Things that are rare to find?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shadoiex, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. IamDH

    Lobster please
  2. Unclematos7

    Decently certed Vanu MAX without ZOE
    NC Infiltrators with the Gauss SPR
    TR medics with the SABR-13
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  3. Shadoiex

    I dont use shotguns. I use carbines (Razor) and excel.
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  4. Shadoiex

    A light assault that knows what he is doing.
  5. VSDerp

  6. Unclematos7

  7. eldarfalcongravtank

    TR MAX using lockdown
    TR using Annihilator
    TR using Skyguard
    TR using Fury
    Anyone using Decoy grenades
    Anyone using Battlerifles
    VS using the Cerberus

    and finally:
    VS Max using Charge...LOL
  8. uhlan

    One day without a whine in game or the forums...
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  9. Tommyp2006

    The Grinder is an NC max weapon, not TR.
  10. Izriul

    Never seen a flabby VS butt.
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  11. Hrafnagaldr

    Nah, I got Ogre Armor + Xenoxus Helmet. I look like something else entirely :D
    Alien Gladiator Lobster!


    Back to title:

    AV grenades seem pretty rare, I gues I never got killed by one. Yet they are pretty good vs. infantry and awesome vs. MAXes.

    Even rarer: never got an vehicle kill with an AV grenade :D
  12. SharpeShooter

    TR heavies use MSWR more than the chaingun

    TR max uses Mutilators more than the default cyclers

    rest is right lol
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  13. Zorro

    Snipers that do not use the "high-powered" BASRs.
  14. Rak

    - VS Heavy without an SVA-88
  15. Infinn

    I love the spr, nice for CQc sniping
  16. Unclematos7

    Yeah, It's almost like a shotgun.:D
  17. NinjaTurtle

    :eek: But.... I ....... Thought ....... :(
  18. Luperza Community Manager

    This made me giggle.

    I see this quite often though... ;)
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  19. darkstarzx2

    Hmm... let's see... Ah, here we go:

    Light Assault's without C4
    Heavy Assault's without Rocket Launchers
    NC MAX with ZOE
    VS MAX with Aegis
    NC HA with Striker
    TR HA with Jackhammer
    Vanguards with Vulcans
    Sunderers with Halberds
  20. daniel696

    Infiltrators without ninja mines.
    Heavy Assaults afraid of tanks.
    Enginners placing AV mines.
    Infiltrators in CQC with Rifles.