The regrets of buying NS-11A

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by VanuSShooter, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. DatVanuMan

    I wish everything new in this game didn't cost 1,000 certs. The Zenith should have been 250, or maybe 360 (New price), and the Terminus could have been 500. The Spiker is NOT worth 1,000 certs.
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  2. DatVanuMan

    Go to the Depot, and click on the Redeem a Code. Type in summerreward, and boom. It's all yours:)
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  3. Neo3602

    @DatVanuMan Thank you very much!
  4. tralalog

    i run the ns11a with compensator, foregrip and hard ammo and love it
  5. LibertyRevolution

    The H-V45 is a CQC medic gun, it is the VS version of TAR, it lacks the accuracy the NS-11 has at mid range.
    When I play as medic I don't do a lot of CQC fighting, I am normally hanging back and shooting guys at 40+m.

    Go to VR and shoot the targets at the far end (50m) with an H-V45, then do it with an NS-11.
    It will take a whole mag to down targets on the wall with the H-V45.

    Here I decided to do it for you:
  6. Lightwolf

    Personally, I love the auto scouts. I'd take one over an smg any day.
  7. cruczi

    Yeah, the H-V45 is less accurate and less damaging at range. I just used it as a counter example to "VS assault rifles are lacking." An 800/143 weapon with 0.75 ADS movement and right angled recoil is not lacking.

    It will still take only 15-20 rounds at most versus VR targets at 50 meters though, you're wrong about it taking a full mag. In the video, you're (assuming that's your video) not even trying to control the recoil, you're just pulling down when you should be pulling down and left, causing you to miss 2/3 the shots. In addition, the VR area is currently bugged, any comparison made until it's fixed is invalid.

    As for mid range performance, I'd prefer CME over the NS-11A. You lose the 0.75 ADS movement but CME has access to adv. grip and has right angled recoil; it's basically the VS medic equivalent of TR T5-AMC.
  8. Heyitsrobbie1984

    Sony should redeem themselves by upgrading the NS-11 damage from 143 to 167
  9. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Isn't the key to long range weapons that you can fire longer bursts without killing your accuracy?
    I know when I hold down a doorway with a Polaris from 40 Meters I don't stop firing only because I already expended 15 rounds.

    That aside, the comparison between the CME and the NS-11 is a pretty valid one.
    I used to run with the CME in beta, when you could still get an underbarrel launcher for it (smoke, rez, I help lessons about it :p).
    the CME has an adv. foregrip and a higher projectile velocity, and you may rightfully prefer that, but looking at all stats, I think the NS-11 has more advantages:

    • The larger magazine size with equal short reload means that you have less combat time spent reloading.
    • The NS-11 not only has 0.75 ADS, but also a better hipfire, allowing for a great mobility.
    • The psychological benefit: A lot of less experienced players associate VS with pewpew and might react slower when confronted with gunshots with white tracers.
    The CME is a great gun, but given the choice to buy it again (I still have ~4000 certs lying around) or using the NS-11 I got for free, I think I'd choose the latter.
  10. Nurath

    It's so accurate! (with grip and compensator, and a nice zoomed scope)

    Much aim

    very hit


    Thanks SOE for giving me a free gun! I feel bad for not using the Cycler but only because I loved it in PS1 and it feels like abandoning a puppy or something...

    But the new freebie is satisfying enough to make me ignore my guilt. :)
  11. Littleman

    The NS series of weapons were always built to be the "low dps, better at everything else than everything else" weapons. The only redeeming quality of the VS's -S variant rifles and carbines are that they can have an underslung launcher. The only redeeming quality of the T32-Bull is that it has an even higher munitions velocity and makes you feel like a bad ***.

    The NS line actually fills a niche with the NC though. They don't have weapons that are "kinda sorta" like them.

    By the way, I love my NS guns, but I do always feel like I'm cheating on my own empire using them. Then I remember that even the LMG has a super fast reload and .75x and I just tell myself it's for the good of the empire.
  12. TheKhopesh

    Well, they're a hell of a lot more accurate and reliable (if only they didn't burn through ammo so fast though) than NC weapons (Reaper excluded).
  13. ATRA_Wampa-One

    The problem is that the VS only has the H-V45 as a close range AR, the CME as a long range AR's, the Corvus, Equinox, Equinox Burst, and Pulsar are garbage, and until the Terminus came out we were completely lacking in a decent all around option except for the NS-11a.

    VS medics are the only class in the game between all factions that have to pay 1000 certs to get access to a non crap gun for their class.
  14. DrBash00

    In General, all the infantry Weapons are not better, just different. So if you want to invest your certs smart, always go for armor or vehicles first, because there you get a INCREASE of ability, while new weapons are just different to the standart gun.
  15. Ripshaft

    I know this is a pseudo necro, but screw it. If you're an achievement *****, which most people these days apparently are for whatever reason, then now you've got 2 identical weapons (provided you got the platinum version) with which to more easily get directives with.
  16. commandoFi

    Well hey, some of us actually paid to get the exact same NS-11 Platinum back in the day (with the Gamestop SC cards).
  17. HappyStuffin

    Love the NS-11

    It's accuracy and precision are unmatched in it's category. I like the sound it makes and it just "feel" good.
  18. Joexer

    duuuuuuude try not to necro
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  19. LAM1975

    Is the NS-11 still available for free anywhere?
  20. MonaclePug

    Apart from the HV45, that thing is amazing
