Things that are rare to find?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shadoiex, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Zotamedu

    I only play TR and I do not own the chaingun. I have dual Mercies on my MAX and have tried the Striker and I will never buy it.

    But my Flash does strange barrel rolls all the time. I once managed to flip my Flash after less than 100 meters. That really pissed me off.
  2. Karion

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  3. Yuukikun

    A full platoon of sniper infiltrators
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  4. Bill Hicks

    I died to one yesterday on my TR toon. I immediately logged off and bought some lottery tickets.
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  5. dstock

    Maybe if there was a base remaining in the game with a fire-lane over 50m...

    I love my SABR-13, but everything is CQB now, it seems.

    TSAR-42 laughs at you.
  6. P4NJ

    "common" sense. I'm really wondering why it's called "common".
  7. Regpuppy

    Trying to prove a theory that luck/karma has to balance out after the bad luck of that humiliation? :p
  8. FrankHH

    A TR harasser without the MLG decal and the vulcan
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  9. Shadowyc

    Okay, got another one!
    Anyone who remembers that Phalanx Turrets had their cert chain.
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  10. Pikachu

    A certed TR harasser without ES weapon.
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  11. Bankrotas

    Rare, not impossible.
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  12. darkstarzx2

    Found them all, just not in this game... :rolleyes:
  13. shadowbolt343

    The TR and NC not ganging up on the VS
  14. dstock

    Halberd wants to have a word with you :eek:
  15. Erendil

    Anyone else using Battle Rifles. I see myself use one all the time.... ;)!/5428010618043572337/weapons

    Anyone providing Flash Scout Radar for their Empire post-nerf
    Any ESF using racer frame
    Any NC Vanguard not using the Shield
    Anyone still using the 6x scope on something besides a sniper rifle
  16. MilitiaMan

    Yeah, i've seen this with a Mag also.

    Pretty sure that is the canyon outpost just before you get to "The Stronghold" on Indar.
  17. Kunavi

    MCGs are pathetic. Even more than Lashers. Ultimate TKing though! In TR, it's TRADITION TO TK. So it might after all be good, I don't know.
    Cyclers for MAX? LOL where did you see that? How did you manage to actually DIE TO IT!?
    Striker after "Fix"? Not likely. And if it got you, you're just plain bad.
    I will admit that all Vehicles able to equip a Vulcan, should. If we're talking TR, that is. But as a Faction we got a lot of other problems and +10 Bullets won't solve them.

    VS with no ZOE MAX is rare.
    LA with no C4 is rare.
    Said LA not massacring your MBTs/Sundies is also extremely rare.
    Engie not camping an AV MANA for all purposes is rare(These things are the DEVIL!).
    Dealing with Vehicles in any way that doesn't involve C4/AVMine Suicide is rare. Until AV MANA campers are done SNIPING INFANTRY(Like I do with that). But every other counter to Vehicles(Such as... Vehicles or HA!) comes after all that, even the Harassers; They are busy with Infantry Farms.
    Infiltrators not being Suicide AI Miners are rare. As are Infils with no SMG.
    Lib Tail Guns actually doing ANYTHING is rare too. Belly solves all Libs' problems. Might as well allow Tail Gun to be Dalton too.
    No NanoWeave is rare.
    No MediKit is rare.
  18. darkstarzx2

    You must not have ever seen Connery, then. It's NC vs TR + VS. Or just VS killing everyone and TR not doing anything.

    Oh, there's one: TR fighting VS on Connery.
  19. TheAntiFish

    Shotgun slugs.
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  20. ValorousBob

    I can beat that.


    Sundy in the SCU room of a Bio Lab.

    Hey while you're here, can you please un-nerf the ability of Galaxies to carry non-hover vehicles? That'd be super.
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