Thoughts on the new Carbines?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Campagne, Mar 20, 2019.

  1. Campagne

    I'm thinking more along the lines of a missed shot creates an absence of damage for a greater period of time compared to a higher RoF weapon.

    Sort of like a "200.....200.....miss.....200" equaling 600 damage and a "167...167...miss...167" dealing 501 in a slightly shorter period of time. Given enough shots the 167 would over take the 200 in damage per second.

    I suppose that's sort of TTK, but it's not quite the same with something like ESFs with their significantly longer TTKs compared to infantry. Accuracy would have a greater impact on TTK when TTK is quite long to begin with. At least, I believe so anyway.

    I feel like we're starting to loop here.

    If weapon A has a DPS of 1000 and weapon B has a DPS of 1500, even if both weapons only reach 33% of their maximum DPS the difference will favour weapon A.

    1000 x 33% = 330 DPS (670 net loss). 1500 x 33% = 495 DPS (1005 net loss). The weapon with the higher DPS was punished more for missing even before we account for RoF differences. On top of that, the platform with the slight DPS advantage is also considerably worse in the majority of metrics and will be easier to hit that it will be able to hit others.

    The Reaver even with its high-DPS noseguns needs to have the same or higher accuracy while having the hardest time maintaining a higher accuracy. Hence a player with bad aim will do better against a Reaver than in one.

    Forumside at it's finest. :p

    At this point though I'd just settle for something over the NS-11C!
  2. Silkensmooth

    Umm cause ESF are more fun to talk about J/K sorry about the going off topic.