There's Something Wrong With the Entire NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. gibstorm

    Yes, cause horde did roll their faces in BGs and drown in the Alliance tears. It was a massacre for a long time

    No one is saying both side don't have all types of players. But certain sides were MORE LIKELY to have certain types of players.

    PVPers tend to want to kill and destroy this means they were MORE LIKELY to roll horde cause of the lore and character design were all ugly and evil.
    PVEers tend to want to save the world this means they are MORE LIKELY to be alliance.

    The end result is a horde team was MORE LIKELY to have more PvP focused players on a team while an Allaince team was MORE LIKELY to have less PvP focused players
  2. Tatwi

    Yeah, I'm going to have to go ahead and agree with this. I rolled an NC alt to play with the slower firing, harder hitting guns and... wow, does the NC ever like to be farmed! "Once more into the breech!" all day, every day without a care in the world lol...

    Even when not in a squad or not in the same platoon, TR seem to naturally support each other pretty well. And that's coming from a person who mostly plays with VOIP disabled (to save bandwidth). The NC ... not so much, in my experience.
  3. QuantumSerpent

    The in-game atmosphere of the NC is undisciplined and uncooperative:
    "Start fighting for real any time now" vs "We can still win this!" Etc.
    TR is disciplined without a doubt. That's the one undeniable aspect of its atmosphere. Discipline and teamwork wins. End of story.
  4. I play by many names

    I have played all three factions. NC always had the most incompetent players, despite having some of the best weapons. Don't get me wrong, there are some top tier players and outfits in NC, but the amount of... special... people in NC was always higher than the other factions no matter what server. TR was always a close second, VS always seem to have the least amount of 'special' people.

    Also, not many people really care about alerts. I know I don't. I would rather bang at 24-48's all day than go to some 96+ garbage fest where everyone is warping around headless with zero animations if the game bothers to render them at all. Dynamic rendering for the lose. If the big fights were as smooth as the small fights, I would love to participate in them, but they aren't despite my FPS being high in all fights.
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  5. TriumphantJelly

  6. Draegnar

    I only join a fight for an alert if its a good fight, this is a combination of factors really but primarily that the lattice systems all about pushing up to bases that are extremely difficult to secure then holding and pushing somewhere else. This groups the players far too much and creates this push - pull ******** you get on indar up and down the halfway cliff.

    If your sides winning at any given moment the fights pretty much a meatgrinder without any real hope of entertainment as the player saturations too high, if your losing you can't fight in the base for the objectives because theres either tanks all over the local terrain, esf's farming any stray infantry or both.

    Then you wonder why nobody wants to participate in this? I can't really explain this without coming off as rude but who would actually choose this, you'd fight those fights, for 10k xp? There isn't a reward of entertainment (more important) or xp thats big enough currently to encourage contesting alerts properly. I'll go to any fight thats good, alert or no, and I won't to any that isn't, alert or no.

    Finally certainly on emerald I think the NC got so used to dodging vanu they do it automatically now, I know I still do, everytime I have a choice between fights TR or Vanu Its basically Magriders / tank laser / orion / hard to see at night (I realise this doesn't effect everyone) or prowlers / banshee. This used to be more even, because of the striker but when they rebalanced this it swung it back to i'd rather deal with TR than Vanu. The night time thing is a huge one for me personally, as amusing as that is for the vanu I'm sure.
  7. Taemien

    Like I said in my initial post. RED freaking HERRING.

    Planetside 2 is a PVP game. Meaning we're all PVP focused.

    You're trying to tell me that the NC is full of Conservative/Libertarian mindsets and the VS/TR are Socialistic/Statist ones?


    That somehow NC is attracting a disorganized Mob vs the TR/VS having a team oriented mindset?

    Sorry I'm not buying it. I've played in Open Platoons on both, and I hear the same types of people, the same ethnicities, the same disorganization/organization as I see on the NC. The fact of the matter is, the grass isn't greener on the other side when it comes to the mindsets of players.

    I've seen the same amount of derping on the TR and VS as I see in the NC. I've seen the same disorganization. I've seen the same cert farming zerg mentality. I've seen the same unwillingness to come out of the spawn rooms. I've seen the same BS on all factions.

    I've also seen the best come out of all three factions as well. On Connery the best outfits (not zergfits) are NC, such as Hav0c and Recursion.
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  8. Alan Kalane

    I LOLed
    You're a lonewolf who complains about other people lonewolfing.
    But I'll tell you why:
    When someone who likes to organise joins the NC (like me) he just can't stand the unwillingness of the others to cooperate. I often landed in the warpgate with my lib waiting for some random to man my Dalton. I could wait like this for literally half an hour, yelling "need someone to man this gun!" again and again, but nobody would join, cuz a lonewolf sniper (90% of NC pop on miller) just won't sink to my miserable level. So now I'm only flying my lib when there's a friend online.

    I have an alt on TR miller and I have to say it's a completely different story. TR is more about loyalty and cooperation and players seem to reflect that. So I usually get a gunner much faster on TR miller than NC.

    And it's the same thing with leading a squad. I am not surprised that people who like to cooperate or lead leave the NC and join the TR or VS. If I could pick my main chars faction again I'd probably choose TR.
  9. FieldMarshall

    On my server, nobody really wants to fight VS. Meaning VS gets to cap everything. While also choosing who to "gang up on".
    TR tries sometimes, hence they have more overall wins compared to NC. When they loose, they blame NC for giving them the alert.
    NC doesent want to do anything other than fight TR, while complaining that TR gives alerts to VS.
  10. I play by many names

    Its true tho. Players don't just join a random faction... usually. They look and decide. Specific groups of people are going to have way higher chances of joining specific factions. It works different for different groups. Take for example the extremely competitive 'try hard' groups. They have an extremely low chance of being TR due to the faction traits of TR not being 'useful' to those types of players. They want accuracy and hitting power, not RoF which is widely seen as a unskilled 'dice roll' trait. Hence VS and NC have a virtual monopoly on that type of outfit/group.

    Basically there is usually a reason someone picks a faction. They want something that it has. They liked it colors. They liked the music. Many many reasons. Very, very rarely is it truly random. Because of that yes, specific groups of people are much more likely to pick specific factions.
  11. KnightCole

    The issue with the NC isnt hte NC, its the idiots behind the keyboards....or controllers, w/e they are playing with. The current NC playerbase on Emerald is such a scrub *** group of people its rather absurd how bad they are. Only times I see them winning is when its 87% to 13%.....

    And then to top it off, ive seen the 13% VS or TR beating off the 87% NC......its absurd how poor the NC players are....
  12. Cinnamon

    VS: Appeals to nerds who think they are smarter than everyone else. Good at sperging out spending many hours learning how to optimise play and making outraged complaints about imbalances on the internet.

    NC: Appeals to kids who think that freedom is cool and others who think that attitude and shows of force are cool. Good at forceful whining and swarming in the most uncoordinated way they can.

    TR: Appeals to people who don't really want to make a strong statement and sort of hope that their team will carry them to victory. Good at doing the right thing when everyone else is doing it and being quietly angry that they are shouted down by VS and NC.
  13. gibstorm

    The same thing happened in MAG. The rebel army group was the biggest but over all the weakest.
    The same thing happened in EQ. Evil smoked good in like 1 month.

    Again no one is saying one side has no good players. It's that one side won't have as many as the other side
  14. cykael

    You completely ignored the fact that Horde had the best racials until human racial was remade. Horde was also underpop on like every server in vanilla and after TBC came Alliance was underpop til like Cata (dunno what happened after that, haven't touched the game since Cataclysm release).

    It has nothing to do with what looks cool, tryhards play on what's the best. Which is kinda funny considering most of the MLGfits are on VS in PS2.
  15. gibstorm

    Again, no one knew that at the start. No one knows what is going to be good until much later.

    You pick and class and race and pray to god in a MMO when it launches.

    If you had to pick between a horde pug and a Allaince pug...You always wanted a horde pug for a long time even if you had no undead in the group.
  16. cykael

    Do you have the numbers at launch? Word of mouth, beta access, wiki and all kinds of info get released on game. When people see that Undead have a significant advantage in PvP compared to other races guess what they are going to choose?
  17. gibstorm

    Most people already have the character underway. If everyone knew horde were the best. The BG lineups would have been for the horde not the Alliance

    Starting over takes time and most people won't reset just for that. It wasn't a huge deal I was a troll rogue I had the worst racial in the game and I was fine

    You can go past wow and look at MAG or EQ or DaoC games with PvP games.

    Max/mining does become important to but it comes later once those max/mins are descovered at end game
  18. Yuukikun

    Let me guess, you think learning stuff in school is useless?
  19. DatVanuMan

    Problem here is that you need a bit more organization. People like WisdoCcube is what you need, only less serious and more friendly. A few people like him who are friendlier and don't abuse comms would do the trick.
  20. Sebastien

    Considering I'm a Mechanical Engineering student, no, no I don't. But when I play video games, I like to switch off my brain and not have to think about where everybody should go, or what they're doing.