There's Something Wrong With the Entire NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Tito

    balancing pop for this servers its bad and worse look now miller every 30 min noobs swaping the factions

    90% players its got 3 car for same servers whot its destroy the pop balance wee know
  2. TheRunDown

    There's no real meta to PlanetSide 2, most only care about Kills these days..
    So when a alert starts and there's a Bio Farm.. everyone is going to Bio farm..

    PlanetSide 1 had loads of (a few) objectives, such as base Generators to take down linked benefits.
    The many forms of crippling bases.. Destroy Spawns vs Disable Generator.. Master Control Terminal, and even going to a different continent to remove the link to your home continent to stop constant attacks on the same base. Ohh and base draining..

    To me PlanetSide 2 isn't PlanetSide and annoying me PlanetSide 2 shares the same name.

    I couldn't care less for objectiveless alerts.. they aren't even team play Alerts any more.. Just a mad dash to grab the most territory.. and get that %1 more than the other empire.. half the empire is farming, the other half is trying to win.. and the stragglers are ghosting..

    We used to have Dome Domination, Power Rush and Technological Advancement.. at leased these made people organised.. some what. Now it's nothing but Caputure XXX in x Time limit..
  3. NLLN

    Awesome post. Everything is right now.
  4. Tito

    wohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo now its VS time 37 word pop gj SOE nice balance pop
  5. Goretzu

    Interesting ideas, we'll have to see how things go from now on.
  6. Lord_Avatar

    NC cool looking? Duh... The only empire looking *worse* than NC are the VS... Which leaves us with a clear winner: TR. :cool:
  7. Jbrain

    first let me say this I love NC and will always play them when I can.

    The problems with NC are multiple sides of the same thing.

    1. The early days of NC were pure hell. A lot of mismatching happened during this time because instead of even distribution of talented leaders the vanu and Tr got stacked.. so to speak.

    2. Even now the mentality and feel of the old days is still there.. it doesn't feel like much has changed that effects our core play.. we have had some nice fixes over the years but I still have much easier time getting kills as Vanu/Tr. I think at up to 100m the faster rpm weapons have very clear advantages.. and are hard hitting slow fire weapon mantra doesn't work so well in small skirmishes. To be effective then our hits need to be harder if this indeed is going to stay as our faction trait. Right now the gause saw has 200 ish dps less than the other two starter weapons.. and if you miss even 1 shell its doomsday to your current skirmish.. So here we have weapons that require more skill to be good at vs enemy more forgiving weapons which still perform great.

    3. People can scream all day long how fantastic nc max is but for people who have used it a lot.. its great in its confort zone.. aka 15 m or less. Very close ranged oriented max.. nothing at all for medium ranged skirmishes.. I bet you 10 bucks you couldn't count the vanu maxes outside while easily counting nc maxes on 1 hand. Something we have known for a long time.. NC max need a medium range option.. be it a rail gun or whatever.

    4. TR Hate fighting vanu at night as much as we do.. so during alerts and random fights we are usually more scattered even if our world pop is good.

    5. Cert differences in Vanu, tr and NC have left vanu/tr with a lot more well equipped casuals. All of those years of being farmed has left vanu/tr with better choices.. Not a huge problem but it still doesn't help.

    6. Reward team players more.. so many people jump factions, run solo, and play this game like their own battlefield game instead of working to win. Do something for outfit rewards, reward leaders, even allow leaders to earn money.. I would be happy to donate money ti wisdomcube and other untapped leaders. Let it be a tab you can click by their name or something. Aside from that.. give platoon leaders and outfit leaders rewards, people who participate in alerts some nice Boosts,skins, free unlocks ETC..

    7. Use the NS weapons to fill in gaps we have for the sake of balance.. id trade my 600/167 for a 750/143 in a blink even if I had to buy it..

    These are my opinions and I have no data to backup my claims about anything. These are just things I have noticed during my time in planetside 2. I feel as the things I have suggested would work beautifully if the devs would or will do it is another matter.

  8. Turiel =RL=

    Here is the deal: NC is the weakest empire and therefore everyone fights NC. You can see about 3-4 hotspots where VS or TR fight NC and maybe 1 where they fight each other. The winner of the alert will usually be who beats NC faster to gain more ground.

    It's not just some sort of conspiracy, collaboration or something. Nobody is planning that. It just happens, because the balance situation favors it. Both VS and TR are making the correct decision of choosing the easier opponent.

    NC just can't deal with TR rpm and the VS aiming-advantage. Our weapons are too slow and too inaccurate and using NS weapons can only fix that to a certain extent, because they are also inferior to their VS and TR counterparts.