bordering stat-padding. Poor team play is only a bonus.

    You're not qualified to talk on this subject, don't bother in the future.
  8. BrbImAFK

    Just let it go, guys.

    This dude's just a clueless noob, full of raeg, who simply restates his incorrect, ignorant opinion over and over, while ignoring everything said to him by those with actual experience. Why bother?
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  9. 1Tap2Tap

    Hmm, let´s see how useless I (for credebility purposes: MLG-ready at Sniper Rifles according to DASANFALL) am as a long range sniper with way over 15K sniper rifle kills:

    1) I snipe motion detectors, denying the enemy battlefield data.
    2) I snipe spawn beacons, denying the enemy spawn options.
    3) I snipe regeneration fields, lowering enemys survivability.
    4) I snipe Spitfire turrets.
    5) I snipe AV mines.
    6) I snipe engineers getting out of their vehicles (from tanks to ESFs and Libs) to repair, leaving an empty vehicle.
    7) I snipe MAXes a few times in the head, forcing them into cover (sometimes even kill them) or leave the battlefield for repairs.
    8) I snipe LA farmers on roofs, protecting my allies.
    9) I snipe engineers in their turrets, protecting my allies, soldier and vehicle operator alike.
    10) I snipe medics thinking they are in cover, denying rezzes to the enemy.
    11) I snipe chokepoints and break them up.
    12) By sniping terminals I can delay enemy armor pushes massively.
    13) I spot the entire battlefield, giving valuable information to my team.
    14) My presence confuses the enemy and averts their attention to a target that is hard to find and kill (if positioned correctly).
    15) I can give longrange battlefield information via Motion Darts.
    16) All this from up to 300m away, so i can react to arising opportunities quickly without having to go there first.

    Can your precious "teamplayer" LA do all of that on the fly? Or is it just a farming tool to shoot newbs while sitting on rooftops or drop C4 into unsuspecting groups of players?

    And just on another note, i broke up spawn room sieges and biolab stalemates literally by myself, clearing up to 25 camping enemies per minute who have no idea WTF is hitting them, allowing my fellow NC to push out (just FYI: there are lots of places to be as a sniper, not just hills...the art is to get to those places undetected).

    Important: Please note, this is not about how good of a player I am (there are way better), I just want to give you a little hint what the class is able to do if played in a sensible way.

    What is your battlefield impact, my fellow LA farmer honorable gamer?
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  10. IronMouse

    I am not raging. I am using actual arguments, as opposed to your insults. Also, why do you feel the urge to advise "your guys"? Are they incompetent to speak for themselves? Are you their legal representative? Or are you trying to gather a mob with torches and forks and simply be louder than I am, in the absence of any evidence that could back your claims up?

    I am not a noob, I am not clueless and my opinions aren't incorrect. Opinions can't be incorrect, they are always relative. My opinion is that sniper Infiltrators are generally cowards, people that lack skill so they choose to sit back far away from the battle, and that while IN THEORY they could somewhat support their team, in practice a huge majority is simply picking off cheap kills in order to boost their personal K/D.

    I've already said it and I'll say it again, there are a few exceptions who have my respect. Those are people I've lost CQC battles against, people who have landed heat-shots on me in point blank before I could kill them with my Carbine. They were involved in the battle, near points of interest and not far away like the ones I'm criticizing.

    On a side note, I am pretty sure I am a way better player than yourself in every single aspect. And if I decided to go against my principles and start camping with my sniper rifle, I'd do it way better than you.:rolleyes:
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  11. TheRealNattyIcePS4

    Most (if not all) sniprs in this gaem dont 1 shot kill past 400 meters even with a headshot, so the idea that someone killed you from a mile from the battle is rather impressive.

    Also a good sniper can be seriously effective for taking out people running to objectives, and very good for slaying in defensive fights
  12. OldMaster80

    Why so upset? Sniping is a valid technique of infantry suppression. And it's bloody hard for snipers to keep their position secret so if you get headshotted try to locate your killer and get your revenge.
  13. IronMouse

    Any class can shoot deployables and mines. I know I do. I am not a farmer. I wasn't talking about Infiltrators in general. Yes, you specifically are a camper and a less useful player than you would be on a different class if played well.

    As already stated, any class can camp. But you do it in a worst possible way: from far away.

    Try "farming" with LA, let's see how you do and how long you last. Then report back.

    Campers support other campers, no surprises there. It's like a corrupt bureaucracy. ;)
  14. Jubikus

    the real question is what is your point other than calling snipers cowards? is there one? many other classes and players in general provide less to a battlefield than a sniper ever had a medic just walk by your corpse? a good sniper will preform with just as much score per minute as anyone on the battlefield those points arnt given to you because of stat padding and who cares if it is stat padding? every kill is one less person to worry about every person trying to counter snipe you is even more useless that the ones you killed engineers cant defend their base from armor columns because your taking them off turrets or killing them as they try to snipe with their AMR you can reliably take out tank mines beacons you have a high point advantage so you can take in more of the battlefield to easily mark enemies for you opponent you can deny enemys areas of cover by placing yourself well the list goes on and on the only.

    In all fairness your actually correct we dont have good teamplay were not with the team we simply deny from the sky we provide plenty of help for a battle but we dont do it with the team then again light assaults dont really stick with the team either they deny from the sky. Because a light assult is closer and not sitting still he is therefore more valid in helping the team even tho the actual contribution is relatively the same he is somehow superior because hes not a coward? sorry bro but cowardice isnt a reason for anything its not an argument its just a thing maby an insult but this is a game cowardice means nothing only results do.

    Just reposting this here aswell PS. Sniping does take skill ****** snipers are food for me.
  15. 1Tap2Tap

    Lawl, whatever floats your boat, I guess. Very comprehensive and unexpected answer on your part (not).

    I replied twice to you, so I award you a solid 2.5/10 for this troll/whining thread.

    Go along people, nothing to see here.
  16. Rikkit

    guys guys, this starts to get funy, lets keep feeding the troll :D
  17. Dgross


    On second thought everyone is right. Just a dumb troll. Moving on.
  18. IronMouse

    Dude, your input is meaningless. Should I be honored you replied to the thread I started? Are you some sort of a VIP?

    Good thing there is a perma-crouch button so you don't have to hold CTRL, your fingers would start to hurt. ;) Back to your hill, keep up the good work.
  19. Rikkit

    Ohh and to end this up, with 14.3 hours of total playtime on all sniper rifle, you know nothing john snow.
    So, touch your own nose...

    have fun, im out if here, enjoying the sunshine
  20. Campagne

    Throughout this entire thread you've stated that you think long-range snipers are skill-less cowards that don't contribute to the battle. You have also stated that you do not believe that CQC snipers, SMG infiltrators, nor LAs (with/out shotguns) are cowards in anyway.

    If they can use any sniper rifle in CQC, then give them a pat on the back, they done did good.

    SMG infiltrators and LAs (with or without shotguns) on the other hand, primarily flank other players and frequently run from direct conflict using their respective abilities. Both thrive on shooting players in the back and running away before they can be caught.

    Just like snipers they may stand up and fight head on, and they may avoid enemies at all costs. Plenty of HAs run away jumping around injecting themselves with medical Epipens all the while, just as MAXes charge in the opposite direction when their health gets too low. Not to mention all of the virtually untouchable vehicles dominating infantry with usually literally no risk and very high reward.

    PlanetSide 2 is filled to the brim with cowards, so much so that calling out a specific playstyle for it generates the kind of fiery backbite you have been receiving without end.

    So sorry, but I couldn't help but comment on this.

    Gala apples are my favourite fruit. They are vastly superior to all other types of apples and fruits. But when I buy a Slurpee, banana is my favourite flavour, and I think any attempt at an apple flavoured Slurpee mix is an abomination before the eyes of the Lord.

    My opinion is not incorrect, as it is not based on a fact, but it is not relative in the least.

    Opinions come from the penny store and facts grow from the ground.
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